
The Devilish Charm of the alpha

WARNING MATURE CONTENT|| Faith changed for a young human princess when she met the monster among men the golden werewolf and became his human luna unknowingly. The supernatural world was unknown to humans or so they thought until everything changed when the princess was chosen as the luna of the monster. "His charm level is off the chart anyone would fall for him, well almost everyone," the princess said to herself as she stared in his jade glistening eyes. Hated by the humans the werewolves were being hunted one by one and among them was the alpha, a werewolf at night and knight by day became the bodyguard of the princess who did not like him at all nor did he like her. Both of them were from different worlds, their cultures are different along with their belief but things started to change for the both of them when they started to share each other's feelings. What will the princess do to save him and his kind? "Will she be able to change the human's mind about the creatures or will she perish along with her lover?

Darkswan · Fantasie
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277 Chs

To belong

"Sorry Amias, I am glad you are okay along with the other," she said and he smiled as she wrapped him up with the bandage. 

"Well I am done," she said. 

"Thank you, Minda," he replied and she smiled as she got into bed and he sighed while looking at her

"You okay?" he asked. 

"Yeah, I... I am just fine, good night," she responded as she closed her eyes and clenched her fists as he kept on looking at her.

"Minda.." he called out but she fell asleep and he sighed and then went to his room to sleep. 

"We might understand how each other feels but this is the furthest thing from a relationship," he thought as he went to take his nap. 

The next morning when Minda got up she sighed then went to freshen up. 

"Why do things feel so weird?" she asked herself while standing under the shower. 

After the girl finished she got dressed and left to the dining hall when she bumped into Kai and he smiled.