
the Dragon's Tribute

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What is the Dragon's Tribute

Lesen Sie den Roman the Dragon's Tribute des Autors doodleboyhokage, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.As Sam, a 17 year-old boy, finds his true identity, he adventures and finds friends and answers of his past. But evil lurks at the far ends of the world and the enemy builds an army of enslaved dragon...


As Sam, a 17 year-old boy, finds his true identity, he adventures and finds friends and answers of his past. But evil lurks at the far ends of the world and the enemy builds an army of enslaved dragons and warlocks. and Shiro tries to find a way to save the world from evil.

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Acceptance (AOT FF)

Disclaimer: Cover art is not mine, found it on google images with no one to give credit to. If you know whose art is let me know and I’ll either take it down or add their socials to the description. This is the story of Masashi Ackerman (Twin brother of Mikasa). Naturally gifted if not more so than Mikasa, Masashi keeps watch over his sister as she is his last surviving family member. While thankful to Eden for saving them he doesn’t understand his sister’s idolization of Eren. Focusing more instead on the outside world that Armin’s book talks about and wanting to one day see it for himself. Going as far as wanting to one day join the survey corp to reach it. However he’ll no longer have the peace of mind of his sister being safe inside the walls while he explores when the titans decided to invade the walls. Now he must keep his sister and their friends safe from the threat. Author’s Note: I really don’t know much about AOT, but with the new episodes airing for the new season I began to rewatch the whole show. This made me want to write a ff for the show to add something to the experience. Not much will really change from the story I don’t think, this is mostly to just add myself into the storyline. As well writing my own fic where the person isn’t a reincarnator and have crazy abilities that completely negate the threat of the titans. This probably won’t be for most people since not much is changing, but it’s what I would want to read. Hope you enjoy.

GooseyGoose · Anime und Comics
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1 Chs
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Volumen 1
Volumen 2 :The New Acquaintance
Volumen 3 :The Escape


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