
The Demon Flower System

A young 17 year old man who loved the way plants of all sorts looked and acted like. Til one day he was killed while helping someone who was getting mugged. He was given a second chance by a God of his world, called the world master, who wanted him to attack and claim another God's world for him. Accepting this task he is given the body and personality of a flower and meets various situation and events on his journey to dominate the new world he is in. (hello there, this will be my first book so there might be some mistakes. If there are any please point it that way I can try to fix them if possible.)

ERROR16291 · Fantasie
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70 Chs

Trial part 5

As Red created more root creatures to attack the hiveminds soldiers, he didn't notice that something was watching him from a distance. "So those are the attackers," a creature that looked green said. He may have looked green, but there was a clear difference between them. Green had a crimson carapace with streaks of gold and white, this one had a golden carapace with streaks of white.

"Yes orthodox and by the looks of it they might be warriors from another world master," another creature said, the creature looked like a lich you would see in those fantasy books. "It doesn't matter if they are warriors or not they are still attacking my hive," said orthodox as he looked at the flying insect-like creatures that were being slaughtered by Reds root creatures.

Orthodox soon began to fly towards the Demon army and the lich followed behind him.


As Red created more and more root creatures to fend off the flying insects he received a notification from the system.

[There are two nearby warriors, be advised]

Receiving this notification Red looked at the green and yellow, who too were looking at him. "Did you receive the notification as well?" Red said through Telepathy that way no one around them could hear them?

"Yes, we both got it. What should we do" Yellow said through Red's Telepathy. "We have to face them sooner or later, but I'm worried about you two" Red said.

"Don't worry about me, since I can take care of myself" Green said, "the only one we need to worry about is yellow, for she has not evolved yet."

"What, I did evolve," yellow said out loud this caused many nearby demons to look at her. Ignoring this me and green looked at her. "When did you evolve," Green said as he looked at yellow. "Just an hour or so ago" hearing this I look a yellow, "system brings up yellows stat window."

Name: Yellow

Race: Storm Devouring serpent

Title: None

Level: 13 (19/10,000exp)

Strength: 90

Speed: 100

Magic: 120

Defense: 90

Skills: Electric beam (6), Blitz (10), paralyzing saliva (10), Electric Flight (10), Heavenly Storm (1), Thunder maw (1), Thunder spirit (1), Storm Clouds (1), Divine stomach (1)


Skill Function.

Electric beam (6): The user is able to shoot out a beam of electricity out of their mouth. Cool down ten minutes.

Blitz (10): The user shoots out eletric sparks put of their body that, on impact, sends a small explosion.

Paralyzing Saliva (10): The user has Paralyzing saliva that is able to make their prey immobile for five minutes.

Electric Flight (10): The user is able to fly in the air using the electricty in their body.

Heavenly Storm (1) the user is able to create a thunder storm that will strike randomly

Thunder maw (1): The user is able to create a mouth double the size of the users body made out of electricity. When the mouth eats any form of thunder/electricity the users mana supply will be refilled.

Thunder spirit (1): The user is able to create a replica of their body that is double the users size and is made of electricity.

Storm clouds (1): The user is able to create Storm clouds that will be able to do one of the following effects. First effect the Storm clouds are able to pour down rain that is able to remove evil beings they be demons or God's. Second effect the user is able to create massive current of wind that is able to boost the users speed and cancle out any magical attack. Third effect the user is able to summon purple lighting that the user can control damage.

Divine stomach (1): The users stomach will be able to eat and digest all forms of energy they be plasma or gas.


It was true, she did evolve and she had a few more skills. Looking at her stat window I was shocked at her skills since these were strong enough to be able to beat me in a fight, that is of course if I were using my main body in the fight. But either way, her skills were strong.

"It's true, she did evolve," I say to green, who was now dumbfounded. "But don't you need exp to evolve, you haven't even fought so how did you evolve," Green said as he couldn't believe it.

"You might think that at first, but exp is just experienced and that's all, it has nothing to do with your evolution all it can do is just make you stronger. The real thing that makes you evolve is the certain things you do and encounter. For instance, for me to evolve I had to absorb a lot of the magic from the air around us."

"So does that mean that you can only evolve once you absorb a certain amount of magic," I said as I looked at her. "Yep," She said as she acted proud of it.

"Then doesn't that mean once you reach a higher state of evolution you will need to absorb more magic, won't that take a long time to do that," Green said. Before she confirmed or denied it we all felt something coming toward us. And it wasn't just us as all the demons around turned their attention to the back of the army formation.

There we could see two beings floating in the air looking down at us. "Hear me you lower beings as I, orthodox, will get rid of you and add you to my hive," orthodox said as he soon slashed his arm toward us.

[Wind Slash]

Soon a Cresent shaped wind slash was launched at us. "Hmm," I said as I use [Reaper's cloak] and float into the air and move towards the wind slash.

The wind slash came closer and closer to me and before it was about to hit me I activated the skill [Mana absorption].

