
The Deity King

Tay Howard is a high school student in his last year of high school. He had his powers seal away in a family pendant by his father Lamont when he was 8 years old. 10 years later tay power’s start awakening. Now he is after everyone who had to do something with killing his parents, while making a name and kingdom for his self. Everyone will bow down to him when he is deity king

AlwaysAngry · Aktion
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17 Chs

Chapter 7

5 mins later shiva and Morgan hear a rushing pair of feet coming down stairs. Looked up to see tay in a black pair of joggers and a grey shirt that said monster energy with an black long coat. We all set to go Tay asked? Before we go lord tay shiva interjected, Morgan witch spies said there are mercenaries and bandits their also hunting in the familiar forest so we have to be careful of three things. Number one Morgan said focus on finding a familiar we will handle bandits. Number 2 if a bandit get past us kill 'em on the spot, they will not hesitate to kill you. Number 3 control your rage if you get to mad you will release your magic aura. If any bandit or another pure blood family there they will try to take over this family. If they make you bend a knee, we will be slaves and you will not be able to be king and regain your family glory back. So don't fight or kill unless it's the last option for pure blood vampire. Any questions Morgan said, yes how can I find the rare familiars Tay asked. Shiva blurted out the rare familiars are deep In the forest but that's where everyone rushes too. Second question Tay asked, how many can I capture. Morgan said without thinking lord not to be rude but I will be surprise if you leave with more than one. That's all my questions than Tay said a little annoyed. Let's go as we made our way towards the back door Tay asked confusedly how are we getting there. Morgan said laughingly you will see in a sec let's get to the back yard. We gathered out side than shiva yelled Rin!!! A moment later a man who looks to be about 25 with pale ebony skin jumped from a Dragon flying in the sky. "Boom" Rin landed and got down on one knee, yes captain how can I be of service? Shiva commanded sternly your in charge while we gone you the oldest vampire here, Tay looked Rin up and down before asking how can this guy be in charge his magic aura is like it isn't there. Even though my aura hide it self because of my necklace, you can still sense it if you concentrate hard enough. Rin's aura is nonexistent Tay said. Before shiva could answer Rin said my lord sorry I didn't mean too fool you let me show you. Rin sat down and cross his legs, closed his eyes. "Sigh" moments later aura flooded out of Rin body like he was the ocean with infinite Magic aura. Tay looked dumbfounded, Morgan and shiva Tay said I know what I want for my birthday. What's that lord tay Morgan and shiva said in unison? I want to start my on clan. Shocked and happy at the same time both Morgan and shiva looked at each other and said yes lord. We will talk about more when we come back. Morgan said, Nota silva portal open. A black circular portal open, we walked through the portal on the other side was glowing plants and trees the sky was dark with beautiful bright stars. A few feet away a man sat at a shack, that said familiar Forest entrance on it. Morgan took lead and said jimmy, who jumped up and smile while rubbing his hands together. Hello noblewoman Morgan what bring you guys to the forest today. We are here to bringing lord tay with us to get him a familiar. Is there a specific or any familiar you looking for young lord. Are there any rare and legendary left tay asked, let me check jimmy said as he pulled a tablet from the shack. Let's see here we have 1000 common familiars left, we have 300 uncommon familiars left, we have 20 Rare familiars left, 5 legendaries left and 1 5star S-class ultra familiar. Fair warning young lord the 5 star have been here for thousands of years, before tay could ask jimmy said it's hard to find them even I don't know where it is. Your the owner and you can't find it tay said disappointed in jimmy, that's not the problem I capture them and keep them from escaping that's my only job jimmy said. Okay tay said let's go in, tay took charge and went through the giant gate that said familiar forest. Morgan and shiva followed suit. meanwhile the two twin dragon which is supposed to be one. Hey Rin? Yes yin our master has arrived, can you feel him. Let's see how strong he is that will determine how soon we will let him find us and when we will hatch okay Rin. As we walked through the forest we saw all types of creatures from talking snakes to Minotaur's. What was more surprising to tay was all the different auras clashing all over like it was a battlefield but he couldn't see any fighting. Meanwhile in a tree some meters away a werewolf hiding with a bow and arrow said into his earpiece, boss we have three two hybrids and it seems like a human. Take them out steal anything valuable, roger boss. The werewolf let off three arrows towards shiva. Shiva took out her sword without looking where the arrows came from and chopped all three arrows in half before they could hit her. Looking at Morgan shiva said this bring back old times, let's see what this sneaky bastard got. The wolf moved position when shiva parried the arrows, boss this Ben these three have some abilities I'm going to need some help, okay we just finished up over here. Let's move out everyone ben said there is three that have abilities. Ben let off 6 arrows off this time mainly focusing on shiva again, once again shiva parried all 6 arrows effortlessly. Ben was starting to sweat profusely because normally he would hit all his shots never missing a target. Little did he know it was to late shiva fully released her aura transforming into her earth dragon form. She flapped her wings before flying at high speed at Ben who lost sight of shiva. You looking for me shiva said behind Ben. Ben had chills down his spine, so scared from how much aura was pouring out of shiva ben stood still afraid to move, Ben asked who are you. Someone you can't afford to offend before punching through his chest, pulling his heart out. Just catching up to shiva, tay and Morgan saw that the bowmen was dead. Shiva drop his heart while licking her fingers. Thought he was going to be somewhat more of a challenge she said, lord tay you could of killed him. Why do I feel like that was an insult looked at shiva sternly Tay said? Laughing mockingly covering her face I don't know what you mean Lord tay shiva said. Let's move on I want to look for a rare shape shifter tay said a little annoyed. Hmm well let's head to the lake caves morgan said, Ben boss finally made his way to where Ben last was. Ben where are you, can you hear me? Ben boss Jacob stark the leader of Black Death group was getting worried he couldn't find Ben. Everyone spread out look for Ben, as everyone fan out to look for Ben Jacob thought to himself no way Ben could of been killed it was only three of them. Tay,shiva, and Morgan arrived at lake caves and they could see all different types of shaper shifters, now master tay who would you like morgan said. Tay looked around from the edge of the lake you could see siren, demons, and all other types of shift shapers. I want you tay said pointing at demon with a ninja suit on with his tail sticking out. The other shift shapers snickered before one spoke you want the prince of evil Lucifer, one of the shift shapers said. Hmm is that your name than tay said confidently Lucifer? Morgan what is his rank. legendary lord tay, he's all mine.