
The Grand Duke picked a weirdo on his way

With her eyes half-closed, Astrid felt herself lying on a chilly stone floor, sending shivers up her spine.

"Looks like you've finally opened your eyes. Do you know how long I've been waiting for you?" A voice, both unfamiliar and dominant, echoed in the cold room.

Blinking incessantly, Astrid tried to wake up entirely. Raising her gaze, her breath caught as she locked eyes with him.

"Why am I still seeing him? Didn't that nightmare already end?" Astrid's senses reeled, replaying everything that happened before she collapsed.

She recalled waking up in a forest, getting chased by a wolf, and encountering this stranger who assumed her intent was to kill him and had choked her, despite her protests. She was sure she thought she died, so why was she still here, face to face with him?

"Shouldn't the nightmare end already if he killed me? Is this hell?" Astrid's mind swirled with unsettling possibilities.

Surrounded by an ominous scent of iron that pricked her nostrils and the man ahead of her, sitting like Satan on his throne, overseeing the battered and bloodied figures on the ground only added weight to her ridiculous thoughts.

Raising her gaze, she locked eyes with the man.

Shrouded in shadow, the man's expression held a regal air, while he sat casually, propping his chin with one hand and crossing his legs with ease.

His chair, an imposing sight adorned with intricate carvings, was embellished with gold and jewels that sparkled in the eerie light that lined the walls. The juxtaposition of this opulent chair along with his overwhelming presence with the suffering that surrounded it made the spot even more formidable.

Thinking she had scrutinized him intensely, she immediately averted her gaze to her side and found herself unwittingly placed in the center of this grim tableau filled with injured men, which felt like a fragile flower surrounded by thorns.

The surroundings emitted an aura of unease. The scent of blood mingled with the fragrance of the mansion's exotic blooms, creating a disconcerting harmony. Astrid's thoughts spiraled in chaos as she struggled to make sense of this otherworldly panorama.

Amidst the chaos, she noticed all the men's hands were bound by ropes, their faces resigned to their fate, accepting defeat.

"You look so pale already. But we are just getting started, and I am still curious to know all about you." His voice dropped, intensifying the cold atmosphere.

"By 'start,' you don't mean ending things with my life, right? Because I clearly remember you trying it before, you psycho," Astrid lashed out inwardly, fearful he might indeed kill her for real this time incase he heard her.

"So, you are not one among these perpetrators who wants me dead," Lucifer declared.

This translated to her ears as, "I don't have a reason to kill you anymore." However, the next question caught her off guard.

"Then what are you?" He asked, prompting her to contemplate her existence.

"What am I? Isn't she a human? Doesn't he have eyes to see that?" She pondered in an internal dialogue.

"Please, don't kill me. I don't want to die. I'm begging you. Have mercy on me," pleaded one of the captured men, which diverted her gaze towards him. Observing her distraction, Lucifer's face tinged with irritation.

"I will get back to you after taking care of this nuisance, Little Red. Until then, think of ways to make our upcoming heart-to-heart talk more exciting," he said, redirecting her attention.

Swiftly, he threw a dagger in the direction of the pleading prisoner, silencing him instantly. The dagger pierced through his head, claiming his life in an instant.

"Too bad, now I only have one last dagger left. You're familiar with the rules, aren't you? This leaves you with one last opportunity to make a move. Maybe I should motivate you a little," he remarked, injecting a sense of urgency to the assassin's leader. "Answer correctly, and you and your men can exit the mansion unharmed."

With these words, a blend of hope and desperation flooded their hearts, all eyes turning to their leader in anticipation of the response Lucifer desired.

"So, what did you do wrong?" Lucifer inquired, his voice laden with the gravity of judgment.

"I... I was wrong. I shouldn't have attempted to harm you, Sir Lucifer. I vow never to repeat such an error. Please, spare me this once... please..." The leader pleaded, the desperation evident, while his subordinates remained silent thinking it is the right choice of words and hoping to leave this horrible mansion in one piece.

