
The Demon Flower System

A young 17 year old man who loved the way plants of all sorts looked and acted like. Til one day he was killed while helping someone who was getting mugged. He was given a second chance by a God of his world, called the world master, who wanted him to attack and claim another God's world for him. Accepting this task he is given the body and personality of a flower and meets various situation and events on his journey to dominate the new world he is in. (hello there, this will be my first book so there might be some mistakes. If there are any please point it that way I can try to fix them if possible.)

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The Store.

Red looking at his roots then smirked and brought his roots up from the ground and tried to form something. When the thing Red tried to create was almost complete his roots plopped onto the ground. "Huh this is going to be harder than I thought" Red then tried again and his roots became more tight as if he wanted them to stay in place.

A couple minutes pass and what he finnaly made was complete. The thing he made looked like a human body made out of roots. "Ok time to move it" Red then tried to move the roots only for the roots to break from the stress it received from the movement.

Red then tried making a human body again but this time filled the inside with roots allowing the roots outside to keep the roots inside in place. When the body was done Red tried to move it, only for it to not move at all. "Why isn't it moving" said Red as he brought the roots back into place. "System is there anything that I could do" asked Red out of frustration.

[The host can access the systems shop to get a skill]

Reading this shocked Red "Why didn't you tell me that you had a shop."

[This was to be unlocked when the host evolved into their second evolution, the system couldn't find the right moment to tell the host]

"Well can you pop the shop up" asked Red.

[The system is now opening up the shop]

A screen appeared in front of red showing a number of skills some saying "Time warp" and others saying "Energy beam." When Red looked around the shop screen he found a form of the skill he was trying to do "Root Creature."

[Root Creature: The user is able to create creatures that will come with some of the users skills in them]

When Red clicked the skill a notification popped up.

[The host doesn't have the currency to buy it. Would the host like to turn the souls it absorbed into currency]

"System what is this" asked Red confused a bit.

[What do you mean host]

"It says I don't have currency, what is the currency"

[The currency for the system store is called Soul coins]

"Um what are soul coins?"

[Soul coins are items that are made when five souls are condensed and turned into coins. This currency is used for the system store]

Red then looked at the skills price and saw that it costed twelve Soul coins. Red then calculated how much souls he needed. When he was done calculating how much souls he needed he was shocked "So I need sixty souls to buy this single skill!" said Red in disbelief.

[Yes since the skill is from another flower that you were and currently do not have]

"How much souls do I have anyways."

[The host has 197/500 souls]

Hearing this shocked Red "When did I have that many souls."

[The host got these souls when the host devoured The hell gorilla. The system believes it has told the host this]

"Oh yeah I forgot about him, I may as well use them then. System can you turn sixty souls into those coins."

[Souls now being turned into Soul coins]

Red then felt a weird feeling inside of him. The feeling felt like something in him was about to blow up until the feeling disappeared.

[The souls have been generated into Soul coins]

Red then looked at the shop and bought the skill with no hesitation.

[The host has learned Root Creature (1). The user is able to create Root creatures that are powered by the magic given to them by the host. The user is only able to make deer sized creatures which can only have two skills of the user until next level up]

Red getting the skill then started using his skill, but nothing happened. "Uh system why isn't it working" asked Red afraid that he got ripped off.

[The host didn't think of what the clone would look like]

Hearing this Red then thought of how the Creature would look like. "I want it to be a small creature that is able to scout and hunt creatures out of my Root zone." Red then continued imagining what the creature looked like until he got the perfect form and used his skill.

[Root Creature]

Then roots started coming out of the ground and started shrinking and enlarging. Within seconds the creature was done.

The creature Red made had four wings that looked like the ones from eagles. It had a small body the size of a regular dog. It walked on four legs and had a smooth face with no eyes that looked like a Venus fly trap. They creature also had sickle like hands that it used to walk on.

"Done" thought red as he was proud of his creation, he then tried to make it move only for it to have no reaction. "System why isn't it moving" asked Red worried that he messed something up in the process.

[The creature has no power source]

Receiving the answer Red thought of a power source and put his magic into it. The creature started moving and looked around as if confused. "System what's wrong with it"

[It can not see]

"Ok how can I allow it to see"

[The host can give the skill soul sight to it for it to see its surroundings and the host can give it other skills to help it]

"But won't I lose the skills if I give them to it."

[No the creature will have a weekend version of the skill allowing the host to keep their skill]

"Oh ok, so how do I give it a skill" said Red waiting for an answer.


"Um system how do I give it a skill"

[The host can buy the skill called skill share from the store]

"Uh what, I thought that I could just give the skill to it. Not buy a new skill just to give it a weak version of it" said Red as he complained about the skills fake description.




Five minutes passed and he reluctantly bought the skill for four Soul coins.

[The host has learned has learned Skill share. The user is able to give a being a weakened version of a skill and the users skill is not fully taken away]

Red then gave the skill Soul eyes to the creature. The creature stopped moving as it could now see and just sat down.

[The host has given the creature a skill one more slot remains]

Red thought of what skill to give and gave it Root mastery.

[Creature already has that skill please choose a new one]

Reading this made Red confused "System I didn't give the creature Root mastery, so why does it have the skill."

[Any creature made using the skill Root Creature will automatically have the skill Root mastery]

Reading this made sense to Red since it was made out of roots. That of course made Red have to think more on what skill to give.

"It has Soul eyes and Root mastery. So what else could I give it." Red thought for a few minutes and then decided on what skill to give the creature.

[The host has given the creature Specter hands]

The Reason for the choice is because the creature has close range but no far range attack so the hands would compensate for that weakness.

"Ok creature be free and hunt for me" said Red as he saw the creature run into the forest. "Ok time for the next one" Before he could begin his skill he received a notification.

[Your creature has died due to lack of energy]