
-{Chapter I: Youth}-

Life is not given, it's chosen. – Arnold, archpriest of the god of life.


"Hey, it's time to get up..." A calm voice slowly forces my mind out from my dreams and back into reality, "mom said she needs us."

I manage to pull my tired eyes open, and blink a few times to correct my vision. I stare at the wall for a second, guess I rolled over in my sleep. Then I turn to a young girl with black hair that stretches down past her shoulders. Her skin is slightly pale, mostly from lack of sunlight, and looks identical to mine. Then I look into her dark blue eyes which seem to bore into my own.

"Nah..." I pull the sheets of wool blankets up to my face as I roll back over to the wall.

"It wasn't a question..." I can feel her eyes burning holes in the back of my head, "and I said... WAKE UP!"

The blankets are ripped from my body leaving behind a slight chill from the sudden temperature drop, "I can sleep like this."

"Oh, yeah, how about this...!" A jolt of pain rips through my body starting from my right side, and cutting through me like a hot knife. A grunt leaves my mouth as I roll from my bed and crash to the ground. Which causes a loud thud, and way more pain to grab hold of me.

"Ughh... why...?" I push myself from the floor and begin to stand.

"Because you wouldn't get up, duh..." She states as she begins to walk out the door.

"Oh, really now," I grumble once I get to my feet, "well, then I'm going to kill you!"

"That's only if you can actually catch me!" she yells as she runs down the stairs.

My room was on the second floor with only a bathroom, and another guest bedroom. And my sister, Ella, and my mother, Katrina, have their rooms downstairs across from one another. I would say our house is small, but I would probably get yelled at by others in the village. All I can say is that it's a hell of a lot smaller than those houses in Helmgard, the city nearest to the village.

I jump several steps down at once, and almost trip down the last few steps. I round the corner as fast as I possibly can, yet, before I can reach her I'm stopped by my mother. My mother's dark blue eyes, matching Ella's exactly, bore into my soul as if it were sending fear down my spine. I stop dead in my tracks, and lower my head in submission.

"What do you guys think you're doing?" Mother growls, "you can't just be running through the house like a group of wild animals."

She glares at the both of us, and we apologize, "sorry mom..."

"Now then, I need some groceries," Mom changes the topic, then waits for us to catch on.

"And you want us to get them don't you?" Ella abruptly asks.

"Well, yeah, it's not far from here..." Mother begins to explain, then with a happy tone she states, "and I'll make pie~!"

"Fine..." The both of us groan, and she hands us some Aureus coins. Aureus coins are pretty much golden coins, and they are the currency of this country, Augistine.

– Stuck on grocery duty again? – A voice speaks inside my head. His name is Demoros, well, that's just what I've always known him as. However, I can't talk to anyone about him, because then it would just seem like I'm a crazy person, which I might be...

– Could we not talk while I'm in public? – I respond.

– Ahh... why not? – Demoros asks with a sad tone.

– Because it's weird, and I don't want people to think I'm psychotic or something, – I answer honestly.

– Well, you better get apples, because you know how much I love apples, ha-ha, – He ends with a small chuckle.

– Yeah, yeah, you say that all the time, but how can you even taste them? – I question.

"Hey, Alex... Alex!" Ella slightly shouts at me; pulling me from my conversation with Demoros.

"What?" I grumble.

"You were spacing again," She states.

"So what if I was?" I say with sarcasm in my voice.

"Hey, it won't be my fault if you walk into something," She grins, and I narrow my eyes at her.

My full name is Alexandrith Reign, yet everyone just calls me Alex for short. Because my name is pretty long, but I like it, it suits me.

"I know it's random, but you know what'd be cool...?" Ella calmly asks as we walk through the center of town.

"Superpowers," I blurt out.

"Well, I mean yeah, but no, if we could leave this town. Maybe become an explorer, mercenary, or some kind of knight..." She states.

"Yeah, I can agree with that, but we live here, and I don't even think the Divine Guard would want someone from here..." I counter her statement.

"Well, we could have a chance..." I raise an eyebrow, but she keeps explaining without noticing, "because at least dad taught us a little on swordplay."

"Yeah, I guess so, but that was just mostly on how to defend yourself, not really taking done someone on a battlefield," I grumble.

"Hey, it's better than nothing at least," she shrugs.

"I wonder what dad's been up to over these past few years..." I whisper to myself.

"Well, we're here," she nudges me with her elbow.

The door to the shop makes a slight creak when we pass through, and a bell chimes out as the door collides with it. "Welcome, welcome, what can I do for you today, hmm?" The store-keeper says with a joyful tone in his voice, then he spots us, "hmm... let me guess, the usual?"

"Yeah, we had to pick up another shipment of groceries for our mother," I smile back at him. Gordon, the storekeeper was an awesome man who would always get our small order right seemingly no matter what we were going to order.

