

Then she was reminded of how she grew up in an orphanage, back then it was just her against the world.She was a peculiar little girl and most of the girls at the orphanage found her very strange and weird because of the five pointed star birthmark on her forehead .

People always kept shooing her away, even the Nuns who watched over them at the orphanage used to refer to her as the cursed child but they never called her that when she was around they just did it at her back .But through all this Luciala still managed keep her head up high and ignored everything people said about her .

For she knew deep down inside there was a great mystery to her birthmark and that she knew for a fact. She could now recall that since she was just to be clear about four years old she had always had the ability to lure people into doing her bidding.She could control people into giving her what she wanted anytime she wanted it.Anytime used this power the mark on her forehead would suddenly turned black

People around her always found themselves dancing to the tune of her desires.This continued for some time until one day she was caught by the senior Nun herself hypnotising another girl to do her part of the chores assigned to them whiles doing this her mark glowed as usual.

Seeing this the Nun stepped back in shock, and went ahead to inform Mr. Kingston about it ,Mr. Kingston was the Priest who lived in the orphanage and was also the head supervisor.