
The darkness within us

Not mine it’s my dear friend this is what she gave me to post

I_am_billons · Teenager
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6 Chs

The Twins POV

Xenos and Phoenix were both walking down the sidewalk in London, and were kinda sightseeing to see if they could find anything to do. After awhile of just walking around they finally went to a Ice cream shop called Udderlicious Ice Cream, It was nice and Simple right up Xenoses Alley. Phoenix ordered strawberry ice cream and Xenos ordered Cookies and Cream. They sat down at a table and began to eat their ice cream, A male and female "couple" and so they thought walked up to the counter and ordered Ice Cream. To be exact Chocolate, and Vanilla was what they chose. Xenos Sighs and looks at his twin "I cant believe the commander put us on this mission, it's boring and completely unnecessary." Xenos said then licked his ice cream again. Phoenix sighs, "Bro, the commander wouldn't put us on this mission if he didnt think we could do it." Phoenix replied to Xenoses remark of annoyance. Xenos sighs ""Im aware sis but this is boring." Xenos said back to his sister, who was licking her ice cream. Phoenix sighs, "Stop complaining, You sound like Casteil and his daughter." Phoenix said in an agitated tone. "Whatever, I was just saying." Xenos said then looked back over at the so called "Couple". The boy had a black shirt on and was wearing what looked to be a necklace. Xenos looked closer and realized the necklace was glowing, Xenos tilted his head and signaled Phoenix to look. She looked and she nodded and stood up, Xenos did as well and they both threw their ice creams away. as they threw their ice cream away the so called "couple" walked out and into a dark alley, Xenosa and Phoenix followed slowly behind. The guy was speaking to the girl, "Did you see my amulet?" he said in a whisper like tone. Xenos sighs slightly and walked up to the "couple" with Phoenix right behind him. The "couple" looked at them, " Who are you exactly?" The girl asked. "I would say your worst nightmare but im not." Phoenix said. The man laughs a deep laugh "Ok but that didn't answer my question" the girl said. "Im Phoenix but people call me Winter since its my middle name." Phoenix said with a smile, The man sighs. "Did you need anything "Miss Winter" or Phoenix." He said. Xenos nods, "We need to check some-" A glowing light appeared out of nowhere, which cut Xenos off. The light was purple and it flashed purple blinding and knocking all four of them out.

****Time skip to ???****

****Place - ???****