
Chapter 119: Civil Wedding


Hello guys I know it is unexpected update but I will be uploading in advance the Chapter update for the Next Saturday because I need to do something on Saturday so yeah the next update will be on January 22, 2022

Happy Reading 😀!!!!!


Jeffrey looked at the huge crowd of people. More like reporters who all wanted to get a view on the wedding of Derrek and his commoner fiancé. He stepped out for a moment, he doesn't want to stay where Axel and his friends are. They are making him feel suffocated specially Axel with the scent of his alpha. "Hey are you ok?" Jeffrey looked at the man beside him and gave him a death glare.

"I avoided the invitation of Axel and accepted yours only to find out that you two are talking about the same event. And now I have to endure that horrible scent." Jeffrey mutter under his breath. "Damn it how can I forget about that crucial thing. Fuck the common friends."

"Hey Jeff, are you not feeling well?" Adrian asked again.

"Do I look ok to you?" Jeffrey said. "Why is there so many people? I thought this is just a civil wedding?"

"About that Derrek's parents made sure to invite important people in this intimate civil wedding and I don't know how did the press knows about this." Adrian just shrug his shoulders.

"You know Auntie, everything becomes grand whenever she's there." Lance commented.

"Lance, you are here too." Adrian greeted.

"It's Derrek's short noticed wedding." Lance shortly response.

"Yeah, probably the biggest and most controversial civil wedding of all." Terrence added.

"Terrence!" Derrek happily hug his friend which got Jeffrey's attention.

Jeffrey intently looked at Terrence the very man who is pinning and cornering both Raven and Victor.

"Where's Chester and the kids?" Adrian asked trying to lighten up the mood.

"Kitten and the kids went to greet my parents. Probably Mom and Dad will take my boys off of my wife's hands so he can catch up with the others." Terrence answered like he's answering an acquaintance question.

"You are friends with him right? You should answer him more friendly next time because I believe he asked you with so much enthusiasm." Jeffrey sarcastically said.

"Well I guess I still haven't move on yet with what happened that's why I'm quite bitter towards him but it seems my friend here already move pass his past and ready to face the future…. With you."

Jeffrey laugh. "I think that's the right thing to do, isn't it? I mean I will be Mrs. Rocchi sooner. It's good that we are having a good relationship. Don't you want your friend to have a good relationship with his soon to be wife?"

"Of course we all wanted that after all happy wife, happy life." All of them looked to where the voice came from.

"The actor Zeejay." Jeffrey said.

"Hello. It's nice to meet you again." Zeejay extended his hand for a hand shake.

"So where's Jules?" Zeejay asked.

"Work, he only stopped by to see his wife and dropped Clarence here then off he go." Terrence explained.

"Clarence is here? The ambassador?" Jeffrey asked.

"What's he doing here?" Jeffrey asked.

"None of your business." Terrence said before leaving and soon after the rest of the boys left leaving only Jeffrey and Adrian.

"So we are the out cast now." Jeffrey said. " a bottle of tequila and cigarettes is a good companion right now." Jeffrey sighed.

"Hey, I'm sorry if they act like this. They are not really like this. They maybe crazy but they are good people. Their hearts just broke because of what happened to Nash. I mean Nash became part of the family too that's why but once they know the real you, I mean they will take a liking to you too." Adrian assured.

"Whatever, I'm going to take a look around. Civil weddings shouldn't take this long but I don't know why it had taken this long." Jeffrey complained.

"I'm sorry it's probably Auntie's doing. Anyways go have some fun." Adrian said.

"Whatever." Jeffrey stepped outside to get some fresh air. He walk a little and decided to sit on the side of the fountain where he took out a cigarette. He searched his pockets for a lighter but he found nothing which made him sighed.

"Hey can I light you up?" Jeffrey looked at the man who offered him a lighter he was amazed by the manly face of the man in front of him. Unlike those handsome guy friends of his fiancé the man in front of him looks so manly and sturdy. Someone you can absolutely rely on.

"Sit." Jeffrey pat the empty space beside him. "I'm Jeffrey by the way."

"Nigel." Says the man. "Why is someone like you sitting here all alone?"

