
The Demon Flower System

A young 17 year old man who loved the way plants of all sorts looked and acted like. Til one day he was killed while helping someone who was getting mugged. He was given a second chance by a God of his world, called the world master, who wanted him to attack and claim another God's world for him. Accepting this task he is given the body and personality of a flower and meets various situation and events on his journey to dominate the new world he is in. (hello there, this will be my first book so there might be some mistakes. If there are any please point it that way I can try to fix them if possible.)

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The Demon Kings castle part 2

"Huff, Huff, Huff" every one of the sins soon began to take deep as the root wall dropped and they all began to look at me. As I stared at them I can only think of one thing "is this the demon king's most powerful people." If they were this strong it could explain why they couldn't take over the other world with ease and require the flowers that I can create.

I land back on the ground and could see the impression that was embedded into them. I then walk towards wrath and look into his eyes. Seeing my gaze he becomes scared for a bit before he was able to recompose himself "what is it that you want" he says with a tone that makes it sound like nothing happened at all.

I look at him for a bit before I shake my head and say to him "just take me to the demon king," He looked at the others for a bit, trying to see if they agree or not. The other six nod their heads and he soon looked back at me "ok follow me" he said while walking towards the castle or fort. As I followed him the other six soon began to catch up and encircle me and I could see the flow of demon magic coursing through their body "so they aren't letting their guard down."

As we reach the gate Wrath snapped his fingers and the gate soon began to slowly fall and we soon walked in and this is when I noticed something off. The castle is completely empty and I don't mean by people or life, no I mean it was empty. There wasn't any sort of defense in the castle all there was just the castle and the six sins and that's all. No catapults, cannons, there weren't even any signs of rooms.

As we fully entered the castle I could see at the center markings and pillars as well as torches that were on fire, "Why couldn't see these things when I was searching the castle." Wrath soon began to walk towards these pillars and having no clue what was going on, I soon followed him. He soon stopped in front of the marks on the floor and turned back towards me "you probably know this, but I'm still going to explain. This is a teleportation rune that allows us to go to and from the demon king's castle and so we'll be taking this to the demon kings castle" wrath said as he soon grabbed a nearby knife that was stabbed into a wall and cut his hand.

He soon threw the blood that was leaking out of his hand and threw it towards the ruins, as they touched the runes, the runes soon began to glow a red color, and out of nowhere a red beam soon burst out of the spot where the runes were at. Wrath and the other sins soon began to walk into the red beam and seeing nothing happening to them I followed them into it.




As I stepped out of the red beam I could see the surroundings had changed. One is that the area I was in was like the interior of the previous castle, but this one had furniture and other things. There were also guards or people who I believed were guards seeing how they wore red and black armor and held spears in their hands. As I looked around I could soon see a throne that had magic in it and I couldn't tell if it was human or demon for the magic color was nothing but gray. Demon magic was red, human magic was blue, and pure magic was sky blue so I could only ask myself why was there gray magic here. And it wasn't just the throne, but also the nearby walls as well as the person who was seated on the throne. I couldn't see his outlines at all for it was all covered by this gray magic.

"kneel before the demon king" Wrath said as he and the other sins soon began to kneel before the person who was seated on the throne. I quickly kneeled and didn't dare raise my head in front of this person who was named the demon king. If I had to be honest I was scared sh*t less just by seeing his gray magic for from what I saw in the moments that I was able to look at him I could tell that he could kill me without even leaving his throne. He could even kill Roy if he wanted to with ease.

"Who is this" I soon heard a voice that resounded all throughout the whole room, maybe the entire castle. Shivering out of nowhere wrath, who still didn't look up, responded "this person is here requesting an audience for you, my lord." I could soon feel a powerful gaze looking at me. Following wrath's action I to didn't look up and just said: "my name is red and I am a flower that can evolve into different species of flowers, and I believe that I have something that your kind are looking for." I say as I lift my right hand up and soon a pink flower blooms on my hand.

I didn't hear anything for what was seconds but felt like hours to me. "What is it that you want" I heard the voice say. "I want in return for my supplies of flowers is knowledge," I said while still looking down at the ground, now more scared as I could feel the flow of magic in the air being sucked in a single direction, which was where the demon king was at.

"You will have the knowledge that you want on two conditions. One you will aid our demon army if we need your help and the second is that you will become a sin yourself" hearing what he said I became shocked. I knew that he would ask for more in return for knowledge since the flowers I have most likely won't equal the amount of knowledge that I'm looking for, but why my help?

