
Chapter 107: The Choices - Part 2


OK guys since there will be scenes about the trials in the future chapters I will be telling this a head of time. I am not a Lawyer, I have limited knowledge about it and each countries have different laws. If ever there will be mistake please forgive me and also don't be afraid to correct me in that matter. (I'm always open for any corrections. I don't get offended when someone corrects me as long as it is done in the proper way. Remember knowledge is power.) Thank you all

PS. I'm starting to write the third book which is the second generation of this story. I figured that I should start writing it.

Happy Reading 😊!


Aiden stare into the blankness, the information given to him by his sister in law still yet to sink in to his mind. Yes he's 5 and a half weeks pregnant and base from all the test results the baby's hold is not that good, just like how his other previous pregnancies were. The baby is not lucky enough to bury deep on his womb wall due to the heavy scarring unlike Lander who was able to luckily landed a good spot.

"Aiden are you listening?" George wave her hand in front of Aiden to get him out of his deep thoughts.

"Don't tell Lance." Aiden said out of nowhere.

"He's the father and your husband he needs to know." George argued.

"No, if this pregnancy won't survive till it reaches the second trimester it will only break my husband's heart and Lander. I can't see them sad or disappointed." Aiden was already determine to keep the pregnancy a secret till he's sure that the baby will be able to survive. Lance is already happy and so as Lander. He can't give them something that will make them sad.

"Aiden then at least tell Lance. Don't carry it on your own." George advice.

"I will once the baby show improvement and the chances of it to love gets high." Aiden got up of the bed.

"Where are you going, you need to rest." George tried to stop Aiden from getting up.

"No, Lance will worry. He will get suspicious." Aiden hold George hands together. "I will get plenty of rest I promise, no sexy time for a month or two like you told me, I'll take my medicines and I won't stress myself. You told me this baby is a fighter, he refuse to let go. I will put my faith in my baby."

"When the baby reach 3 months tell Lance, he deserve to know." George reminded.

After three days Rion was brought back by Terrence, like what he promised he provided the security Rion needed well to correctly say his brother did.

Clarence almost lost his mind thinking about Rion only to find out that he got released. He tried to know where he went but couldn't. Aiden, Lance, specially Terrence and even his best friend doesn't want to tell him where Rion went. Because of too much desperation he trace Rion's location using the collar he gave. Since Rion didn't change the biometric locks on the collar he was able to access it without fail. Clarence drove his way to that remote place. He was not expecting to be greeted by a thick, big and tall walls. You can't even see the other side it was a solid wall. There are no guards on the front gate, so Clarence press the bottom at the entrance gate, a voice came out asking for his identity and the purpose of his visit. Clarence learned that the fortress is own my Tristan Harris, Terrence Harris older brother. Clarence was denied entrance so he waited there for hours until a beautiful black sports car stopped to his side and rolled down the window, there he saw a very beautiful alpha woman. Clarence was stunned, it's like his complete ideal woman just pop up suddenly and now she's staring at him, wearing that dangerous Alpha pheromones of her.

"Why if it isn't the ambassador. What brought you here Diplomat Clarence Blanche Sir?" The woman asked.

"I need to see Rion Dunst, I'm the father of his child." The woman looked at him from head to toe. "Straight to the point, I'll ask my husband and Rion too." The woman said, she was already closing the window of her car when Clarence stopped it.

"Tell Rion I will wait for him till he comes out." The woman sneered at him.

"Why bother, you can't even fight for that feeling you have for him." The woman drive inside and Clarence waited outside stood there for two days till he faint.

When he regained consciousness he was inside a huge room, he got up and was about to storm out to see where he is but the familiar scent of the Omega he has been longing lingers inside the room. It was thick and yet calming. It was very different and yet he knows it belongs to that Omega.

"You awake?" His daydreaming was interrupted by the woman's voice, when he looked to see it was the same woman. "You can go now, the maids will see you out."

"I want to see Rion." Clarence demanded

"You'll only hurt him." The woman said.

"Ma'am?" Both the woman and Clarence looked to Rion's direction.

"I told you just to call me Anita." The woman hold both Rion's hands as she told him that.

"Ye-yes. Can can I talk to him alone?" Rion asked, Anita just nod and left the two alone.

"You can stop showing up here now. I already made up my decision, I won't be aborting my child, I will give my child's full custody in return please erase all the record that will point to me as the child's mother. I won't bother you two and I won't show my face in front of you two."

Clarence should be happy hearing it, he doesn't need to take responsibility with Rion, no Co-parenting, no marriage with him and other stuff but he can't feel the happiness at all. "Why?" That's the only thing left his mouth.