"Hhhhmmm because it's lonely going back inside." Jeffrey said honestly.

"Same." Nigel said blowing a smoke of his cigarette. He doesn't want to be inside where he can see Lee and Dexter together. Months have passed since he left the mansion and the first time he saw Dexter again is him with Lee glued together.

"A bottle of tequila and sex would've been nice don't you think?" Jeffrey said.

"Yeah but I don't think that suits you how about just tequila then?" Nigel suggested.

Jeffrey turned to his side and looked at Nigel with a smile on his face. "Hey I wonder why recently men that I'm asking to have sex with me doesn't want to have sex with me. Do I look ugly?"

Nigel reached out to Jeffrey's face and turned it to side to side as if inspecting it. "Nope, as a matter of fact you are very pretty."

"If I'm pretty why not sleep with me?" Jeffrey asked again.

"Maybe perhaps I'm not looking for someone to sleep with?"

"You're funny. Tequila then?"

"Tequila." Nigel said, later he took off his coat and wrapped it around Jeffrey's shoulders.

"I thought chivalry is dead." Jeffrey commented.

"Well it's not dead but perhaps rare and almost extinct but definitely not dead." Nigel explained.

"Hey I like guys like you." Jeffrey smilingly said.

"You are flirting with me." Nigel laugh.

"Well it seems my advances doesn't work so yeah but it's really nice meeting you. You are making this boring marriage something funny."

"Yeah this will probably the civil wedding of the decade." The Mom of the groom is renting the whole civil registry.

"Are you a friend of the groom or the bride?" Jeffrey asked.

"Acquaintance of the groom." Nigel answered.

"Then why aren't you with them?"

"You why aren't you in there?"

"I'm a plus one of the friend of the groom. My fiancé."

"You already have a fiancé?" Nigel asked.

"Are you surprised? Well it was an arranged marriage. We are friends though so we both are open to an open relationship so don't worry if ever you decide to sleep with me."

"Hey don't talk like you are offering yourself to any strangers. You see I used to see Omegas that way but because of someone who's desperately trying to help the even though he's an alpha I realize I was wrong. Beside I have a sister who's also an Omega. I should be ashamed thinking Omegas are low lives creature."

"I hope that all alphas think like that. Well I met an alpha though I can't remember his face but in my memories he sounds nice. I was drunk and he didn't touch me. He gave me a sandwich and medicine for my hungover. I thought he's such a gentleman and yet I discovered today that he's married to someone I know."

"There are more scambags alphas but there are fews who are not." Nigel said.

"How about I add you to my list of alpha friends who aren't scambags?"

"So you have more friends who are not scam bags?"

"No I only have one, my fiancé but if you will accept then there will be two of you now." Jeffrey was only just teasing he really didn't mean to but Nigel response made him stop from laughing.

"Why not, you look nice." For a moment Jeffrey felt like things have slowed down, like the things around him was put in an slow motion.

"No, I'm not nice at all." Jeffrey shook his head no. "People that knows me tells me that. The reason you can say that is because you just met me."

"First impression lasts and you being a nice person is my first impression of you." Nigel said.

"Can't it be that I'm just simply flirting with you?"

Nigel laugh on Jeffrey's response. "Yes you surely are. Anyways I've got to go, my work here is done and I don't want to stay around only to see lovey dovey couples." Nigel stand up.

"I wish I can leave with you but unfortunately I can't not until this wedding is done uurrrgghhh."

"Well next time I see you again I'll treat you to someplace nice."

"Yeah sure." Jeffrey sighed he looked at the back of the man he has a conversation with. The feeling was different from all the other men he has been with and yet he seems very comfortable with him.

"What are you doing outside?" It hasn't been long since he was left alone and yet the very familiar voice asked him, he doesn't want to hear that voice in that place.

"Victor." Jeffrey whispered, fear quickly spread to his body making him sweat in that cold weather.

"I came hear because I was looking for you remember you have a client tonight but Adrian said he's with you in this wedding. I never thought he's friends with the Woods' sole heir. So I asked if I can come and Adrian said that it was ok to list me as his friend.

Jeffrey can't find any words to say, he looked at the man standing beside his brother. "Why bring him here?" Jeffrey asked.

