
Chapter 1 : A New Hope For Humanity...

In the year 4000, there's been a recent outbreak of gate dungeon portals and alot of people died in this year about half of the human population. We didn't know what attacked us but we do know it wasn't from this earth. A special human task force called the Death Eaters Alliance (DEA) was formed and they are the last defence and hope for the human civilization. Everyday new adventurers are made and they travel into these portals for a year, but in order to enter you have to meet the specific requirements so that you can test your abilities.

In the recent years I've seen alot of people come in and never make it out in one piece and there's also one dungeon portal that everyone is afraid of """The Devils Gate""". The devils gate was the first one to appear and it is said that it holds so much treasure that it would set you for life but at the sametime it is filled with dangers beyond compare thus it is located on Graveyard Island which is where Hunters take their last breath which was known as Paradise island that was taken over by these foreign creatures. Now humanity has built a large stone wall called the Red Death Line that separates us from them, Humanity was forced to retreat to the other half of the world.

The time for the Adventurer Era has begun and alot of people have formed parties to go into these dungeon portals and they are known as Hunters. The Dungeon Hunters don't bend to the governments will they do as they please and that's why I "Dilroz K Aris" will become one of them someday and I'll even become the Hunter King who will rule over the Devils World but in order to do that I'll need to form a party so I can begin my Journey.

The """Devils Gate""" holds a holy weapon that even the Monsters are afraid of. It is said that the one who holds this sword will become the new king of the world. I will rule over this world and that's my one and only wish "To become the King of the Hunters and the Demon world.

Aris" Haaaa Finally it's time to set out.

An old man walking using a tall and large sized cane appears infront of Aris's house.

Rokras" So brat its finally time for you to set out and make your own way in the world.

Aris" Old man Rock, came to say goodbye ? That's abit too sentiment for you.

Rokras" I just came to try and stop you from endangering your life like your dad did when he was still young and naive.

Aris" I'm afraid I can't do that, my father set out to do the same thing, to obtain the Legendary Treasure of the world and become the king of the Hunters, and he hasn't come back since.


Aris" By now he's probably dead, so that's why I want to do what he couldn't do and become king and take The legendary treasure of the most dangerous Dungeon.

Rokras" Well brat. I guess I can't stop you if that's how you feel, but be careful out there you'll encounter alot of dangers than you think.

Aris" Thanks old man, take care of yourself too.

Old man Rock takes out a sword from his cane and gives it to Aris.

Rokras" Brat take this it might help you on your journey ahead.

Aris" Keep it old man I don't need it.


Aris" Ok fine I'll take it just stop your nagging already.

Rokras" Take this map too it will guide you to the Red Death Line.

Aris" Thanks Gramps, I don't know where I would even start without it.

Aris sets out for his journey to leave the Small island city he lives in.


Aris" Damnit it's her...


Aris" With what exactly ? Me and you have practically hated each other since childhood.

Eisner" That's true but now were 16, practically teens, there's no need to trouble ourselves over childhood squabbles.

Aris" Ok fine then what can you help me with ?

Eisner" Grandpa Rokras said you needed a map reader and expert so I guess I can help you with that.

Aris talks to himself" She's right. I need someone to read the map and I don't exactly know how so she'll make a great addition.

Aris looks at Eisner.

Eisner" Well ?

Aris" Fine but I'm your leader so don't forget that, another thing we need a ship go sail or we aren't leaving here.

Eisner" Good thing I thought of that.

They walk to the folks at see a large ship waiting.

Aris" Wooowwww that's a huge ship.

Eisner laughs at Aris.

Aris" What ?

Eisner" That's not the ship. The ship is the one next to it.

Aris" That's pretty small, how will a whole crew fit in that ?


Aris" Let's set sail, it's time for an adventure of a lifetime. Let's gather up a strong crew so we can sail to the Red Death Line.