"Because, my child doesn't deserve to have a mother like me. Please love him unconditionally, once you got your own family and children please treat my child with fair love. That's the only thing I can ask in exchange of not aborting the child. I will give birth to it, the very first and only child I plan to bring to this world." Rion kneeled down as if he's begging for the father of his child to give his child plenty of love.

"Don't kneel, I will accept but what are you planning to do with your life?" Rion sat down on the floor.

"After this, I'll go far away. Probably to my home country. I'll live there as a new person." There's a little hope in Rion's voice.

"Are you going to get married there?" Clarence didn't like the sound of what he just said. It's like if ever that would happen he will definitely going to hire a killer for the first time to have that man killed or he might as well do it to make sure that the man is already dead.

"No, I want to live there alone till I get old." Rion said.

"I'll accept but I have to be beside you till you give birth." Rion knew that forming a bond between his child and the father as early as pregnancy is a great idea so he decided to agree to it. Clarence immidiately move in. Rion explained everything to Terrence and the rest since it was Rion's wish they gave in. A month pass and Clarence is falling deeper and deeper but he's restraining himself. If only Rion will agreed to be his lover while he's married then things would have been perfect. Clarence felt like he's a caring husband and a loving father towards Rion and their unborn child that he didn't even noticed that playing house was already over.

" Raven and All Valentino and Firerise corporation V The people of this country" The second trial arrived.

"Mr. Dunst how long have you been whoring yourself?...."

"Objection your honor the dependent's lawyer is slut shaming my witness here!" Terrence immidiately called out.

"Objection sustained." The judge said, reminding the dependent's lawyer.

"Ok, so how long have you been working in that profession?"

"Since I was 16" Rion said.

"And how old are you now?" The judge asked.

"I'm 30."

"So you have been working for 14 years now? You have longed been in the right age you have been aware that your right was being tarnished, violated but why resurface now?"

"I I was....."

"Threatened? Are you being threatened? Tell me Mr. Dunst were you threatened to do that job?!"

The loud voice of the lawyer intimidated Rion that he cried. "No, I was not. I was not." Rion said.

"That's all your honor." The Lawyer sat down.

Terrence got up and he can see in Rion's eyes the guilt. At the audience chair Clarence was watching the whole trial.

"Mr..Dunst tell me how old were you again when they brought you in to this country?" Terrence asked.

"14 I was 14." Rion answered.

"But you didn't start working till you're 16 why is that?" Terrence asked.

"I I was brought in a huge house. They choose only few, they said high quality commodity. My my hear wasn't manifesting yet but but I already got the result I'm an Omega." Rion said.

"And why were you brought there?" Terrence asked.

"For the VIP's, the very first man who ever held me was a VIP." Rion revealed. The surprise on people's face is unimaginable. Terrence strictly didn't let the information leak not even to his friends and family. He too was surprised to know about it when he found out. A 14 year old boy who still yet to have his heat was devirginized by a person people would never imagine.

"Objection! Mr. Harris is asking irrelevant questions!"

"Objection overruled. Mr. Harris please get to the point of your questioning."

"Yes your honor." Terrence turned to Rion. "Who was this VIP?"

"He didn't really tell me his name but he kept on commanding him to call him Daddy Vlad."

"Does this person happen to be Daddy Vlad?" Terrence showed them the photos.

"Ye-yes that's him." Rion's eyes tear up seeing the photo of the man who beat him up if he won't say what he needs to hear.

"Your witness." Terrence said while walking back to his seat.

The second trial went ok, but they are still far from winning. Terrence needs to bring proof that Vladimir Witchburn is really tied up to the Valentino corporate the entity name where they hide the Omega trafficking activities.

Terrence was confident to get those proof even though it has already been 14 years. He wash his hands while thinking of his next moves but someone grab him from behind and punch him.

"Why do you have to traumatized him in front of all the people?! Why bring up the fact that he lost it at an early age of 14, for crying out loud he didn't even had his heat back then." Terrence wipe the blood on the side of his mouth.

"Why are you so affected? You're not even his boyfriend." Terrence sneered at him. "There will be more of these, as much as we wanted to paint their world with rainbows but the fact that behind that there's a rotten, stench of their past hiding somewhere. If you can't accept that then don't watch, close your eyes to the truth, close your ears so you won't hear their stories that would be the best thing to do than covering their mouths and pretending it didn't happen." Terrence walked slowly towards Clarence.

"My wife has the same story, it was sickening to the point I killed all of those who took advantage of him. To the point I want to send to jail the man who made his life miserable. I know you won't get it cause you don't have a wife. Please don't ever come here if you will going to act like a pussy." Terrence walk pass him.

That night Clarence went to Jules house. He didn't talk for hours but he did after Jules confronted him. "I didn't know. All this time I thought he was just a prostitute." Clarence started.