I couldn't refute it since this will also mean that I would be able to get the Demon king help in the future. "I accept the offer," I say and I don't know why, but for some odd reason, I could feel the demon king smiling. "Come here then," He said and before I could even get up I was already kneeling in front of him just in arm's reach. He put what felt like his hand on my head and I could soon feel something flowing through me.

[Null magic is being detected inside the host]

[Will the host accept the new type of magic]

Seeing the notification I didn't know what to do, for I had no clue what Null magic was. "System what is Null magic."

[Null magic is a magic that can negate any magical attacks or conditions. It is magic that all the gods in this world fear due to the severe effects that it has on them]

"So this is basically magic that can kill a god," I think and soon I have a big grin on my face. If I have this magic I can kill gods and might be able to find the information for the object that I was looking for. "I accept."

[Null magic is now flowing through the host's body]

[Due to the host's unique magic gifted by the world god, the Null magic is now being absorbed]

"Hmm," the Demon king said as he noticed the Null magic inside my body disappearing as soon as it enters my body. "It seems your body can't accept Null magic," the Demon king said as he lifted his hand off my head. He then sighed and said "then I guess we must do this the old fashion way" and out of nowhere I could feel another type of magic flowing through me.

[Demonic magic is being detected inside the host]

"AAAAAH" I screamed in my head as I was hit by pain that I never thought I would feel. It was as if my body was being torn apart and being put back together crudley and being torn apart once again forcefully.

[The Demonic magic has now been isolated]

I could feel the flow of magic stop after five or so minutes and another notification appeared.

[The host race has been forcefully turned into the 'Flower of Sin']

[Flower description: The Flower of sin is a flower that has been turned into sin by the demon king him or herself. It is known to be an elegant looking flower that is only seen in the demon king's castle. The Flower, even if it looks beautiful and weak, is well known for its destructive power as it could be seen in the past ravaging kingdoms with its demonic roots that would drain all of its victim's mana and life force if touched.

It has been said that a young man broke into the Demon kings castle and stole this beautiful flower from the Demon King while she was still there and was able to get away with a lost limb. Once he returned to his world he began to take care of the flower and after a year it finally bloomed. When it bloomed it was said that the flower gave the man who took care of it a new arm, this arm was soon discovered by others as the flower he took care of.]

I read through the notification once I was able to calm myself down and couldn't believe what I read "system does this mean I can no longer become a Demon flower." This was the question I had in my head for I had no clue if this would end my evolution or not.

[No the host is still able to evolve into the Demon flower due to it being the host's final evolution, though once the host evolves into the Demon flower the host will be hundreds of times stronger than other Demon flowers]

I sighed a breath of relief after hearing that notification and was soon happy that I was able to become a Flower of sin. I soon opened my stat page to see the changes.

Name: Red

Race: Flower of Sin

Title: The Demon of the Forest, Servant of Elizabeth Barnes, One of the eight sins.

Level: 29 (17/1000 exp)

Soul: 140/500

Strength: 300

Speed: 300

Magic: 438

Defense: 273

Skills: Telepathy, Soul eater, Root mastery (10 Max), absorption (6), Soul eyes (passive) (3), Root duplication, Specter body, Specter hand (2), Root Creature (9), Skill share, Digestion, Petal storm (3), Flower field (5), Healing flower (1), Aroma, Root body (1), Mana absorption (1), Fishing (1), weapon creation (1), Fake flesh (1), Reaping (2), Reapers cloak (1), Nature's hand (3), Field of Decay (4), Roots of Decay (2), Decay beam (3), Demon contract (1), Demonic Field (1), Demonic Roots (1), Demonic Petals (1), Rule over Demons (1).

Demon Contract (1)- The user is able to create contracts to beings and if the being breaks the contract 10% of their strength will be given to the host.

Demonic Field (1)- The user is able to create fields of flowers that are able to act as gate ways and are able to teleport beings from hell to the other world and vice versa.

Demonic Roots (1)- The user is able turn their roots into demonic roots that will be able to drain enemies mana and life force upon contact.

Demonic Petals (1)- The user is able to turn their petals into Demonic petals that will give their targets, upon impact, a curse that will turn them into flowers slowly .

Rule over Demons (1)- The user is able to control nearby weaker demons and be able to give them any commands.


Seeing the new skills and the big stat increase I couldn't deny being happy about this.