
The Demon Flower System

A young 17 year old man who loved the way plants of all sorts looked and acted like. Til one day he was killed while helping someone who was getting mugged. He was given a second chance by a God of his world, called the world master, who wanted him to attack and claim another God's world for him. Accepting this task he is given the body and personality of a flower and meets various situation and events on his journey to dominate the new world he is in. (hello there, this will be my first book so there might be some mistakes. If there are any please point it that way I can try to fix them if possible.)

ERROR16291 · Fantasie
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70 Chs

Meeting red part 2

[Evolution complete]

[Now waking host up]




[Host has now been woken up]

A flower could be seen blooming as it showed pinkish red petals on its bud. "Yawn* Morning System what I miss while I was asleep" said Red as he looked around.

[The skill Root Creature has reached level 8]

[Root Creature: The user is now able to create creatures the size of a warship. The user is now able to take control of one of the creatures body as if it's their own. The creatures will now last longer with the little amount of magic put into them. New function the root creatures can now hold up to six skills, the use of these skills that aren't passive will take more magic out of the Root creatures body.]

Receiving the flood of notifications Red read through them all and was happy with the update he received. "System can I see what changed with me stats please."

[System now bringing up hosts stats]

Name: Red

Race: Petal Flower

Title: The Demon of the Forest

Level: 11 (91/100 exp)

Soul: 500/500

Strength: 72

Speed: 72

Magic: 130

Defense: 65

Skills: Telepathy, Soul eater, Root mastery (10 Max), absorption (passive) (6), Soul eyes (passive) (3), Root duplication, Specter body, Specter hand (1), Root Creature (8), Skill share, Digestion, Petal storm (1), Flower field (1).

New Skill Function:

Root Mastery: The user is now able to move their roots with precise aim and monurablity. The creation of roots no longer require the use of magic but only on the amount of water and other substances the user received.

Absorption: The user can now heal their body more quicker with little amount of substance taken.

Soul eyes: The user is now able to see the flow of magic in other living beings.


Seeing that a few more skills leveled up Red was confused "System why did Root mastery, Soul eyes and absorption level up?"

[Root mastery leveled up due to the skill Root Creature using the skill. The skill Soul eye levels up over time. The skill absorption leveled up due to it now being changed to passive due to host being asleep.]

Red thought about it and it made sense that his skills would level up and all that and so he checked the rest of the things on his Stat window.

"I see that the Alpha and the deltas have been collecting more souls for me to use in the five or so days I have been asleep. Speaking of which how many deltas are there."

[The are 54,170 Root creatures. 1 named alpha and 54,169 named Deltas]

Seeing the numbers Red was shocked about the numbers. "I can now see why my Root creature and Root mastery skill has now leveled up."

"Hey system how far can my roots go anyway now that they reached Max level?" When Red saw the skill Root mastery reaching Max level he wondered how far it could go.

[The host is able to spread their roots to about 20 miles]

"So I can basically now see almost the entire island if I spread my roots out. Yeah I like the sound of that but first let me bring all of my Root creatures back to me."

Red then ordered all the Root Creatures, using his skill Telepathy, to all come back to where he was at. Within minutes he could see thousands of creatures rushing in his direction until he could see all of the root creatures as a whole.

"If anyone needs an army just call me since I have so many Deltas" said Red shocked by the sheer number that his Soul eyes showed him.

"I think it is now time to spread my Roots."


On the shores of the island several boats could be seen on the shores of the beach. "Where can that damn cat be" said a hooded figure as he lammed his hand on the wooden wall of the boat.

"Calm down my friend we all knew that the lord of the island was a cunning and crafty one so it doesn't come as a shock that we can't find him" said Ray as she looked at the map.

"But still we brought a A tier item to locate him and yet we still can't find him" said the same man as he bow kicked a hole inside of the boat.

"It doesn't matter remeber our true purpose is to keep an eye on the young ones and try to lower the casualty rates that we always get on this island" said another hooded figure with a circular crest on his hood as he turned and looked at the map. "But it is strange that we can't find the Lord anywhere on the island."

"Maybe he is dead" said another hooded figure.

"If he was dead we would have picked up his corpse or any remnants of his body" said the hooded man with the crest.

As they were about to speak again they heard a bunch of birds making sound inside the forest. All the hooded people got out of their boats and looked at the forest.

There they could see many flying based creatures and birds flying away from something. The they felt something rumbling beneath "Is it a earthquake" said a hooded person as the looked around.

