
The Dragon Slayer In ElderScrolls

"The Dragon Slayer Armour Defeated by the Ash One in lothric, as it was left to rust until it slipped into abyss swamp, where it was possessed once again by the memory of the hunt" or so the story goes until it was dragged into the realm of Mundus, landing in the mortal plane of Nirn. Author here, Ill take a while for this to update, as I'm busy with my first novel but this will get daily update I don't own dark souls or Skyrim and I don't own the front cover as I got it from a random google search. So if you're the owner text me so I can take it down or give credit to the owner. Monday and Wednesday for chapters

Emmanuel_Reyes · Videospiele
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15 Chs


Who would have thought just taking a few steps would be my undoing? Ha...That quite pathetic, shouldn't have listened to her. Go outside of my safe spot, fun it would be she said. I mean staying in the den can be a bit stuffing, but at least I wouldn't have to fend for my life.

I crawled out of my hole along with my friend, my antenna was sensing around to see if any predators were around. Most unlikely but it would give me an excuse to never go outside. That would keep her from ever mentioning to go outside. Although I would admit that outside was quite vivid. My friend without a hint of caution would proceed to walk around the blue mushrooms.

Quite daring I would admit, even then it took all of my courage to walk with my six legs. Luckily I have my bad boy blade in front of me that would cut down without a hint of hesitation. Watch out world here I come! As the Elytra proceeds to play with his friend unaware that two adventures were stalking them from a distance.

Jazara and Dovah were gathering a sufficient amount of felldew to be allowed inside of the burrow. They quickly dealt with the Elytra that were outside of the hole. As they chopped off the last Elytra that was needed for the task. Dovah watched as Jazara consumed the felldew. Her vision begins to blur for a moment before it settles down.

Dovah watched as Jazara proceeds to walk into the burrow. Frustrated with himself for lacking a mouth. With worried about Jazara, and the ability to not being allowed into the burrow. After sitting onto a log from the tree mushroom around. He heard a faint voice along with steel begin to clash against an unknown creature.

"Back creature!" as a Red Guard with his curve sword wildly swing at a Grummites. During the fight a small little grummit jumped at the red guard neck, snatching a small medallion while shuffling into the distance. Dovah jumped into the fight while splitting most gummites with his ax. Once rounding up all of the gummites and killing them off.

The red guard was panting on the floor while covered in grummit blood. He offered a smile but he sadly shakes his head. "Ha! What a great fight but that little bastard stole my medallion. He must have run off towards fetid grove! Please help me and recover my medallion."

The red guard realizing his lack of posture "my apologies, I was caught up in my despair. I am Pyke, a former knight of thorns. Although I don't intend to be a knight. I rather still have that medallion. Please help me gain it back, and you shall be a reward, good sir."

Dovah hesitates if he should wait for Jazara or go on his own. Pyke realizing his hesitation offered his help by telling him that the distance isn't too far off Dovah accept the deal as he continues towards Fetid Grove, the direction given by Pyke

While he journeys towards the Fetid grove, Jazara was crawling through the roots of Burrow while trying to avoid the patrol of Elytra Soldiers. Although most Elytra that carry felldew wouldn't go hostile towards her. While searching through a path trying to find a path for the second level.

During that time, Dovah stood in front of the Fetid grove. A large cave with many connected tunnels, some leading towards the dead-end while others would lead to sleeping grummite. That would wake up abruptly while extremely pissed off.

While dovah was having a hard time trending onto the traps from the caves. Jazara ultimately had found a path leading towards the second level. A giant lake sat in the middle with red kelp growing inside. While Jazara greatly bewilders at a lake inside of the hole, she begins to look for the third level of the burrow.

Meantime dovah had just finally finished cutting off the head of a grummite while his foot clump shut inside of a trap. While he had suffered no damage from the trap as his armor was exceptionally durable. He stood off against a group of grummite who were drooling at the sight of prey. At the far back sat a shaman with his crudely made staff.

While dovah embraced himself for a long battle, Jazara was confused as she hit a dead-end for the fifth time. Frustrated with the endless amount of tunnel. She remembered about dovah waiting for her which had given her a sense of urgency. Soon after she heard a sound of crackling while turning around she saw a horde of drone Elytra rushing towards her.

At the exact time, dovah had just finished the last grummite. While he stood face to face against the shaman that was previously clenching onto his staff. He spoke in broken common language "I no have money!" while trying to amble away into his hole. Only for dovah to slash and cut down the shaman.

During the duration that dovah had killed the shaman and had looted the wooden decaying chest. Which had contained the medallion of the red guard knight. Jazara with cut and slash from the Elytra, while finally reaching the fourth and final level.

Once reaching, Jazara stood face to face against a group of drugged people. While she stood facing against a group along with an imperial that wore some skin-tight pants. Dovah had finally reached Pyke, who repeatedly thank them while holding tightly on the medallions. Exactly at that moment, a person came out of nowhere claiming that mediation was his.