
Life with the Collins (3)

"We do not need a repeat of you telling my grandmother about the mines. She didn't keep her mouth shut, and Alessandra had to deal with many letters from her relatives wanting to know why their family mines were being talked about. It was already bad enough that her grandfather passed soon after. Do not get involved in our problems," Edgar said, as Alfred only made things worse, though he was trying to help. 

Along with dealing with the loss of her husband, Wilma had to defend Alessandra against relatives who thought she spoke about the mines for attention. It was the complete opposite of what they wanted.

"I will not make that mistake again. I am only saying that you should take into consideration how much it must hurt her to not see her only great-grandchild. Rose is not doing so well since she no longer walks around. Your father and many relatives are by her side at this time. Let Elijah meet her once, so there are no regrets," said Alfred.

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