
The Demon Flower System

A young 17 year old man who loved the way plants of all sorts looked and acted like. Til one day he was killed while helping someone who was getting mugged. He was given a second chance by a God of his world, called the world master, who wanted him to attack and claim another God's world for him. Accepting this task he is given the body and personality of a flower and meets various situation and events on his journey to dominate the new world he is in. (hello there, this will be my first book so there might be some mistakes. If there are any please point it that way I can try to fix them if possible.)

ERROR16291 · Fantasie
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70 Chs

The incident with Elizabeth part 1

"Ah I'm bored, do you want to play cards" the princess said as she layer down. "We don't have cards and even if we do I wouldn't play with you" I said as I was sitting down looking at the red sky. We currently were riding the Goliath that I created to beat Gorb. Our destination was the Demon Lords castle.

"I said I'm sorry about earlier, can you forgive me" She said while looking at my face. "Yeah no, you blew up my body. If I was a living being I would have been dead." What I'm referring to was something that happened just a hour ago.

She basically learned a new spell when she killed a wounded demon beast that the Goliath attacked and wanted to test out the spell. She pointed the spell in front of her and when the spell activated it flew forwards a couple of feet before turning around and hitting me dead on the chest.

The impact would have killed a regular person, but since the body was made of roots I survived. But just a couple seconds later the root body blew up.

Turns out her spell was life force seeking spell that was meant to kill a person on impact and if the person lived the spell would create a explosion.

So yeah it wasn't a fun experience, "you're lucky that I put a flower down before you activated that spell, if I didn't I would have no way of coming back here."

This wasn't true since the Goliath had a bunch of flowers in its stomach, I only said this to make her feel bad. "I. You. Gaah" she tried to refute but couldn't find a way to refute and instead grumbled and looked away.

There was silence for a bit, calm peaceful silence.


A loud beeping noise shot in my head and soon followed a notification.

[The host has lost control of a root creature designated as Alpha]

I was shocked that I lost control of the Alpha, but couldn't think about that because soon after that notification another one popped up.

[The owner is in trouble and is calling for assistance]

"Owner, do I have a owner" I said as I tried to remember who would fit that criteria only to remember Elizabeth. "Oh shoot I left her on that carriage for five days" I said as I got up.

"Hmm what are you doing" the princess said confused why I stood up so quickly.

"I left a friend of mine in the other dimension and I left them there for five days" I said to answer her question. "You didn't leave them there for five days just one maybe half a day" she said as she layer back down.

"Excuse me, what did you say" I ask her confused on her remark. "Oh right you were born in the other dimension so you don't know. Basically a week here is a day on the other side, so you left your friend for half a day or so."

So from her explanation time basically time moves a lot quicker here than the other realm that Elizabeth is at.

"I'm going to be leaving this body empty for a bit so I'm going to leave you a couple creatures like the one were riding on now to protect you" as I said this more Goliaths were being made and I soon left the body and return to the one that was back at the other world.




As my consciousness returns to the root body that I left with Elizabeth my body suddenly get hits by an urge and soon a notification pops up.

[The hosts root body is evolving to catch up towards the hosts strength. The host won't be able to move the root body for about five minutes]

As I read the notification I looked around to notice the my body was torn in two and was launched into the air. As I was in the air I could see a camp on fire and several people running around. Where the carriage originally was I could see the Alpha standing there looking at five hooded men and several small people.

One of these small people was recognizable as Red looked at the group. "Is that Elizabeth, and is she facing my Alpha. What in the World did I miss!"


As the carriage moves, Elizabeth and her brother begin to talk about Red. "Do you think it was a good idea to tame him" said byro scared of reds power. "What do you mean" Elizabeth asked confused. "Red the flower that you tamed, do you think it was a good idea to bring him to main land. After all he or she took down a well known ex-church member as well as a ship with zero effort. I think its a bad idea to take something like that to the main land."

"Yes your true that something that strong be brought to main land is a bad idea, but you forget one major thing. The flower is tamed thanks to the churches taming rock" Elizabeth said as she brought up her right arm that had the taming mark on it.

"That's true, but for some reason I don't trust that the taming mark works how the church said" Byro said suspicious of the mark that was on Elizabeths right hand.

