
The Eerie House

KevinWasTaken · Horror
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2 Chs

The Eerie House (Chapter 2)

The police was there to check in the haunted house.Someone was killed.Everyone was freaking out.The crazy woman that was chasing us earlier was nowhere to found.We went there with my mom and dad.I also met my friends there.We went in.Everything was the same where we were finding the ball,hiding from that crazy woman and running away from crazy woman but....there was something missing in the house....something missing....IT WAS THE BASEMENTT!!The place where we found the ball and Michael kicked the crazy woman down that basement was not there.The area where the basement was,is now nothing....there is a wall in the area where basement."Is t-this were the creepy woman is!?!?!?"I thought to myself.I nervously approached to wall which blocked the basement.I punched the wall with my full strength but nothing was happening.What are you doing?"My mom said approaching to me.

"M-Mommy this is the area where our ball was!"I said nervously."There is nothing here"She said."Yes there is try to break it with full strength."I said."Ok I know nothing going to be here"She said.Then she tried to break the wall with full strength but the wall did not broke."See,there is nothing"She said."Howwww!?!?!?"I said."Yeah look there is nothing there"She said."But ther-".Before I even say anything my mom was not there.I was just standing there in a deep thought."I-is this a d-dream"I thought to myself but it was not a dream.Then something was trying to pull me.I thought it was nothing but then it started pulling it harder.I saw under my legs and saw something horrific.To Be Continued in the next chapter.