As Astrid listened, her eyes widened in shock. The name "Lucifer" struck a chord, and her mind raced to connect the dots—magic, clothing style, and the mansion. A surreal realization dawned upon her: she had transmigrated into her favorite novel, the phenomenon that only happens in novels happened to her. But the lingering question echoed in her mind: How? How is that possible?

"I... I must be dreaming," she stammered inwardly, her mind struggling to accept the stark reality unfolding before her.

Her thoughts raced, attempting to process the incomprehensible situation. A single name reverberated like a haunting refrain in her mind: Lucifer. This was her cherished character, the one she had admired and fantasized about. Now, he was the very figure, who attempted to strangle her to death minutes ago—a reality she found utterly indigestible.

A shiver ran down her spine, the dissonance between fiction and reality gnawing at her sanity. It felt inconceivable, unfathomable.

The world around her seemed to distort and blur, almost as if reality itself was mocking her. Her eyes twitched uncontrollably, betraying the internal chaos she grappled with.

As Astrid wrestled with the unforgiving truth, the air around her thickened with tension, a fact unbeknownst to her as everything now appeared void.

Lucifer, witnessing her transformation with a deadpan face, displayed a hint of dissatisfaction. He didn't even start anything, and the girl already seemed to be scared out of her wits.

Seeming irritated by her bodily response, impatient as he is, he cut to the chase.

"Is that it?" Lucifer inquired, probing the assassin further.

"Yes, I shouldn't have attempted to assassinate you, Sir. No... I shouldn't have tried to escape. I would never do that again. So please, don't kill me," the leader pleaded.

Lucifer continued to gaze at him, as if his pleas couldn't penetrate his ears. The leader's fear was palpable, his desperation evident.

Lucifer's calm, deep voice resonated through the still hall. "Wrong answer. You shouldn't have tried to run away if you are going to get caught in my hands in the end. You should have stayed silent. Now, you see what you are making me do. Moreover, you've uncovered my secret, leaving me with no alternative but to silence you."

"I...I..." The leader stuttered, rendered speechless by Lucifer's words.

Attempting to regain composure, he sought to manipulate Lucifer, "I'll be on your side and never betray you. I assure you, not a whisper will leave this room. I'll divulge everything about the instigator, so spare me. I can be your witness," he frantically explored any avenue to evade death.

However, Lucifer's tolerance had waned, and he desired nothing more than to conclude the tedious discussion.

"It doesn't matter," Lucifer smirked, "who is behind you is of no concern to me." With those words, he snapped his fingers, and the dagger soared, slicing through the assassin's neck.

Blood oozed from the wound, forming a small river. The other assassins quivered in fear, uncertain whose flesh the blade would target next.

The room's temperature plummeted, mirroring Lucifer's darkening mood. His gaze turned even colder, sending shivers down the spines of all the assassins.

They all shared the same fear in their eyes, a fear they had witnessed in the people they had assassinated before. It was a fear that felt both familiar and unfamiliar. Despite being well aware of the risks in their line of work, facing death brought regret for their past actions.

"Victor, finish the job and clean everything," Lucifer ordered his butler, his voice unyielding as ever.

"No... please, please don't kill me."

"You monster... You heartless bastard..."

"Didn't you say we could leave the guild after this mission? Then why is this happening to us!!!" A chorus of desperate pleas echoed through the room, along with cursing Lucifer for the grim fate that awaited them.

Neither Victor nor Lucifer displayed the slightest hint of emotion. It's one way or the other, either you kill or get killed, leaving no room for mercy towards those who willingly keep for his head.

In a matter of seconds, all eight men met their demise at Victor's hands.

Amidst the chaos and noise, Lucifer remained keenly aware of Astrid's presence.

Observing her reactions to the unfolding events, Lucifer keenly noted the slightest changes in Astrid's expressions and body language. Trembling, she appeared convinced she would be the next target, much to Lucifer's irritation.

