
H.O.T.(Haughty Ominous Twat)

As I strolled in the hallways, the wails of that blonde increased, and I rolled my eyes. Seriously? Why was she so dramatic. Of course! To get Axel's attention! That wench! I knew I wasn't the appropriate person to grumble about his private life, but I was about to become queen, yes forcefully, but I still was going to adorn Axel's side. Considering this, I had no intentions to be the subject of murmurs and mumbles in this palace regarding my misery because of the king's devoided attraction towards me and interest in his mistresses.

Pride. I had pride.

I regained the last ounce of power as it surged through me and transformed my pantaloon which nobody had enough self-restraint and patience to get rid of me, into a graceful chiffon blue gown with transparent long, silky sleeves cut up to my biceps. The long chiffon trail of my dress slithered behind me.

"So much for a sexy woman." I riposted as a smug smirk laid upon my face.

I was a little girl, but until you invaded my borders of pride.

The woman was enveloped in Axel's arms, and I had to admit I felt secondary, just like always. I was never a subject of men's attention.

His head snapped up, and his glare made chills slither up my spine. Grey snorted beside me as he eyed me in disbelief. Axel's grip on the blonde's arm tightened as he gently pushed her to his side. Her futile attempts to hold onto his shoulders went in vain.

"Rebel," he growled at me as a smile crept up my lips.

How I could restrain myself from laugh is still a mystery to me. Perhaps Axel's blue orbs boring into my soul as his nostrils flared suspended me.

"My room. Now!" He roared, and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Good. We have to talk." I retorted but followed his wish as I sauntered to his room. Wait, it turned out our rooms were separate. That was good, but where was his room? Fuck! I appeared cool, and if I turned to ask that, I would crumble my image. Damn it!

"Grey!" The penetrating voice rumbled through the hallway as Grey approached me.

"My lady," he addressed me with courtesy as he led me to that jerk's room. As we rounded the corner, Grey parted his lips with crooked neck:

"I may come as unruly, and I must apologize for that, but what did you do to our priestess to startle her?"

Priestess, huh? Was that woman a priestess?

"Next time, I will ask her to bless me instead of snaking between her legs."

Grey gazed down at me as his eyes widened and his brows lifted in surprise.

"Between her legs?"

"Yep. I turned into Axel and tried to clown with her but in the middle of a…an act, my power slipped from me, and my body remained in Axel's form while my head returned to my normal one."

Grey let out a hearty laugh as I couldn't hold it in as well. His white hair danced across his forehead while his greyish-blue eyes turned into soft and alluring, boyish eye-smile. Gosh, he was beautiful!

"Unfortunately, I must break it down to you, my lady. She will curse you."

"Pft, any more than god has by emerging Axel in my life?"

"He isn't that bad, my lady. Trust me."

I stuck my tongue out at him, and he chuckled softly.


We sauntered forward as he casually chatted with me. Like nothing happened minutes ago, and I felt my shoulders slump in relaxation. I liked this guy.

"Yeah, my lady?"

"I like you."

He turned his gaze to me with that charming smile that could make any female weak in her knees.

"Oh, really?"

Soon, a smirk adorned his sharp features as he glanced down. A cute blush covered his cheeks.

"Yep. You are tall and hot." I playfully chirped as I bend my upper body towards him.

Grey shot me a stunned and amused expression as he quirked his eyebrows.

"And I like you because you are brave and prideful, my lady."

"Where does that come from?"

He pursed his lips as he shook his head as if registering the situation.

"Well, you scolded Femme, and I think jealousy is not in context. Yet, at least. You felt dishonored, I assumed."

"I was joking. I like you because you seem reliable, loyal, and easy-going."

Grey took in my words that were changing the subject but then beamed at me.

"Ahem," I fake-coughed.

"Yes, my lady?"

"I complimented your appearance."

"Yes and thank y… Oh!" Grey shot me an amused and warm gaze as he caught on to what I was implying, "You look gorgeous, my lady. You are a beautiful woman and should be grateful for your looks."

"How do you know I'm not?" I protested and crossed my arms on my chest as the dress started to fade away and vanish into the sparkly blue dust.

Grey just motioned with his arm at the door at the end of the hallway. The shadows swirled in front of it and stung anyone daring to take even a step forward.


We heard a stern voice echoing in the hallways and turned around to face the raging king striding towards us.

"Grey," I wanted to ask him if he had to leave, but his eyes gave away the answer.

He just flashed me a reassuring smile and withdrew few steps back, bowing at his king.