"No if it was we would have gotten a report from HQ telling us to leave. No this is from a creature" said the man with a circular crest. "But what creature could cause a earthquake and make those creatures fly away."

"I don't know but we need to get the students" said Rey as she began to run into the forest. "She is correct go and bring the students here as quickly as you can." said the hooded man with the circular crest.

All of thw hooded people now receiving an order began to run into the forest.


"Elizabeth what's going on" said byro as he looked around panicked.

"I don't know but whatever it is we need to run away" said Elizabeth as she grabbed Byros hand and began to run.

As the two began to run Elizabeth looked around and saw several creatures running along side of then. "Damn it" said Elizabeth as she saw one running in their direction.

As she prepared to strike the beast it ran past the two and continued to run. "Something is scaring these creatures" said Elizabeth now more terrified at the thought of something scaring the creatures to the point where they won't attack each other but run with their tails between their legs.

The two continued to run until the made it to their tree fort. As they got inside their fort and looked down they could see swarms of creatures pushing each other and shoving one another as they ran. There was even one the size of a tree running along side them.

"What is scaring them" said Byro more terrified seeing the big creatures run by.

"You two what are you still doing here" upon hearing a voice Byro and Elizabeth turned and saw a hooded person standing on a branch next to their base looking at them.

"Everyone has been ordered to head back to the beach for safety" said the hooded figure as he jumped onto their base.

"can any of you have a way to travel through the forest" said the hooded man. "I can create a wooden platform for us to walk on" said Elizabeth as she looked at the man.

"Ok I'll give you as much magic you need to create the platform for you and your friend here" the man said as he got behind Elizabeth and began to chant.

When the man finished chanting a mix between a white and bluish light appeared on his hand and several tenderals were made out of the color. The tendrils then stabbed Elizabeth in the back.

Upon impact she felt more energy in her "Ok now create the platform" said the hooded man as a few sweat drops could be seen.

"Got it" Elizabeth then Bagan chanting and started making a wooden platform using the nearby trees.

The three of them began to run on the platform. As they ran Elizabeth felt something creeping behind her. She looked back and saw nothing but the green outlines of trees. She then looked at the ground and was shocked to see something moving underneath the creatures on the ground, and it wasn't one thing moving underground but a bunch of them.

"Hey I see something moving underground" said Elizabeth as she looked back at Byro and the hooded figure.

"How do you know something is moving underground?" said the hooded man as he looked at the horde of creatures running.

"My sister has the blessing of the God of nature so she can see anything is close to nature so if she sees something underground moving it means that there is something moving" said Byro as he explained to the hooded man.

"Ok I'll take your word for it" said the man as he gave Elizabeth more magic.




Elizabeth, Byro, and the Hooded man finnaly made it to the beach where they saw several students with creatures with crests on their heads next to them. The creatures were all shaking while looking into the woods. "What's going on here" said Elizabeth as she saw the freaked out tamed creatures.

"I don't know but stay here and wait for further instructions" said the hooded man as he walked to where the rest of the hooded people were at.


"What's the situation in the woods" said the man with the circular crest on his hood.

"We have no clue High Priest, all we know is that something is scaring the local creatures."

Ray then noticed a hooded man walk onto the boat "Tom do you have any news on what going on."

"Sorry sister but the only thing that I know is that something is moving in the ground and is most likely the cause of the earthquake" said Tom the hooded man who helped Elizabeth and Byro.

"How do you know this" said a hooded women.

"One of the students were blessed by a God and she has the ability to see things underground" said Tom.

"The only people who are blessed by God's that are here are the Barnes children, but the son has a crystal blessing and the daughter a nature blessing" said the High priest.

"So what ever is moving underground is either a earth or plant creature" said Ray as she looked at the others.

"Gather the students were leaving the island" said High Priest.

"But sir what about the test" said a hooded man "What is more important a test or the future" said the high priest as he looked at the man.

The gaze from the high priest made the man swallow his salive. The high priest then walked out of the boat and stood infront of the students.

"Dear students we are leaving the island as of today" said the High priest in a loud tone.



Many of the students complained and groaned about leaving the island. "As you all probably felt and/or saw there is something on the island that is sharing the local creatures. We do not know the cause of this and so we shall be leaving the island tomorrow. If you are wondering about the test, it has been canceled since many of you didn't bring the skulls of the creatures you have slayed back with you."

Many let out a sigh of relief hearing the last part.

The high priest then walked back inside the ship and the students began to get close to the ships just incase something came to attack them.


"Well I'm not going to let some future allies leave me on this island" said Red as he possessed a delta and was listening to the whole conversation.