"His story is just one of them. We don't know because we turned our eyes away from them. We thought it was normal since they are just an Omega. I thought the same thing too until I met Axel. It's different when the person you love was a victim of that stereotypes about Omegas." Jules handed Clarence a can of beer.

"Just let Rion go, he has been through a lot, he won't need a man like you to break him further." Clarence burst into tears which got Jules startled he cried and cried. Jules didn't know what to do so he hug his best friend and console him.

"I love him, what should I do?" Clarence admitted. "When I saw him was about to cry, I want to run there and shield him from all those people but I can't because this is what he wanted."

"You love him but you can't let go of your dreams." Jules point out the fact but Clarence just stood up and run outside the house. Next thing that he knows is that he heard Clarence car, indicating that the man went somewhere.

Rion startled with all the knocking at his door. Truth be told he can't sleep, the vivid memory of that night came to his mind like some lost memories that came in one by one. He decided to get up and open the door but he was immidiately pushed back inside with a hug. "Clarence?"

"I love you." Rion was calm, it was the second time Clarence told him that but he knows the answer to that.

"Mister you don't need to tell me that, I already agreed to keep the baby..."

"I want you and our child together. I love you Rion, I was foolish."

"You're just confusing love over pity....."

"I lack sympathy towards others. I won't say these things out of sympathy. Rion I love you." Clarence said again.

"People will judge you because of me, didn't you hear how long I have been a prostitute? In one night how many guys are using my body? You might never know maybe one of your colleagues has been my customer." Rion hold Clarence face. "You are destined for greater future. You told me your dreams and that's what made me admire you the most. I can't ruin you and this child." Rion cares his tummy that is slightly showing baby bump. "I won't be able to bare it if people will treat him differently because of me." He looked at Clarence again and flash him that beautiful smile but Clarence knows better, he knows that Rion is faking it. "My attorney told me it will get worse from there, they might even question me how I did it with the VIP'S. It's ok though." Rion said.

"Rion do you love me?" Rion was caught off guard with the question, he thought that Clarence will wake up from the truth but instead he was answered with a question.

"W what kind of question is that?" Rion asked.

"I'm asking you do you love me?" Clarence asked again, his voice is already raising.

"No, I dont------"

"Do you swear on our child's life?" Rion's mouth shut close, he hug his belly. a minute pass but Rion didn't answer.

"I know you love me, you just don't want to admit it." Clarence smiled triumphantly.

"What's there to admit, even if I do we both know I don't deserve you." Rion answered in all honesty. He was waiting for a response from Clarence but was surprised with a hug and a kiss on top of his head.

"If you admit it, I will fight for you. I will show the world that no matter how dirty and trampled you are I can still love you, I can still make you my Queen. I will you them how rare of a treasure you are till they envy you and no longer think nor remember your past. But I know you have your doubts, I know you won't admit that easily that's why I will work hard in making you admit that you love me too and that you want me to be with you." Clarence hold Rion to his side shoulders and slightly push him he brush his long hair to the side of his ears to see his face clearly. "For now I'll be contented with this." Clarence kissed Rion to his forehead. "Good night my precious. Don't think about the past, think only me and our little bean growing inside you."

Clarence has been long gone but Rion eyes is still on the door where Clarence exited.


Lee tiptoe as he silently and discreetly walking behind Lance back. Originally he was just visiting his friend but they noticed yes he's with their friends too but it seems that the Alpha is in deep thoughts so they made a bet whether Lee will be successful or not. All the guys voted not only Zeejay voted for Lee. When Lee was already behind he shouted near Lance ear which sent the man on the floor.

Lance looked at his friend Lee laughing so hard that there are already tears on his eyes. Lance got up and throw the news papers to Lee then on the other side he noticed his friends giving their money one by one to Zeejay not caring for what happened. Lance sat back to his chair, the presence of his friends is making him really tired. "What brought you all here?"

"Hey we heard." Zeejay started.

"Yes we heard." Jules seconded.

"Is it really?" Derrek asked too.

"What is it? Just say it already!" Lance shouted.

"We heard from a reliable source that someone is courting Nash." Terrence said.

Lance glared at Lee. "That reliable source probably is Lee, anyways yes. Nash seems happy but still afraid, he told my wife about it." Lance looked at Lee. "You know that guy Lee, he's your husband's friend."

"I just don't want to be the one to break the news to you guys. It was Dylan, you know him right? We played with him before remember?" The guys think and tried hard to retrieve their memories.

"Yeah that guy, yes he's really nice I must give that to him." Zeejay admit.

"He's trying to win Nash's heart now for two months. Honestly I think Nash is better with him than Adrian." Lance admitted that got the others thinking. They all have to admit that Nash is better off with other men than with Adrian who is clearly a mess.

"I think we better keep this from Adrian." Terrence suggested which the boys agreed to.