– It's foresight, I keep telling you this but you never listen... – Demoros gripes.

– I'll believe that when I can prove it, but yeah, it seems highly likely, – I respond, – now can we talk about this some other time? –

– Ahh... but the show is just about to begin... – Demoros has a sinister tone behind his words.

– Ooo, what kind of show? Wait, show, what show? – I question, as we walk out the door of the shop.

– Oh, you don't know? – Demoros chuckles, – well, well, my friend are you in luck... –

– Why...? – I question with worry in my words.

– Because, just for you... Alexandrith Reign, I have a special thing for you... – his voice goes into a low demonic laughter.

– Oh, great what is it this time? – I roll my eyes.

– Are you not intrigued? – He questions, – no matter. Your power will arrive shortly, ha-ha-ha! –

– Power really? – I let a frown slip, – you say these things, but nothing ever happens... –

As if I had let out some kind of signal; sharp pain seems to split my spine in two. I collapse to my knees as the edges of my vision darken. The pain intensifies in my lower shins around my ankles, then my the back of my hands. And finally my back feels as if it was being stabbed, and pierced, with hot pokers, and fishing hooks were yanking at the skin. I try to scream at the agony, but nothing leaves my mouth, and I fall to my hands.

– Yes, Alexandrith, power just for you, I bestow my gift upon you, – Demoros demonically preaches.

I can feel my own blood gush from my back, while something rips its way free from my flesh. I clench my teeth so hard they start to hurt, but then go numb. I force my eyes close, until the pain subsides, then I open them to dark purple-ish-black markings on my hands. My blood slowly pools around me, and I see a reflection of my own face in it.

I have short ruffled black hair, and a pale unmatured face. The only thing different about me from my mother and Ella is that I have emerald green eyes. They came from my dad's side of the family because he was part elf... which would make me quarter elf? I stare at my reflection for a time, my mind not grabbing hold of reality.

I've been marked? H-how is that even possible? And why am I a Cursed? No, no, no, no, why me? I didn't choose this... did I?

– No, you didn't, – Demoros answers my thought, – but neither did I, well, sort-of. –

– Then how am I Cursed? – I mumble.

– Because your dear old father decided to save his own life, – Demoros whispers, – well, I mean... it did save you too, so that's a plus, right? –

– Where's Ella... I need to find her... – I try to stand, but fall to my knees.

People scream out in terror around me, and I can finally hear them. "He's a Cursed," a woman shrieks. "We need to kill him before he has the advantage to kill us," another man yells.

– There... – Demoros lets out a slight sigh, and I feel my attention being pulled to the left.

And so I follow it, then in the front of the crowd, maybe three to five meters away from me, Ella stares without any emotion on her face. However, once I look her in the eyes, tears begin to stream down her face. Her facial reaction is full of worry, horror, and sorrow. Then it's as if I could feel the terror, the sadness, the anger... in the people around me.

"Ella... run... run home as fast as you can..." I order through my heavy breathing.

And before she can reply the crowd pushes its way around me, everyone in the village must be here... what about the guards?

– Now that's my kind of thinking, – I can feel Demoros' smile.

– H-how do I get out of here? – I questionly beg him.

– Well, if you quit your whining; I could show you, – Demoros groans.

– Okay, okay... just please help me, – I ask.

– You feel the emotions around you right? – Demoros explains, – I know you do, anyway, you want to begin to collect as much of it as you can, got it? –

– Yeah... – I answer as I begin to pull all the emotions around me, while closing my eyes in the process. It feels oddly good... like a cold drink on a blazing hot day.

– Now then, you want to force that power onto the surface of your skin... – Demoros orders, and once I do what he says, he continues, – now release that power onto your body, got it? –

– I think so... – I do what he tells me to, and feel lighter?

– Good, but you have to open your eyes, – Demoros chuckles.

And so I slowly open my eyes to a terror-filled crowd, then look down at my hands. They are covered in a black smokey mist, which seems to flow freely from me. I spin on my heels until I can see the village gate, then bring my gaze back down to the crowd surrounding me. They aren't coming any closer, yet they don't move away. They're both too filled with hate to let me go, yet they're too filled with terror to try anything.

– How do I get past them? – I ask Demoros.

– Why don't you just run through them? – He responds.

– I can do that? – I question.

– Why not? – He replies.

And so I close my eyes, and charge at the crowd. And, to my thinking, I sprint through them, but then I open my eyes. I find that they had jumped out of the way before I hit them. Most likely fearing what would happen if I had hit them. I turn towards the crowd of people I once knew, and loved, I need to leave. I turn back to the gate and pick up my pace, it's the only way, right?

– They're going to close the gate to cut you off – Demoros advises.