"I thought this could be an opportunity to find people who we can be friends with and help us specially after the blow we received. They said that the mother of the groom has prepared a big celebration for the reception thus explains the big names of business men here. We should take this opportunity to gather some friends and investors." Victor explained.

"You shouldn't have brought Raven here!" Jeffrey was unaware that he just shouted.

"Why?" Victor asked.

"You are being tied to his father's crime so people shouldn't see you two together." Jeffrey explained but the real reason for his explosion is far from that.

"Well Raven's business is a separate entity from his father and mine and that's what we are trying to prove in the court right? Besides Raven will be like your plus one, which you can say your friend and not mine. I'm pretty sure your fiancé can help us to it right?"

Jeffrey just nodded. "Go in first I'll just, I'll just go to the bathroom." Jeffrey whispered.

When Jeffrey was already far away from them he quickly dialed Axel's number but the Omega was not answering. He tried again but he's not answering. Inside he tried to look to any of his friends and then he found Aiden. "Chester? Where is he?"

There's a desperate look in Jeffrey's eyes that Aiden saw. "He's probably with Nicolas. Why? What happened?"

"Raven is here, he can't find Chester." Aiden got the message and move quickly. He dialed his friends number until finally Terrence answered.

"Chester, is he with you?" Aiden asked.

(No, he went to where my parents are to check the kids why?) Terrence asked.

"He's with Terrence in-laws." Aiden gave Jeffrey the instructions and Jeffrey quickly went to where they are.

(What is happening Aiden?) Aiden heard Terrence.

"Raven is here and Jeffrey knew. He informed us so the two won't meet. I'll be looking for Axel because Jeffrey said that Victor is also here."

(I'll call Jules I'm pretty sure Axel will answer if it's Jules who calls him. If you find my wife please tell him to head first in the reception. The reception of the wedding is in Auntie's mansion. I'll go ask Auntie to lend us room there. I'm not confident in sending him home all by himself. Tell my wife to drive my car I'll just go with you and Lance)

After a call he received a call from Jeffrey. (Chester is with me. I'll handle him.)

(Ai please tell Terry that I'm ok. I'll head home first….)

"No don't go home, Terrence said to go to the reception area which is Auntie Clara's mansion. You know where it is right?"

(Yeah I know.)

"Drive your husband's car he said."


"Wait for my signal till we find Axel then the two of your should drive there together."

(Ok, thank you Ai.) Aiden ended the call and waited for Terrence response.

"Aiden, where is. Chester?" Axel asked. "Jules informed me, Damn my husband wants to go here he's worried but he has a job. Fuck! I'll go just help me calm him down." Aiden saw how Axel panicked.

"Hey pull yourself together!" Axel stopped with his hysteria.

"I'm just afraid Jules, Jules will loose it."

"I'll handle him just go with Chester first he's with Jeffrey at the parking lot."

"Thank you." Axel run fast trying to look left and right while covering his face. He quickly saw the two omegas. It was easy to spot the two because they are standing beside a red sports car.

"You two get in the car quickly. Axel go to the back seat." Jeffrey said.

Chester went inside the driving seat and Axel to the back seat of the heavily tinted sports car.

"Jeffrey!" Jeffrey stilled at the voice that called his name.

"Victor why are you here?" Jeffrey asked.

"I saw someone very familiar running so I followed him." Jeffrey's heart is pounding heavily. He looked behind Victor and saw no one. "Who is he? Is he your friend that's in the car?"

"Ahhhmmm Vic, you see he's in a hurry." Jeffrey tried to stopped Victor, he got an idea that somehow his brother saw Axel running through the crowd of people.

"No I just want to say hi." Victor insisted, he's pushing Jeffrey's hands away.

"He's in a hurry, he really needs to go." Jeffrey reasoned hoping Victor will let it pass but the man twisted his right hand which made Jeffrey wince in pain.

"When I say I wanted to say hi to your omega friend it means I wanted to say hi….." Everything happened so fast he just found Victor laying on the ground, face on the pavement of the parking lot while being pinned down.

"Jeffrey is he bothering you?" There's something innocent in the way the Omega asked him, like he was not aware of what is happening.