Despite knowing she wasn't among the captured assassins, he couldn't comprehend why she shivered like a dog caught in the rain. Moreover, why bother bringing her here if he intended to end her life?

"Impossible," snorting in disbelief, Lucifer finally stood up on his toes, striding toward Astrid while speaking, "You're not thinking about something else different to what I told you right?" As he approached with a serious face, she was certain he wouldn't spare any means to kill her this time. Especially after facing his rather playful smile, indicating he was about to do something unusually unique for him.

Kneeling down, he matched her height, lifting her chin to meet his eyes, their gazes locking.

"Little red, if you want me to spare you, then smile," he stated with a rather serious expression.

Astrid looked into his eyes, surprised by his unexpected request. This was unlike him—the almighty Duke asking her to smile on the line of her life. She couldn't afford to lose this opportunity, yet she couldn't bring herself to smile in the current grim situation. However, letting this chance slip away was not an option.

Reluctantly, she complied with his request, offering a smile – not one that came from her heart, but rather a crooked and broken semblance.

"Perfect," he commented, before abruptly leaving her side.

The butler, witnessing his master's sudden departure from the peculiar girl, approached Lucifer with curiosity, eager to understand the reason behind his interest.

"Master, why are you with this weirdo? Shouldn't we eliminate her too? She also knows your secret," Victor inquired, his words feeling somewhat out of place in the tense atmosphere.

Upon hearing Victor's question, Lucifer shot him a withering glare that effectively silenced the curious servant. Lucifer's expression unmistakably conveyed that certain matters were not up for discussion.

He redirected his attention to Astrid, who lay on the ground, appearing deathly pale with blood slowly trickling from her neck. A peculiar sensation overcame him, a feeling he couldn't quite place.

Why should he feel any semblance of sadness when she was the one who had intruded into his forbidden forest and misled him?

Attempting to reason with himself only intensified his inner turmoil.

As he gazed at her, an inexplicable sense of déjà vu washed over him—a peculiar feeling of familiarity with the girl before him. It was as if their fates had been intertwined long before this encounter.

"Impressive," he remarked, his voice carrying a mix of irritation and amusement.

Victor, still curious but knew better than to press further, remained steadfast by his master's side, hopeful for any explanation Lucifer might provide.

When he came getting other prisoners from basement his master already caught the escapee and also saw a girl covered in mud and scratches lying in the ground. So he is curious to know who she is.

Lucifer, witnessing his butler's curiosity, eventually relented. "It's something I picked up on my way," he explained cryptically. "Take care of her arrangements and tend to her wounds. Also, we will be heading out first thing tomorrow."

Upon hearing his master's plans, Victor hurried to prevent Lucifer from overexerting himself, "But we just returned from Cardel Kingdom. You should rest and recover before delving into other matters."

"Doesn't matter, time is a luxury we lack now. Also, clean up the scene; it's becoming rather uncomfortable to see blood right before I go to sleep," Lucifer instructed with an air of nonchalance.

Astrid was shocked, realizing that he was the cause of it all.

"Why is he like this?" Astrid felt a profound sense of confusion, her thoughts swirling as she tried to make sense of Lucifer's enigmatic demeanor.

Lucifer swiftly darted towards his room, effectively deterring any further questions hurled his way from Victor.

Whereas, his response left Victor utterly speechless, yet it hinted at a deeper motive.

People often acquired various items during their journeys, but picking up a girl, especially one who seemed so out of place, raised more questions than answers.

"Did the master start a new hobby of collecting girls?" Victor couldn't help but mutter sarcastically to himself, still bewildered by his master's actions. The enigma of Lucifer's intentions with this mysterious girl left him puzzled.

While Lucifer appeared indifferent to the reactions provoked by his actions, the same couldn't be said for Victor, genuinely concerned for his master's well-being. He continued to scrutinize the girl closely.

"Is she an illegitimate descendant of the Royal family?" Victor wondered aloud, lost in speculation about the girl's identity.

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