
The deep love poetry

Autor: Awan_Ahmad
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What is The deep love poetry

Lesen Sie den Roman The deep love poetry des Autors Awan_Ahmad, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.In 'The Great Gatsby,' a wealthy man tries to win back his lost love, while his neighbor watches from afar. The story is set in the roaring twenties, and explores themes of love, wealth, and the corru...


In 'The Great Gatsby,' a wealthy man tries to win back his lost love, while his neighbor watches from afar. The story is set in the roaring twenties, and explores themes of love, wealth, and the corruption of the American Dream."

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My Reincarnation as a Chicken

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After waking up in a long sleep, he opens a received distress message not knowing when it was sent and who sent it. The distress message contains a recording, A recording with a date set on, December 27, 2427 12:28 PM It tells: To you, or to whoever may receive this message, we tried to stop it, we tried everything we could, but we still failed, I'm sure you are confused as to what I am talking about so let me tell you from the beginning. In the year 2015, a group of large entities was detected surrounding the Sun, at first, it was to be kept secret and a lot of debate on whether it is a normal anomaly or something big is cooking then it was not until the sun started showing signs of change in its color. So countries gathered and sent a manned mission to the sun to investigate the anomaly since scientists can't define and figure what is causing the sun to react in such away. in 2017 the mission begins and 222 days later, the first close-up images of the sun were revealed to the world and the anomalies that cause it to change color. The world was shocked to see large beings surround the Sun, but not long after the crew and ship were blasted by one of the beings, completely disrupting contact and shocked the world that they were not alone in the universe. After the shocking reveal, the World Union joined by every country decided to form 'The Galactic Union' which was still to be decided to pass not until 2022 when the 'Mars Terraform and Colonization Program' ends as Mars is now to be considered 'Earth 2.0' and it was passed due to the fact humanity decided to risk colonization at an early stage. When The Galactic Union formed, a celebration was held after its formation. In 2023, the head of The Galactic Union gave a speech as to how and why humanity took a dearly step to 'Planetary Colonization' and thanked everyone. But not long after the sky went dark with a bit of purple then everyone looked at the sky as the sun went black and a purple ring surrounded it, everyone called it 'The Dark Star'. A former star empowered with dark matter taken from the void, A place where nothing, not a single thing exists, even be it time and light. What came next was the arrival of creatures made to destroy and bring everything into darkness. As things were falling, hope was one too, but with its power, the creatures were defeated. It claimed itself as a - (Recording Error!) Coming to aid in the co - (Recording Error!) Then promised to put an end to - (Recording Error!) After the battle, I stared at the stars and - (Recording Error!) I wanted to explain everything in this recording but there is no time left. At the moment, the Dark Star has already consumed Mercury and is growing in size. We thought we can stop and contain it but, we were overpowered and it leads to our failure. This message is to any remaining living being in the Local Group of galaxies, be prepared, there is nowhere to run, nowhere is safe, THEY HAVE DONE THIS TO MULTIPLE UNIVERSES AND THEY WILL NOT STOP UNTIL EVERYTHING IS NOTHING, NOT UNTIL EVERYTHING SINGLE BIT IS COVERED BY DARKNESS!!! The recording ends, with a face of confusion, and memories unknown, he goes to the deck of the ship and looks around and sees nothing by only an endless 'Void'. Realizing his situation being alone, he takes a small breath and looks again at the Void he feels he is like a boy, holding a lantern, on a small boat, floating in the endless sea of darkness.

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  笙笙,笙笙……   他总是这样唤她,温柔而缱绻。   别人是怎么形容他的,一身明华,公子如玉,矜贵优雅,呵,那是那些‘别人’没有看见过他拿着手术刀剖尸时的模样,那时他的一双眼被血染得通红通红。   他有个温柔的名字,叫时瑾。   姜九笙第一次见时瑾,在她公寓的电梯里。   “你的手真好看。”她由衷地赞叹,眼睛移不开,“我能……摸摸吗?”   他诧异。   她解释:“抱歉,我有轻度恋手癖。”   他迟疑了比较久:“抱歉,我有轻度洁癖。”顿了一下,很认真,“只摸一下可以吗?”   摇滚巨星姜九笙,是个恋手癖,新搬来的邻居是个医生,凑巧,拥有一双她很想很想私藏占有的手。   后来,在他们新房的浴室里,他背着身,拿着手术刀,满手的血,满地的血,一地残肢断臂,从那堆血肉模糊的骨骸中,依稀能判断出是她捡回来的那只流浪狗。   她问:“你在做什么?”   他说:“尸解。”   她后退了一步,却被他按在了浴室冰冷的地板上,将她的衣服撕碎,满地的血染在她雪白的皮肤上。   他说:笙笙,若是能选择死亡的方式,我希望死在你身上。   他说:笙笙,医不自医,我是病人,血能让我兴奋,让我杀戮,而你,能让我嗜血,是我杀戮的根源。   他说:笙笙,救救我,你不拉住我的手,杀了所有拽走你的人之后,我就要杀了我自己。   她拉住了他的手,说:时瑾,地上有血,会脏了我的鞋,我要你抱着我走。   她没有这么爱过一个人,愿意陪他堕入地狱。   他没有这么爱过一个人,愿意为她放下屠刀。   备注:本文治愈暖宠风,1v1双处,摇滚巨星和天才医生的互宠日常,讲述一只变态黑化美人医生是如何‘温润如玉’地将神坛巨星拉到地狱一起……的荡漾故事。

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