I pushed the door open before Axel could yank me inside and entered the gloomy room. Black huge bed, black curtains, fluffy black rug, black books.

"Dude, if you have depression, just admit it already. Maybe I'll hire a doctor for ya," I joked, but as I faced his fury, I zipped my mouth. Wait, just one more "Okay, no doctor. Just depression."


I shifted uncomfortably in my position, which gave me chills because I looked like a dot in this vast room, especially with him inside.

"Look at me!"

Axel strolled towards me, and involuntarily I backed away. Was he going to kill me? At least kiss me before you do it, you idiot!

Axel quirked his eyebrows as he swiftly grabbed my arm and yanked me to him.

"I'm not going to kill you, and if you are so desperate, all you have to do is ask."

My eyes jumped out of their sockets as I wriggled in his grasp. He was reading my mind! He was reading my freaking mind!

"Yes, and we've got to do something with your mental shields."

I glared at him as I stepped on his foot but was met by an emotionless face.

"Like you care. Let me go, you brute!"

"No, unless you tell me why did you do that to Femme." He said through gritted teeth as our faces were inches away from each other.

"You can't wed me and fuck anything that walks."

He snorted and lifted his eyebrows, "Stop with that bullshit. Not my woman yet, and you are already that jealous?"

I had enough. I twisted Axel's arm and freed myself. I staggered backward as he stood there unfazed, acrimony written on his face but not because of my move.

"You jerk! I am about to become the queen! You claimed it yourself, and if you disrespect me like that, everyone will!"

Axel stayed quiet as he seemed to consider my words. Not, bad huh?

"Shush your chaotic thoughts."

"Excuse me?"

"You are excused." He said calmly, not even looking at me. I was flaring and feeling my body being set alight. "Hey!"

A deep voice vibrated in me and snapped me to reality. His eyes urging me to submit to his order.

"Cool down, Rebel."

I inhaled and let my tensed body loosen a bit.

"Good. Femme is my priestess Grey would have told you. Disrespecting her is unacceptable."

"She was fucking my bedsheets!"

Axel inhaled deeply, stuffed his pockets with his hands, and closed the distance between us, "You are reasonable for being angry, and I'll never let anyone cross lines with you, but you shouldn't cross them either. If you want to be treated like a queen, act like one."

Don't look at his muscled upper body. Just don't!

In an instant, the blue eyes filled with lust as the golden flecks flickered in his irises, and a smirk tugged on his lips. Soon, gawking at his chest was a relief for me and less embarrassing.

"Femme is favoring you by offering me herself."

"How so?" I blurted out and regretted draining myself from energy, or else I would have vanished.

"You wouldn't."

I snapped my head up and faced his smug expression.

He slightly tilted his head as his melodic voice caressed every inch of my body, precisely my southern parts.

"If I block a person from their powers, they will not be able to use them."

I gasped in shock. That was a gruesome skill. Could he really?

"Now about Femme. Rebel, I'm more dragon than a human. My urges and needs are far more fervent than of werewolves, griffins, or anyone for that matter. I can suck the pleasure out of women for days non-stop."

I audibly gulped as I shuddered under his intense and sinister gaze.

"Femme is a strong sorcerer and can handle my advances but believe me, if it were you," he bent down to my eye level as it was barely relevant to call 'eye level.' Axel's blue orbs waltzed with my needs as his breath ghosted my nose. He smelled of something cold yet hot and of raindrops too, "You wouldn't last half a minute."

I choked on my breath as I coughed while he answered my state with a low dark chuckle.


"So, sweetheart, I will dismiss others, but as for Femme," his lips remained in that dark lopsided, mocking smile I wanted so much to wipe off his face, "I will release her if you replace her."

I fumed and glared at him as I felt something heavy in my stomach, like robes knotting there. It was so hot and intense that my eyes watered, and I forgot to breathe as it became an impossible task for me. Dizziness and some unknown unfulfilled emptiness seeped in me.

"What's wrong, angel? Will you cum just by my touch?" Axel growled, consumed with the exact needs I supposed.

Axel's lewd words would have earned him a punch or kick in his untamed instrument, but right now, I was in a haze. I shivered as his rough fingertips glided my sensitive arm. At this point, every part of my skin became sensitive to his touch.

He growled in approval as his strong arm wrapped around my waist in time before my legs turned into a jelly. Axel inched towards me before his lips ghosted my ear shell. "I'm sorry to make you feel like this, little girl."

Axel's velvety voice flowed in me as it embraced me, then I became numb as darkness consumed me, and I felt being scooped up.


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