"Hey what were you thinking that you didn't even noticed us coming?" Lee asked.

"Nothing." Lance went back to his work trying to divert the question.

"Come on, what are friends for if you can't even tell us what's bothering you." Lee insisted but Lance only Glared at them.

"Why are you so fixated on my problems? Don't you all have your own problems to handle?" Lance asked. His friends just whistle like they didn't hear anything.

"Me I don't have any problems, My Drake already forgiven me." Derrek proudly said but his friends didn't take it well they simultaneously hit Derrek. "Hey why hit me?"

"Because amongst us you're the only one who doesn't have a problem here!" Zeejay said almost shouting.

"Hey Lee also doesn't have any problems." Derrek pointed out then their eyes landed on Lee and they start hitting Lee too tearing his polo's buttons.

"Hey this is so unfair! Why didn't you ruing his clothes? Why only mine?" Lee said like a kid throwing a tantrum. "This is so not fair that Jules guy over there doesn't have any problem with his love life.

"I just went here to give this to Lance." Jules raised the sealed box to Lance's desk and there he placed it, then he start walking towards the door's direction but before leaving he gave his response. "I do have a problem I just don't show it to others."

"Terrence why is your cousin so cool while you are so lame?" Lee commented which earned him a slap on the head. They kept on bothering Lance till he gave in.

"So what is it?" Lance looked at his friends who already found a good spot to listen to him. Terrence was sitting on the couch, they even move it in front of Lance's table. Zeejay was sitting on the arm chair while Derrek is on the other side. Since only three can fit in the couch Lee forced himself to Terrence side. Lance doesn't know if he should he laughing or feel amaze because they all manage to fit their selves in one couch.

"Hey Lance to earth, earth to Lance!" Terrence shouted. "Tell us already, I can't breath in this chair."

"What will you think when your wife or lover suddenly doesn't want to make love to you but loves to pleasure you. I mean don't get me wrong I'm loving it seeing my wife's aggressive sexy side but I don't want to be the only one feeling all those pleasures. Also I noticed that he usually hates me, he easy gets angry towards me but not to other people, hates how I smell, hates it when he sees me but remains sweet to our little Lander." Lee and Terrence are both just looking at him.

"How is his appetite?" Lee asked.

"He has been eating a lot so no worries about that. It's just he pick up these weird eating habits that sometimes bothers me." Lance explained.

"How long has been since his last heat?" Terrence asked.

"Hey are your implying that Aiden is pregnant? How can you deduce things as that base on what Lance just said?" Zeejay asked in a mocking tone but Terrence just raised his brows to him.

"Well you never been around a pregnant person but most of what he said are definitely a pregnancy symptoms though it varies each people but most of the time yes it is." Lee explained.

"Yes I remember my Kitten got sexually more active than usual when he was pregnant. The doctor said it was hormones and quite normal." Terrence seconded.

"Dexy has weird taste and big appetite back then and he too is very sexually active and emotional." Lee added.

"That's impossible Ai is taking his birth control." Lance said in defense.

"But it won't hurt to know right?" Terrence said.

"But what if he doesn't want to tell me for some reason?" Lance nervously asked.

Zeejay got an idea and told the guys of his plans.


The boys left their work and went with Lance in a different hospital to have the urine sample they obtained to be tested. He was pacing back and forth waiting for the result to come. Yes as per Zeejay's suggestion Lance made sure that the toilet in their room is broken and won't be able to flush any water. That way he can scoop some of his wife's urine samples. Lance was really nervous that he's sweating.

"Calm down Lance it's not the first time that you're going to be a father." Terrence said stoping his friend from pacing back and forth.

"Mr. Montero?" Lance got inside the Doctor's office.

"Congratulations, you're about to be a father! I heard you said that the wife is feeling quite sick in bed that's why you're the only one here now?"

Lance still unable to process what he just heard, he's about to be a father again. "Ah yes, he asked me." Lance gave an awkward smile.

"Congratulations again, it will be much better if he can come for the prenatal consultations and also for us to check and monitor the baby and mother's status." The Doctor gave him the congratulations again.

"So how is it?" The boys asked.

"He's pregnant." Lance said. "But why didn't he tell me?"

"Hey don't jump to a conclusion right away, maybe he too doesn't know remember Lander? He was already in his fourth month but both of you didn't know." Terrence reminded him again.

Lance face lighten up. He suddenly got so excited telling Aiden the good news that he left his friends without saying anything. The boys was left there standing for like 5 minutes just looking to the direction where Lance run off to. "That man, really." Derrek said.

"So I think we should all go back to work then?" Terrence asked.

"Yeah!" The boys answered.

"I even left the set for this, THANK YOU BY THE WAY LANCE!" Zeejay shouted which caught his fans attention then the rest is history.

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