

What is Dark Poetry?

"Dark poetry is the use of dark and often negative themes in a poetic manner. Instaed of writing about such topic matters in a diary or story format, the writer has turned it into verse. Such poetry is linked to gothic and horror genres as well as cultural and fashion subcultures in contemporary society. Writers, however, are from a variety of backgrounds and dwell on a range of themes.

Dark poetry can take all forms, from small structured haiku to long-form verse. They can use traditional meter as well as employ rhyming methods. Dark poetry is not about style or structure, but it is about content and Aristotle's emotions.

These emotions can be both positive and negative. The poetry used in dark poetry can be both, and the darkness can come from within as well as being imposed on the protagonist from without. These emotions do not have to be violent. The horror spectrum of dark poetry may lean towards scares and gore, but a large portion of poetry has another connotation for the word 'dark.' "

Source: https://m.wisegeek.com/

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