
The demon's Grudge

"My son" "yes father" "Do you wish to live" *silence* "Answer ME!" *silence* "sigh" "Go and kill them all" "As you wish FATHER" Lucius D. Michaelis All but innocence in his mind, killing his mother when he was born. Dying in the process and going to hell. Born without a heart, he will never be saved or will he. #demon #dying *this book has been updated.

gacha_hero · Horror
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The Cold Winter Night

In the late 19th century a baby was born in a village that was known to be haunted.

When the baby was delivered the doctors/nurses gasped and screamed one almost dropping the child in the process.

The mother was wondering what was happening, why were they screaming so she took a look at the child then screamed while jumping out the bed. Almost falling but one of the doctors caught her.

It had felt strange when she was delivering the baby but she thought that the baby was fat and weirdly shaped, but she had never known how that felt because it was her first child.

The child had a appearance that could bring shame to the devil. Horns at the top of the head with a red face that was scrunched up in pain, beautiful blue eyes like an angel, and a tongue that looked like a snake's. The child had 6 limbs; three arms and three legs, with a tail as shape like the devil's staff.

"What is that?" said one of the nurses, she was shaking with a terrified look on her face while pointing at the child.

"The devil" another one said.

"AHHH!!!" they all screamed in fear making the doctor drop the child.

The child started to cry and it shook the place, lights were breaking, tables and the beds were shaking.

"AHH!" the mother started to scream while muttering something.

One of the doctors started to drag the mother but she screamed and slapped away the doctor's hand.

"Are you crazy woman?!"

"Let's go!"

"It's all your fault" she mumbled


"It's ALL YOUR FAULT!" she screamed while pulling at her hair.

"If I didn't come to this damn town then my baby wouldn't have turned out this way." she said while gasping and chocking.

"Look lady, it's not your fault and it's not mine it's the town's, now let's get out of here!" the doctor said while grabbing her arm.

"NO!" she shouted

"I won't leave my baby" she said while sobbing.

The doctor then let go of her hand and said "suit yourself" while running to the exit.

She then crawled toward her baby while crying.

"My b-baby" she said while choking on her spit and hovering over her child.

The whole building started to tear down. The roof was falling and it fell in the mother and her child, killing them both in the process.

"I l-ove y-ou" she said as she took her last breath.

Soon the whole building collapsed and you could hear the screams of those who didn't make it out.

Arms then start to drag the child and the mother underground.

The End


^ Gosh that's a lot of periods.

What do you think about the book?

I will be doing some additional changes from time to time and I will be giving side note for those who are confused.

This book was previously named the creatures.