"No Chess, it's ok it was just a misunderstanding with my brother." Jeffrey ride along with the acting, but still he can't get over the fact that Chester a pregnant petite Omega can throw and pin Victor helplessly. Chester is not someone that looks like who can fight. He looks timid, cute and someone that belongs to the house.

"Ow he's your brother I thought he's your admirer." Chester said innocently. He let go of Victor and got up.

"I'm so sorry for my bad behavior. I thought you were bothering my friend and out of impulse I have done this horrible thing to you. Ow look at your suit it's all dirty and crumpled now." Jeffrey is just watching them in shock he doesn't know if he's going to laugh because obviously Chester intentionally did it.

"No, no it was my fault for creating such misunderstanding. What is your name?" Victor asked, Jeffrey watch they way how Victor looked at Chester he knew that lusting look to his eyes. He must admit Chester is really pretty that it didn't get him to wonder why Raven can't let him go as his toy.

Chester smile at him sweetly. "I'm married." Chester answered. His brother's eyes is obvious and doesn't lie to the point that Chester himself can tell.

"So married…. Well what a lucky guy to fish out such a beautiful mermaid. Say if you're bored and want to have fun just call me here." Jeffrey put his calling card to his coat's breast pocket.

"Such flattery, thank you so much but I have to go." Chester walk towards his husband's car.

Victor looked at the car. "Your car?" Victor asked.

"My husband's." Chester answered. "Jeffrey see you when I see you." Chester said before going inside the car and drive it away from them.

Jeffrey was able to finally breathe when they were able to get away with it.

"You didn't mention that you have such beautiful friend." Victor said.

"I just happened to get to know him here, we are not really friends and besides he's married already." Jeffrey sneered.

"Since when did I put a limit to the people I'm seeing? I have no boundaries weather they are married or not, I even slept with you which is my younger brother by law." Jeffrey whispered before planting a soft kiss to his lips which made Jeffrey felt like he's about to throw up.

"Pity I can't sleep with you. Fix yourself after this you still need to see my client. Make sure he will be satisfied." Victor left Jeffrey in the parking lot alone but more than what Victor said and did his mind is wondering to the words that Chester said to him while waiting for Axel...

30 minutes ago...

"Thank you….." Chester broke the silent by saying thank you to him. It was an awkward situation to be in because he and the omega are not friends nor an acquaintance even.

"Don't thank me, I'm simply doing this all for myself." Jeffrey said brushing the thoughts away. He doesn't want to get attached to any unnecessary additional feelings. The feelings he have for Victor is enough.

"Maybe but I know deep inside you are worried for the two of three of us." Chester said.

"What three?"

"Me, my baby and Axel or maybe four because Axel is probably pregnant." Jeffrey looked away, he doesn't want to acknowledge it. He also doesn't know why he reacted that way. He could've just let Chester be discovered by Raven and just focus in hiding Axel since he desperately wanted for Victor not to meet Axel again but why help Chester too? Is his question.

"You are a good person Jeff."

"Hahaha why do people keep saying I'm good lately? What good have I done really? Everything I do, I do it for my own benefits not for the others."

"It's ok, you are used to acting selfish and bad that you are not used to taking praises from the others. Don't worry when things got hard we will be there for your too, thank you again."

Back to the present.....

Jeffrey chuckled. "He act all that weak and yet he's that strong." Mumble to himself.

Jeffrey went back after informing everyone. The wedding has started and he was able to watched the part where Drake and Derrek exchanged kiss and vow. Indeed the Civil Registration was disturbed by the large crowd and press who wanted to witness the sole heir of the Woods family. It was the second wedding he ever attended after Victor's wedding, it was simple and yet not but he can see the love in their eyes which made him smile unconsciously. The wedding is far from Victor's. Here there's no pretense and lie with each other's vows.

"Hey thank you, I owe you one. Axel's husband is also sending you his thanks." Jeffrey smile fade after hearing Terrence talk.

"Don't thank me, I did it for myself. Your wife is just too beautiful." Terrence laugh.

"Yeah it's a pain to have a very beautiful wife." Terrence laugh.

