
The Demon Flower System

A young 17 year old man who loved the way plants of all sorts looked and acted like. Til one day he was killed while helping someone who was getting mugged. He was given a second chance by a God of his world, called the world master, who wanted him to attack and claim another God's world for him. Accepting this task he is given the body and personality of a flower and meets various situation and events on his journey to dominate the new world he is in. (hello there, this will be my first book so there might be some mistakes. If there are any please point it that way I can try to fix them if possible.)

ERROR16291 · Fantasie
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70 Chs

Noxferatus part 2

Every creature began to emit a violent rage of mana when Lord Strong Tooth talked about humans. "The humans have begun to set up base on the west side of the island and have begun to eradicate all the creatures in the area" Lord Strong Tooth said as he looked around the room to see the other creatures' reaction. Several showed signs of rage, while others showed signs of wariness upon the news.

"This is why I am requesting someone to head towards their location to stop them from finishing building their base" Lord Strong Tooth said as he soon sat up and walked to the middle of the room. He began to make an X in the center of the circle and began to add some holes that had bits of mana lingering on their surface, on the sides of the X. Once he was done making the holes in the ground he went back to his spot and murmured something in a different language.

The whole room began to shake out of nowhere and several creatures stood up from shock. Soon a blue and green light began to come out of the holes and X, these lights soon began to intertwine above the X and slowly began to form a screen of some sorts. Soon images of a forest began to appear on the screen and slowly the screen began to show the trees quickly flying past it. The screen stopped and showed a wooden base being built by several people wearing leather gear with hammers and some sort of knife on their sides. Several words and sentences could be heard coming through the screen as if they were physically there listening to the conversation. The screen soon began to zoom on several people holding spears that had razor ends and wearing armor that had several shark insignias engraved onto its chest. The shark appeared to be rushing out of the water attacking a giant whale of some sorts and guts could be seen pouring out.

"It appears that the Lyrford family are helping them create the base" a moth that had several crystals protruding out of its body said as it stared at the screen intensely. "It appears so," Lord Strong Tooth said as he began to growl while looking at the armored soldiers carrying wooden boxes to certain areas of the base. "So, who would like to teach the humans a lesson on invading a land that doesn't belong to them" Lord Strong Tooth said.

Several creatures raised their paws, legs, or something close to a hand up into the air. "Lady Meridia is there" a red jaguar said as it pointed at the screen. Everyone looked at the screen and began to pale as they saw a young woman with two hatchets on her hip carrying a crate towards the center of the base, dropping in front of a builder. She had black hair and brown eyes; she had several scars on her face. The two hatchets on her hip had several marks written close to the weapons edge. As she dropped the crate a loud bang could be heard as several clanging noises could be heard soon after the drop. The builder opened the crate, and several steel bars could be seen inside the box. "I believe that is all '' the woman said as she soon walked away from the builder towards another crate.

Seeing this, all the creatures that agreed to attack the base began to lower their hands and lowered their heads until they were looking at the floor. Lord Strong Tooth stared at the creatures that lowered their hands in disgust and anger before sighing out loud.

"I'll go" said a voice in everyone's head. All the creatures looked around and soon found someone who had not lowered their hands down. "Are you sure Noxferatus? '' said Empress White Wing as she looked at Noxferatus with a shocked look written on her face. "Yes, I'm sure, since this will be the first time, I can properly fight humans'' said Noxferatus, "well actually this will be the second time that I had to properly fight humans, but I don't actually count it as a fight since they used that taming stone of theirs to defeat me."

Noxferatus looked at Lord Strong Tooth, waiting to receive a sign that tells him that he can go towards the human base. Lord Strong Tooth looked at Noxferatus for a bit before nodding his head. "Then I shall head towards the human base, '' Noxferatus said as he soon stood up and walked towards the exit.


"This will be fun" I said as I left the cave and looked around to find the location of the base. After looking around I found the familiar base and began to slowly walk towards the base's location. I remember what happened just a couple seconds ago when I was fighting the multiple eyed snake. As he was trying to plead for his life, I was teleporting his body to the flower dimension to let the root creatures there finish him off, but thought "what happens if I just stop the skill when it reaches his head?"

So, I did, and his head was cut off and teleported to the flower dimension. Just to see what happened if anything different happened to his head, I sent it back to me and nothing changed.

"Man, this skill can now be a one-shot skill, it's sad that it takes too much mana to forcibly stop the skill" I say as I walk towards the base. I was not in any rush to reach their base and wanted to spend as much time as I could looking at the notifications I received from the system.

[Skill [Mana Absorption] has reached max level]

"This is quite good" I say as I open my stat window to see what has changed.

[Mana absorption (10 Max)- The user is able to create a zone that goes as far as six meters around the user that instantly absorbs any magical attack or spells that enter the six-meter mark. Once the magical attacks or spells are absorbed, the mana used to create the spells will be used to regenerate any of the user mana or wounds.]

As I read the effects of [Mana Absorption] I saw that another skill had already reached max level.

[Root body (10 max)- the user is able to create a body made of roots that has all of the users' skills. These bodies are able to act independently and generate personalities of their own, if the user allows them to]

"When did this reach max level?" I thought to myself. I tried to remember if there were any moments that required me to make a ton of root bodies. A memory of me and Boney fighting soon appeared in my mind as I remember that I had created about a hundred or so root bodies on the roots that I used against him. "Well, me meeting Boney not only helped me build a friendship with another warrior, but it also helped max out a skill that I use a lot."

"Now let's try this out" I soon raise my hand and activate [Flower Dimension]. A small crack appeared out of thin air and roots began to slither out of the crack, [Root body]. The roots began to intertwine together and formed a bulky root body "now how do I activate the personality thing?"

After a couple of seconds of trying to do something, a notification popped up.

[Would you like to give the root body a personality]


I looked at the notification for a bit and pressed [Yes].

I suddenly felt a bit of my mana leave my body and flow towards the root body. Soon the root body began to move a bit, some minor jolting, until it finally stopped moving. After a couple seconds it looked around and looked towards me. "What is it that you need me to do?" it said, which surprised me a bit.

"What can you do?" I asked, in which the root body soon created a root spear with several gray petals at its point. "I see, the system shows me the effects of the spear."

[This action cannot be done]

This confused me for a bit, "system why are you not able to tell me the effects of the spear?"

[This is because the spear was not made by the host and the host does not have any skills that can see the effects of the item]

"I guess that is fair" I look at the root body "ok your name will be Noxferatus, you are a part of the council of monsters that govern this island, your current mission is to exterminate the humans that are creating a base on this island about two or three miles from us. You are allowed to use any method that does not involve major damage to the island, unless it is necessary. Do I make myself clear?"

The root body nodded its head and soon began to walk towards the direction. "System, am I able to still possess it for a bit? '' I asked since I was curious if it was still under my control.

[The Root body is still under your control, but there is a possibility that it will rebel if mistreated]

"So, like a regular living being" I said as I saw Noxferatus walking towards the human base. "I wonder what their personalities?" I said as I soon entered the root dimension.