
20% Rise?!

Chen Ming was pushed inside the cell once again, and this time, he was locked in a cold, dark place surrounded by walls on four sides. Even the door was locked up from the outside with only a small outlet to send food inside. There was, of course, a toilet in the corner, a washing place, and a small wardrobe. Except for that, there wasn't anything other than a small grilled ventilator above the ceiling that showered moonlight inside.

The only light he could see was the one that fell from the sky onto the ground. Right now, it was already late evening and the moonlight shone brightly through the grills.

He walked over and sat in a corner, frowning.

From what he could see, he couldn't make an escape this time. Sure, that golden pup sacrificed himself, but the soldier still ended up catching him just as he was about to cross the border.

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