They continued to talk until it was night, this was when all the carriages stopped and people began to set up tents. There were about ten church members taking the forty students that survived and made it back to main land. The deaths of other students weren't revealed yet to the others due to the many situations we were put in. Elizabeth knew about this since many of her comrades that came with her to the island didn't appear at the tent site, and so she concluded that they died.

As they were up camps for the night many of the students began to talk about the recent things that occurred to them while on the island. Like how one of them met a three headed eagle that was launching lighting attacks at them, and they survived thanks to it getting stuck on the wires they set up. They tamed the beast and showed the mark they had on their right hand.

They continued talking about their beast and events that led up to where they were attacked by what they call 'root wolves'.

"Yeah I was scared when one of the church members was swatted away by a root that came up from the ground" said a student telling the others how he was close to death.

"You think that was tough let me tell you how two of those things came rushing at me and when I brought my shield up to block it, they disassembled their body and appeared behind me. When I turned around to react both of them hit me with their claws and launched me I to the water, their claws were strong that it broke my shield in two" said a girl who held a broken shield in her hand.

They all kept talking about what they experienced until they reached the point where Elizabeth threw the taming stone at one of the roots and tamed the creature causing all nearby creatures to crumble away.

They all looked at Elizabeth who was resting her head on Byro's shoulder. "Hey Elizabeth tell us what your creature can do" one of her schoolmates asked. She was going to refused but was then pressured by a bunch more students asking the same question.

"Fine, I'll tell you so please be quit" she yelled making all the students shut their mouths. "The creatures name is red and from what I know he is a flower."

Hearing that red was a flower caused several of the students to freak out.

"That has to be a lie."

"There is no way I almost died to a flower."

These types of sentences were being said by a bunch of students.

"There is no way that red was a flower, did you see its body when it was in the air, the length of its body caused areas of lands to be picked up into the air" a student who was paying attention at the time said.

"To tell you the truth, that was reds roots that were spread around the island" said Elizabeth, she didn't know if this was true, but it was something that sounded right to her.

"No way, that was its roots, than how big is the flower" a student said. "Yeah how big is it" another student asked. Soon people began to ask her on how big it was.

"I don't know myself since Reds' body was up in the air so I couldn't see it if I wanted to" said Elizabeth as she grabbed a piece of meat, that resembled the leg of a bird, off the campfire and bite into it.

Silence engulfed that part of the camp for a couple seconds until a single sentence was said "Then show its body to us."

This single sentence riled the students to speak all at once and loudly. "Sure I can" Elizabeth said as she was about to release Reds main body outside. Before she could Byro instantly covered the mark on her hand "are you crazy, did you forget how big reds main body is" Byro whispered to Elizabeth ear.

Seeing what she was about to do, Elizabeth quickly canceled the summoning of Reds main body. Though Reds' main body didn't come out of the marking something did.


Soon a giant creature with the upper body of a person and the lower body that looked like a delta soon came out of the mark and made a big bang onto the ground. Everyone around Elizabeth soon saw the Alpha for the first time, even Elizabeth never saw this creature before.

"What is that thing!" A student shouted out loud as they drew their weapon out. Soon more students drew them out and pointed at the Alpha.

"Wait this is one of Reds creatures so don't attack it" said Elizabeth quickly. Hearing her words several of the students brought their weapons down and a couple seconds later two church members came running to Elizabeths group.

"What's going on here" said a church member but stopped moving when he saw the Alpha. Before Elizabeth could explain the church member grabbed a are on his side and threw it towards the Alpha.

Everything slowed down for Elizabeth as she saw the axe slowly go towards the Alphas head. The axe soon hit the Alphas Venus flytrap head. Soon the creature moved its head towards the Church member and began to change its hands into ones that looked similar to spear tips.

The Alpha quickly began to charge towards the Church member and launched its spear tipped hands towards the church member. The church member quickly grabbed an axe on his side and tried to block the attack only for the axe to be broken upon impact.

"What" before the church member could process the situation he was launched away by the Alpha as it swatted him with the side of the spear. Soon all hell broke as the Root creature began to run towards nearby people and attack them and in the process sent the campfire towards the tent.

Several church members led it away of the camp towards the carriage thinking no one was in it. But little did they know that red was in the carriage unable to move a single inch of his body and was soon hit by the full force of a charging Alpha. Launching his body into the air and him seeing the scene that he just saw.

"What in the world did I miss!"