
The Dragonborn Emperor

Hadrian_darkstar · Andere
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10 Chs

The beginning

The Void

The darkness of the never-ending void is all that I see, It has been almost 1,000 years since I have been here, and while I have been waiting for something to happen for all these years I begin to relive my past lives.

In my first life, my name was Hadrian Augustus Aquila, I was just an orphan from A rich background, My parents died when I was one year old, so I can not remember them but I am very thankful to them for bringing me to the world and leaving me a lot of money and assets to live A very lavish lifestyle.

I live my life to the fullest, hell I even fulfilled my dream to create the biggest company on Earth and become the first Trillionaire on Earth, Most of the people who know me don't know that I am a big nerd, but this is not important, the most important thing I died smiling with content as I fulfilled my dream and left a legacy on Earth to continue growing it.

After that, my soul was reincarnated in Tamriel As Emperor Hadrian I Reman Cyrodiil the son of Prince Juilek Cyrodiil son of Emperor Reman III Cyrodiil, My life as Hadrian Reman Cyrodiil was hard, The life of a prince who lost everything and everyone he knows, My life as Hadrian Cyrodiil is the life of a hero who lived for almost 10,000 years Full of adventures and memories both good and bad both exciting and frightening but I never regretted living in Tamriel, Through this life I learned A lot of lessons that helped me to be what I am, I learned magic and fighting with A lot of weapons, I fought battles and wars, I saved the world multiple times, and then I conquered all of Tamriel fulfilling my destiny to become the emperor of Tamriel and fulfill the promise that I had given to my new parents that I would return our family to its glory, I used all the knowledge that I knew about the elder scroll lore to its fullest extent to fulfilled my dreams in that World to be a ruler, an Emperor that Leeds his nation to a golden age of prosperity and peace.

Well after my death as Emperor Hadrian I found myself in this void and I had been waiting for something to happen for almost 1,000 years, then I saw a blue fireball coming straight at me then it stopped in front of me and it began to speak:" greeting Hadrian, sorry for making you wait for such a long time, my name is ######## but you can call me Rob it stand for.."

I cut him and said: "It stands for a random omnipotent being, yes I know what you are, so cut to the chase and tell me what you want of me"

Then he began to speak and said: "How rude of you to cut my intro, but I need your help, You See there is a universe that you might know of as the world of Ice and Fire or Game of Thrones as people who only watch the show call it, I need to reincarnate a hero to save that world and travel the Multiverse but don't worry I will give you abilities, and some help to continue your work as a hero of the Multiverse"

Then I looked at him and said: "What do you really want of me, I know that creatures like you don't do anything without a good reason and why do you care about that world It has its own heroes to save it"

Then he answered me with a voice that made me question what the hell Is this guy or thought:" HA ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha you're quite smart, but you see I do this for entertainment but I also have a debt to pay to your fathers Akatosh and Lorkan and The biblical God of DXD, They want to reincarnate you to another world and give you the capability to travel the Multiverse and go on the big adventure of a lifetime, but also I need a champion to fight the other Rob champions so it's a win-win-win for me"

I was surprised by his answer and I replied with a question:" Lorkan and Akatosh I understand but I have nothing to do with the biblical God of DXD, so why he's interested in me?"

He answered by saying:" As you know Akatosh and Lorekan are the same entity that is known as the Godhead the creator of the Aurbis, well You see most of the creator Gods in the Omniverse are connected, but the biblical God of the DXD world is The counterpart to the godhead of Aurbis, As you know God of DXD is Dead or to be more precise he cannot enter his Realm because his physical body has been destroyed but with you, in his world, he will be capable of creating his own new body to enter his world" So I asked him the question: "So do you want me to enter the dxd world to help god create his body, but doesn't have to do anything with going to the world of ice and fire".

He answered with a Deadpan voice"You need a body genius and The only place that can give you a suitable and powerful body is in the world of ice and fire"

I just looked at him like he was an idiot and told him"Are you an idiot, that world doesn't have enough magic or any type of power that can help to create a perfect body for my soul you bloody Idiot"

and he screamed at me and said: "You are the idiot, The body of a Pureblood Valyrian Dragonlord can handle a lot of power, and don't worry as I said to you, I will give you any powers and abilities, but with limits, For example, I cannot give you the three O's, but I can give you any other ability, and to make it fairer I will give you a status screen and training dungeons and a Gacha draw in every birthday or in an important location, but I will not give you a full system that will be cheating".

and I said to Rob: "OK, I want Meta Ability Creation and the Bloodline of the Pendragon and King Solomon bloodline from The Nasuverse and I want to be a soldier first class from Final Fantasy 7 like Sephiroth with an anti-Jenova cell or should we call it Minerva cells so there is no alien parasite controlling my mind".

and He answered me by:" Okay I will give you that ability and the bloodlines and I will give you the HP pure-blood wizard bloodline, And about the Minerva cells, If you get them you will be a son of Athena/Minerva, so congratulations on becoming an Olympian demigod, I wish you good luck you will need it". Then he spoke again: "You will be reborn as the Second son of King Aerys II Targaryen and Queen Rhaella Targaryen and by the way your new name will be Aegon Targaryen".

And Before I could protest about the name I disappeared from the point to another dark place.



I sent him to his new life and then I said: "Good luck son, you made me proud even if I couldn't raise you myself in your first life".

Then I saw three figures appear in front of me and said to them: "I completed The deal, he will live an interesting life won't he". And then they all answer together:" Of course, he will, in the end, he is our child".

and I said:" Sometimes I forget that we are all the same person, but Just different aspects of said person isn't that right Akatosh, Lorkan, DXD God". Then we all laughed at the same time, and then I had a voice behind me and it said:" So I can finally be a mother to my only son?" and I looked at the voice and said in a sad voice: "I am sorry dear but we couldn't raise him because of the lows but know you can be his mother and guardian angel, my dear Athena, So don't be sad". and I give her a comforting hug.


The Red Keep


263 Ac

narrator POV

Today is a good day The Queen has finally given birth to the second Prince Aegon our protagonist, Today will mark the beginning of the interesting life of this remarkable child that will change the fate of the entire Multiverse.

Dear readers, don't worry; I am rewriting this story to fix some mistakes and change some plotlines.

Hadrian_darkstarcreators' thoughts