


Fire blazes over the village, burning anything in its path. Pleads and cries of terror, hung in the air, making the rainfall of ash and smoke more iconic.

Panicked crowds and mobs ran in all directions, others moving away, staying in line or getting trampled. One man ran into a house, hearing the cries and begging of children within. Once he reached inside, he coughed at the thickness of smoke within the house. The cries were sung behind the whoosh of flames, as the man swiftly but surely reached the stairs of the house.

He ran upstairs heading to where the sound was coming from, a closet. He opened it and found two children huddled over one another cry and yelling for help. He shushed them lightly as he both brought them up his arms and ran out of the house. As they got out the house, one of the children fainted the man put a finger against his neck and breath a sigh of relief as the child was breathing, the other kid was still crying, clutching the man's shirt as he put them down in a corner, wipes the tear from the awake child's eyes and asks;

"What's your name, kid?"

"Tommy... Tommy Innit..." the child sniffed, his voice laced with some British accent.

"And your friend?"

"T-Toby Smith, sir, but I call him Tubbo..." Tommy sniffs, the man ruffles Tommy's hair.

"You gotta get outta here kid... Gotta stay away from the fire," the man says, Tommy sniffs and nods.

"Can you carry your friend?" Tommy nods and proceeded to carry his friend behind his back.

"Thank you..." Tommy mutters as he then runs away, from the man, Tubbo behind his back. The man smiles as he stands up and starts to walk around the village again.



The man kneels aagainst the soft green grass, tears glossing over his eyes as he looks over the bloodied hole in the middle of his torso, he's run this far and it's shining dawn. He looks over the plain field he is faced with, the sun rising painfully slow as the hours clocked by. The man looks hopefully to the sun and mutters:

"O lord, let me provide help as soon as ever in the future... Even to punish me for what I have sinned, please give thou people mercy... My time has come..." the man says, as he falls tp the ground eyes glossy, cold and dead.

A sigh of the wind blew a strand of the sun, directly towards the man, but along with in was a strand of the Blaze that came from the Nether Fortress, and a strand of an Enderman, fresh from the End . And as a musician passed by, a strand of music landed on the man. Alas he turned into a disc, it is red with a black center ring and for centuries it has been laying there, beneath the sodden earth and moss above.


Tommy growls as he sat onto the dirt, overlooking the plains, set with cows, chickens, sheep's and lambs, but most importantly, bees. He smiles to himself, remembering Tubbo's face when he sees a bee.

Two wars has already made Tommy exhausted, but it can get worse before it gets better. Suddenly a hard object laid beneath Tommy's arse as it made him uncomfortable.

He sat up and dug up the dirt, revealing a shiny, red, black and broken disc. He cocked his head and rose an eyebrow what was a disc doing here buried?