"You're handsome so he probably having a hard time too." Jeffrey commented. "Victor is lusting over him, I can see it in his eyes. It wouldn't be good if ever he learns that he is your wife."

"I know, I was there I saw the whole thing. Why don't you want to leave him? He doesn't even appreciate your love for him. Taking you for granted." Jeffrey didn't say anything he just glared at him.

"Hey you alright?" Jeffrey looked to his side to find Dexter.

"I'm fine." Jeffrey short response.

"The newly weds friends are about to take photos." Dexter informed.

"Go I'm fine here."

"Oh no you don't." Dexter grab his hand to pull him.

"Hey where are you taking me?" Jeffrey tried to pulled his arm from the opposite direction but others have pushed him till he found himself standing beside them taking photos together with the newly weds. After the wedding they went to the reception which is none other than Derrek's mother and father's mansion. He rode together with Aiden and their husbands inside a van.

"You should have brought a bus not this fucking van!" Taekyun complained. Jeffrey looked at the familiar man who feed the information which caused them to lose the hearing. He didn't know they are all connected and now it occurs to him that they are all been working together in this case. All powerful and wealthy men of the country are working together. He just laugh inside, they have been bashing their brains out as to how could a simple law firm could stand against them face to face but now he gets it. As far as he knows Aiden is a co-owner but he recently found out that it was his husband who founded it when Aiden told him.

"Who's bright idea is this to go to the reception with this?" Zeejay asked.

"It's the moron's idea." Jeffrey said clicking his tongue and all of them became silent as they all looked at Jeffrey.

"Hey do you also happen to have a deep seated hatred towards Lee?" Zeejay asked.

"He hit on me but I rejected him so he's being bitter about it!" Lee shouted while driving.

"Woah!" The alpha men inside all said in unison except for Dexter who's laughing.

"I'm sorry it's not only you who I have hit on. Don't think so high of yourself." Jeffrey rebut.

"Yes it's true, he hit on me too." Lance agrees then he looked at Aiden with fear. "Love of course I rejected him."

"I know."

"Me too," Terrence admitted.

"Yeah, yeah no need to rub it off of my face that you guys rejected me." Jeffrey rolled his eyes then looked at the people inside the van.

"Who would have thought that you guys are married to them, what a small world."

"How about we throw him out he keeps on complaining!" Lee shouted again.

"Anyone of you has a tape?" Jeffrey asked.

Terrence hand him a packing tape. Jeffrey got up from his seat and went to the front right behind the driver's seat and without noticed put the packing tape to Lee's mouth.

"There all peace and quiet." Lee attempt to remove it but Dexter who's seating beside him gave him a warning look.

"Honey you're handsome and sexy and yet sometimes your loud mouth ain't sexy at all." Dexter commented.

"Hey how can you stand such man?" Jeffrey asked.

"Hhhmmm! Nnbggghhhmm! Ahhhhhmmmmm! Nnnnnggggggbbbbb!" They are all pretty sure that Lee is saying all sorts of things to Jeffrey.

"Quiet now Honey and eyes on the road." Dexter calmly said and at that moment Lee didn't say anything.

"Wow amazing." Jeffrey said like he just witness how a ring master tamed a lion.

"Amazing right?" Taekyun asked.

"You need to get used to them, these guys often complains about going and riding a single vehicle and yet they will still hop on." Aiden explained.

"Even though we brought our own cars if one of them will bring a big vehicle they will theirselves in." Dexter added.

"It's sometimes gets frustrating because they keep on complaining and yet they keep on coming with their friends." Nicolas said.

"Now that I think about it our family is getting bigger perhaps a bus is not really a bad idea." Dexter said.

Jeffrey became silent amidst the laughter of the people inside he felt a sense of guilt. "Why are you telling me all of these? Aren't you afraid that I'll rat you all out, that your are all working together to bring down my brother's company?"

"Because we trust you." Aiden simply said.

"And now it is your job to prove to us that we are not wrong in trusting you." Nicolas added holding Jeffrey's hand, for some reason the word trust warms up his heart but he knew sooner or later he still needs to betray that trust. Victor needs him and he needs Victor more than anything. He is the only person he has.

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