My body was soon covered in a gray color and when the wind slash hit me, instead of me being chomped in half or being launched back, instead the wind slash was absorbed into my body.

"Well it does absorb the mana attack," I said as I saw my mana bar go up a bit. "What," said orthodox as he saw his attack do nothing to me. He soon launched more [Wind Slash] at me and it still did the same thing.

"How are my attacks being nullified" yelled orthodox. Before he could launch another [wind slash] at me the lich next to him put his hand on orthodox shoulder. "Don't waste your energy, that being is absorbing your attacks and is adding it into its mana storage" the lich said.

"Is that so" orthodox said as he stared at me, "fine then I will use physical attacks then." Orthodox then dived toward me and when he was a couple of meters away from me was about to punch towards me.

As his punch was about to hit me a hand came out of my cloak and grabbed onto his punch. "You're going to fight me," Green said as he threw orthodox towards the ground. When orthodox hit the ground he quickly got up and moved the debree off him ."Where did you come fr-" before orthodox could finish his sentence a bunch landed on his face at high speeds and made his face hit the ground at a tremendous force.

"Hey Red leave this one to me," Green said as he began to launch a series of punches at the now-grounded orthodox who couldn't move due to the shock he received in his head.

"Was he always like this?" I said as I looked at the lich who was now preparing something.


When the Lich finished chanting a black ripple formed behind him and soon a giant creature came out. This creature had the head of a wolf, the body of a snake, and the wings of a bat.

"How do you like my chimera I call it" he was interrupted when he felt a disturbance of magic above him. When he looked up he could see thunderclouds forming above him. Soon a series of yellow and purple lighting came down. The yellow lighting that was about to hit the demon army changed direction when the purple lighting hit it and launched it toward the chimera.

When the yellow and purple lighting hit the chimera a loud cry of pain was heard from it as its body turned black.

"That's harder than I thought," said yellow. What) she did was basically use [Heavenly Storm] with [Storm Clouds] purple lighting and changed their directions of Heavenly storms lighting, which will strike randomly, towards the chimera.

The chimera soon roared as its burnt skin began to turn back into its green color. "Want to handle that," I said to yellow.

"Sure," She said as she flew into the air thanks to [Eletric Flight]. She soon began to have a fight with the snake chimera using many of her skills.

"It's me and you," I say as I launch many roots in the lich direction. "Roots," the lich said confused by the attack. He soon began to chant a spell.

[Screams of the Damned]

Soon several Specter-like skulls appeared behind him and began to scream at the roots. The roots began to wither away at high speed. "This is going to be a hard fight," I say as I launch more roots at him and create more flowers on the roots. When the flowers bloomed on the roots I used the skill [Decay Beam] and aimed them all at the lich and the screaming skulls. When the beams hit the skulls several explosions occurred.

The Lich, in the middle of the explosion, was launched quite a distance away from his original spot.

[Dark Bolt]

The lich, while being launched, sent several dark bolts toward me. I quickly raised several roots out of the ground and made a root wall. When the bolts hit the roots they began to wither away.

"Might as well be cautious" I say as I quickly make a ton of root bodies. I soon used [Petal storm] and launched them toward the Lich. The Petals on the flowers I made began to fall off and fly toward the Lich. As they flew towards the Lich, the petals began to fly into drill Shapes, and soon several drills made out of petals flew towards the Lich who was now hovering in the air.

"So you want to play that game, then we'll play that game," the lich said as he began to chant a spell.

[Drills of the Damned]

Soon ripples began to form around him and several piles of bones began to launch toward the petals in a drill-like a manner. When the drills hit each other, the bones began to crawl onto the petal drill but were torn apart when they made contact. Slowly the petal drill was beating the bone drill and pushing it back.

"How," the Lich said and began to cast another spell.

[Dread Boost]

Soon the bones turned from pure white into pure black as black smoke began to seep out of the cracks of the bones. The now black bone drill began to push back the petal drill.

Keep in mind that each drill were the width of a skyscraper and the size of one too, so when the Demon soldiers saw this scene they could only think that they were witnessing a legendary battle.

As the black bones began to push back the petal drill, I looked at the lich and said "I can do that as well"

[Demonic Petals]

Soon the petals turned purple and began to rotate more quickly. They now Demonic Petals were having a stalemate with the Bone drill.

[Drills of the Damned]

[Dread Boost]

[Petal Storm]

[Demonic Petals]

Soon more drills on both sides were made and clashed with one another. "This is going nowhere," I said as I controlled the nearby roots and launched them toward the Lich.

"You little," the lich said as he saw roots heading towards him.

[Arms of the Damned]

More ripples appeared around him and soon skeletal arms launched one by one and attacked the roots. At this point and time, many were watching this fight. They be the demonic soldiers, the Hive, nearby demons, Green, yellow, Orthodox, and the sins via using magic orbs.

What they saw was considered high-tier mages fighting one another. But one thing was clear they were both at a stalemate.