
Iron Clouds

Futrina was walking, despite the fact that her bones creaking every time. She and her brother liked to walk.

"No cursed illness spoil my pleasure of walking!"

The Green Monk's Village was looked dead. Dried ivies wrapped the houses. Rot evaporated in the air.

"My heart still alive, brother, and I can keep finding you! Kolium may give me new hints."

Every her step was in pain.

As if by chance, Tynlady came out with a crutch. Yarog's treatment worked a miracle.

Futrina stiffened up. The tread became firm. Tynlady noticed these abrupt changes, but did not show it.

"Hello, Aunt Futrina!" the novice waved a small palm, to which she received a casual nod.

The streets were deserted. Some residents plowed, some helped rebuild the western part of the village, some were in mourning. The tart dawn, illuminating the empty roads, faded.

"What devil?!" the bengoian shook his head in search of light, Tynlady is not visible. Not a soul nearby.

The silence was buzzing in my ears. The harsh darkness hampered movement. The pain in my knees was growing. Futrina was sweating in the midst of silence and a black veil.

The novice's silhouette appeared.

"Futrina? Are you all right? Are you scared by the Iron Clouds?"

"It's so dark in here!" the bengoian did not hide his fear.

"Eh? Wasn't there the same lighting during the last battle?"

"I'm afraid of darkness, silence and loneliness—all together," Futrina blurted out, belatedly lashing herself.

"My demonic tongue, a tongue without bones!"

She prepared for ridicule. Even a harmless laugh would cut Futrina's pride to the point of bleeding.

However, a strange thing happened. Tynlady, without breathing, lit a candle,

"Loneliness and darkness are really terrible. Iron Clouds are a good example."

The novice's face flickered coldly, like a bone plate. Futrina swallowed a viscous lump.

"If you want, I can accompany you, Aunt. The Familiar White Candle burns brightly," pain in Tynlady's voice.

"Have it your way," Futrina hesitantly agreed.

"What happened to her now? And why such pain?" Futrina looked at the left side of the Tynlady.

There is a lot of grief behind it. However, for the first time, at least something like sadness is visible. Futrina's panic receded. The darkness was no longer completely impenetrable.

"Where do you live?"

"In a hotel on the other side of the village."

"It's far away. I suggest you wait at my place. You like to eat. I can offer you a very hearty dinner." Futrina is not a fan of visiting guests. Despite the detachment, the Bengali agreed. Food was Futrina's weakness, which Tynlady knew and used for selfish purposes.

"Iron Clouds are a rare phenomenon."

"What is it? The leaders of my tribe did not mention them."

"At death, Scab turned into smoke before Faha could get within three feet. According to legends, Skab's soul turned into Iron Clouds, the quintessence of his malice and unsociability."

"Of course, Skab was not famous for gullibility. All the way to the top, the Black Lord walked alone. A loner and died. How else, there was a White Light on Faha's side."

"And?" Tynlady grimaced, "Do you consider unsociability to be the root of defeat? Gee-gee! I object."

"Well, well, baby." the novice did not react to the jokes. "The path of loneliness is cruel, like a night in a wild forest; friendship is a benevolent day. Walking at night is dangerous, difficult and scary. Most travelers prefer to stick to each other, gathering around a campfire at night, and walking during the day. Night travelers must have power. Loneliness means that you can only rely on yourself. Such personalities are firm and indestructible. Whether there are fewer or slightly more enemies, has anything changed?"

Tynlady grinned.

"Scab challenged fate with his talent one and almost equaled Faha."

"Against talent four..." like many inhabitants of the Celestial Empire, Futrina heard about the First White Lord. "For Skab who has gone through millions of vicissitudes, this expert became the last opponent, "The difference between talents 1 and 4 is incomprehensible only to cretins. Scab himself understood this and wanted to solve Fah before breaking through to the divine suit."

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