
The Daily Life of Celestial Beings

The Daily Life of Celestial Beings.

Synthima · Fantasie
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11 Chs

Learning Magic

I am currently in the central hall with Joey. Mideniko is here with me too but the others left to do their own things. Joey said he would teach me the basics of magic and so here I am.

"Okay, so where do we start?" I asked as I took a seat.

"Let's start with the four types of magic. The Emitter, Conjurer, Augmenter and Specter." Joey said while seated on his chair.

"Okay cool, so what do each of them do? What do they mean?" I asked.

"First the Emitter. As the name implies they emit mana to use magic. They cast spells by releasing mana from their body and concentrating it into an area then directing it to a target." Joey answered.

"Okay I'm kinda confused, so they cast spells by shooting mana?" I asked while scratching my head.

"Well technically yes, you're not wrong."

Joey replied.

"Okay so how do they cast specific types of spell, like the one you did?" I asked.

"To cast a spell you need to clearly visualize it in your head and have enough mana to manifest it." Joey answered.

"So if I have enough mana can I cast any spell I want?" I asked.

"No not quite, the spells you can cast depends on your attribute. Your attribute is decided on your birth and each person only has one attribute. Although there are some very rare cases where some people have more than one attribute." Joey answered.

"Oh okay, can you change your attribute though? And how do i found out my attribute." I asked.

"I don't really know if you can change your attribute and I haven't really heard of anyone doing that. You can find out your attribute by using a mana globe." Joey answered.

"Where can i find one?" I asked.

"There's actually one right here, you can use it after we're done discussing this." Joey answered.

"Okay then let's continue." I said.

"So next is the Conjurer. It's the same principle as the Emitter, however Conjurers use their mana to create objects instead of attacks." Joey said.

"So can Conjurers create anything?" I asked.

"No not quite, Conjurers can only create non-living things and the amount they can create depends on their mana. The quality also depends on how skilled the user is and how much mana they have." Joey answered.

"Oh okay that's simple to understand." I replied.

"If you've got no more questions then let's move on. The next one is the Augmenter. Same principle as the other two except Augmenters use their mana to augment their targets." Joey said.

"When you say augment what do you mean by that?" I asked.

"In this sense, augmenters can upgrade and downgrade their targets. They can use their magic to make things stronger or weaker and they can apply it on living and non-living things." Joey answered.

"Oh so they can give buffs and debuffs to stuff." I stated.

"Yes you are quite right, Augmenters can even heal and repair things." Joey replied.

"Damn that's very useful." I said while putting my hand on my chin.

"Well then last but not the least, the Specter. The same principle as all the previous ones as always. The specter uses their magic to affect the appearance of objects and make people see what's not actually there." Joey said.

"So they can make illusions and fake things?" I asked.

"Yes, they can in fact create illusions, however the efficiency depends on the user's skills and mastery. You can even permanently change the appearance of an object if you're skilled enough." Joey answered.

"So does it not have any time limits? What about mana do you need to keep using mana to keep the spell active?" I asked.

"Well some spells can be permanent but it can be changed anytime depending on your skill, Some spells don't need mana to keep active and some do. You will only need to use mana once when casting a spell to change the appearance of a small object however you will need to keep supplying mana to large scale changes." Joey answered

"So how does the change in appearance affect the object?" I asked.

"You can decide wether to comepletely transform an object and its use or to just change it's appearance while keeing it's old function. But of course you will need to have a good mastery over it." Joey answered.

"Ah I see, that is quite the useful type of magic too. So how do I learn them?" I asked in excitement.

"Well you can ask certain people who are masters in certain types of magic to teach you, or you can teach yourself by reading books although it will take longer." Joey replied.

"Okay that's good to know, by the way how do we learn these spells? Can we make our own?" I asked curiously.

"You can only normally learn spells from spellbooks. You can't really create your own spells." Joey answered.

"So where do these spellbooks come from and who made them?" I asked.

"We call the creators of the spells and spellbooks the "Authors" not really a creative name but it makes sense to call them that." Joey replied.

"So where can we find these Authors?" I asked curiously.

"Well you can't really find one in this world. They are scattered through out the cosmos each living their own lives in secrecy." Joey answered.

"So what do these Authors do?" I asked.

"Well since they're the ones who created all the spells and spellbooks they are very powerful. Most peole believe they are just watching over us and observing our actions." Joey answered.

"That is quite a weird hobby but that does make sense if you have that much power." I replied

"Well I suppose that is all there is to know about the basics of magic, there are still other stuff like attributes and tiers but those are quite self explanatory." Joey said as he stood up.

"Is there really no way to create your own spells?" I asked defiantly.

"Well if you some how meet and become friends with an Author then who knows, maybe you can make them write a spell for you." Joey answered.

"Really!? Then I'll try to do that." I said in high hopes.

"Calm down now, we don't even where any of the Authors are and we don't  know if that actually works either." Joey replied.

"Now then, let's go see what your attribute is shall we?" Joey said as he walks away.

"Yes sir!" I answered as I stood up and followed Joey.

I learned alot about magic during this discussion and now I'm very curious. I'm also about to find out what my attribute is and I'm very excited for that.