– What do you suppose I should do? – I ask between breaths.

– Why not use those wings you've got there...? – Demoros sarcastically points out, – just a thought though. –

– Wait, what? – I raise an eyebrow, then look over my shoulder to see two dark grey wings jolting from my back. Purple, and magenta, veins pulse with my own heartbeat... I have wings... hell yeah.

I almost trip myself in the amusement, and Demoros laughs at me. – Okay, okay, now back to business... You feel those tendons, bones, and muscles? –

– Yeah, I... I actually do... – I turn my stare away from my wings and back to the gate.

– You're going to extend them as far as you can, got it? – Demoros orders.

– Yeah, I can do this... I can do this... – I state, then begin to extend my wings. However, they only go about an inch or so before I hear heavy metallic footstep. I turn towards a squad of soldiers marching towards me.

– You're too slow... – Demoros groans.

– Do you have a better idea? – I question.

– Why don't you let me take over? – Demoros questions.

– Take over, how? – I ask curiously.

– Simple, I would take over your consciousness, and be able to show you what I know while using your own body, – I feel skeptical at his words, but I don't really have another choice.

– Alright, just don't get me killed... – I agree.

– Not like it would happen anyway, – Demoros pulls on my consciousness and I let go of the hold I have. A grin appears on my face, yet I didn't make it. It's like I can see through my own eyes, however, I can't take control of my own actions.

– So... is this how it's been for you for however long you've been in my head? – I blurt out.

"Yes, exactly..." My own words sound distorted and corrupt, and I know it's Demoros talking for me. Then without hesitation or a seconds notice, the wings on my back unfurl and extend outwards, "I know you can still feel everything, so try to learn how I'm doing this, got it?"

– Yeah, yeah, I'll keep up, – I respond.

"Good," Demoros says before launching from the ground, and leaving a huge gust of wind, dust, and debris.

– Wow, could we slow it down a little? – I ask calmly.

"Fine, it's just your body is so much lighter than mine..." Demoros begins to laugh and I can feel my own ribs move as he laughs. This whole experience is weird, yet really amazing at the same time.

I can feel each tendon and muscle in my body moving as Demoros soars through the air. Flapping easily, and confident with his own skills. However, we're still being chased by soldiers... and a crossbow bolt almost flies into my right wing. But, right before it plants itself into my wing; Demoros quickly evades and misses it by mere centimeters. Then two more bolts fly towards us, yet Demoros evades them with ease. He begins to laugh once more, and I can feel that he is enjoying this situation.

"Your puny bolts could never hit the likes of me," Demoros taunts with a wicked grin ripping across my face.

– Can we just escape before we are actually shot down? – I groan.

"Fine, fine, we can leave..." Demoros slightly frowns, then begins a quick descent. And right before he reaches the ground he pulls my wings back, and comes to a halt. And once my feet touch the ground he lets out a sigh. "You can take it from here now... I'm tired."

– Alright, I get it old man, – I sarcastically joke.

"Who you calling old?" Demoros grumbles.

– You... who else would I be talking to? – I state with sarcasm.

"Yeah, then I guess I can accept that..." Demoros agrees, "now take your body back."

– Right, – I say aloud before grabbing hold of my consciousness once more. Then I can feel myself slip back into my body, and Demoros slip back into the recesses of my mind.

"Now then, let's get out of here..." I begin to whisper to myself, but the notice a group of soldiers approaching me.

– Divine Guard? No, how, and why, would the be way out here? – Demoros begins to question.

– What should I do about them? – I ask with slight panic in my voice.

– Well, running is out of the question... – Demoros responds.

– Wait, why is running out of the question? – I ask.

– Do you really think that you can outrun fully trained foot soldiers, and the Divine Guard at that? – Demoros answers my question with his own.

– So, what do you suppose I should do, huh? – I take a few steps away from them.

– Fight them obviously... – Demoros comments.

– Yeah, but how the hell am I supposed to fight three fully trained foot soldiers! – I start to yell at him.

– Just get them separated, then dodge their attacks and hit them when they're vulnerable, – Demoros explains.

I take a deep breath as the soldiers get closer; their footsteps are heavy and a metallic clank follows each step. I raise my fists up to my face, in a defensive manner, readying myself for anything. And in an instant the first soldier reaches me, and swings for my stomach. I leap backward, which I come to realize, I slid at least two meters away from him. The hell kind of power is this?

He darts towards me, and I begin to run at him in response. However, before I reach him, I slide under his blade, and the tip barely scratches my face. Then I spin on my heels, and push myself from the ground. I dart towards him, once I turn towards him, which causes a cloud of dust to fly from underneath my shoes. He slightly turns towards me, but it's already too late.

I ponce on top of him; making him crash to the ground with a heavy thud. His sword bounces from his hands and lands a foot from him. His eyes widen, and he looks from me to his sword. I can feel his fear... i-it's feeding me... A grin rips its way onto my face, and the soldier's facial reaction turns into one full of worry. Then without hesitation, he manages to grab his sword, yet I hold his arm down.

– What do I do? – I stupidly ask Demoros.

– Disarm him... – Demoros advises, – and take his weapon. –

And so, I listen, then begin to twist his arm with both my hands. He punches me in the right side of my ribcage with his left arm, then starts to grunt and huff in agony. A loud click, pop, rings out and his sword arm goes limp. He screams in agony, and I rise off him with his weapon in hand. The other three soldiers reach me, and I turn towards them. They didn't make it in time... a chuckle leaves my mouth, but I don't know why...

The two soldiers charge me with a slight war cry, yet before they reach me I open my wings. They stare stunned for a moment, and I take the opportunity, I slash one of the soldier's thighs. Yet, before I can slash the other, a bolt goes through my calf. I instantly fall to the ground with a grunt. I don't necessarily feel the pain, until I look down at it.

A scream leaves my mouth, and I panic... I fall onto my back, and stare up at the two remaining soldiers. Hate and anger fill their eyes, I start to slide away from them; leaving a blood trail behind my left leg. I grimace each time the bolt bends from grinding against the ground. And so, I rip it free from my leg, causing another blood curtailing scream to slip free from my lungs. Then I start to drag myself further away from the soldiers who slowly approach me.

"I think he's scared of us?" One of the soldiers questions.

"Not so powerful now are you," The other soldier states; he holds an unloaded crossbow. So, he's the one that shot me...

My slow pace proves to be not enough, and I'm stopped by another soldier's boots. I look up at them and my breath quickens... I'm going to die... My thoughts run rampant as I stare at them. They have light armour, and a full helm, basically a helmet the covers the entire face. Time seems to slow as they draw their blade, a thin sliver lined rapier. My mind forces me to move, and so I roll to my stomach and crawl away from them. I push the blade of my sword into the dirt as I crawl.

Then I begin to stand, once I feel that I'm at a safe distance. However, not to my liking, they were right behind me the whole time. I stand on my injured leg, which causes an unimaginable pain to course through my veins. I bring the sword up into a defensive position, and watch each of them as they inch closer. Yet, with a second, the light armoured soldier is gone, and a blur replaces her movements. Except, I follow her blurred movements, and ready myself for her attack.

The other two soldiers start to chuckle, but it slowly fades away as I focus all my attention on the blur as it circles me at an alarming speed. Then without notice, a figure lunges at me without hesitation. I pull my blade into the figure's blade's path, and a metallic clash rings out. Their rapier is planted straight through the blade of my sword; the tip a centimeter or two from my face. Silence fills the air as we stand without movement.

"He... blocked it?" One of the soldier's question.

A giggle sounding noise leaves the helm of the soldier in front of me, then worry and fear wash over me like a cold blanket. Then without hesitation, and notice, the rapier is pulled free, then embedded into my right lung. I cough, and blood spurts onto their helm, and the ground in front of me. I fall to my knees as blood begins to soak my clothes, and oozes from my mouth. They pull the blade free and I fall lifeless to the ground.

My vision darkens as I try to look around, then I exhale with a short breath... did I just die? A small burning sensation takes over the pain from my left lung, and I inhale.

– Immortality has its perks, ha-ha-ha, – Demoros laughs.

– I'm immortal? – I ask stupidly.

– By definition, yes. This is the power I bestow upon you, because you are my host after all, – Demoros answers.

I stand without the pain from my previous injuries. I grin, time to fight again. I silhouette form myself once more, then grab my blade. I dart towards the light armoured soldier, leaving a cloud of dusk from my launch. Yet, before I can reach them, a blade run through my legs, and I fall to my knees.

– You can't just fight based solely on anger, revenge, or vengeance. You need to think clearly, let this prove as a lesson, – Demoros lectures, then chuckles at me.

"How did you survive my attack?" a feminine voice asks in a whispered tone.

I grunt, and try to stand but fall back down to the ground. What happened to my strength? I look down at my legs; gashes stretch horizontally across each thigh, and shin. Blood pours from me and gradually creates a pool around me. Blood loss?

– Yeah, can't quite save you from that... – Demoros states while prolonging each word.

– Great... – I fall to the ground.

"Take him away... and I want a few questions out of him when he's able," The light armoured soldier orders the others; the soldier's voice sounds feminine, yet has a large amount of authority behind each word.

My vision gradually starts to blur, and dizziness washes over me. I try to look at the soldiers who grab, and hoist, me upon their shoulders. However, my eyelids grow heavy, and my vision darkens, then everything goes black...

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