
The Curse Book

"In order to know the importance of light, we first need to experience the darkness" Hey, I'm Serena Hamsler. Things took a big turn in my life three years back when my uncle Benjamin suddenly dissapeared, no one knew what happened to him. But now suddenly I recieved a letter from my missing uncle leading me and my group of friends and enemies to a path which no one could have imagined where friend become foes and foes turned into friends, where supernatural meets the terror of horror, where they follow only one law that is to either sacrifice people or get sacrificed yourself. What to do you think how did Serena get the letter from a person who went missing three years? is her uncle still alive or ...? will a 18 year old girl will be able to do what's directed in the letter or get lost forever in a world where humanity doesn't exist and mainly will our girl be able to find her true love or again experience betrayal like her past. To know more read "The cursed book" , A story of mystery, fantasy, true friendship and unconditional love. A tale which has no bound for love wherever it might be family or romantic. A tale full of horror and suspense. if you are looking forward fr a tale full of suspense and thrillers having elements of horror and supernatural, this book is definitely for you. Disclaimer: This story is totally fiction and doesn't promote any rituals or believe mentioned in the story. It doesn't even intend to hurt any community believe. The characters are totally fictional and doesn't claim that any people like whole existed within the past or the present or even doesn't claim that this happen will happen in future. This is my first ever book to be written. Thanks for giving time to read this means alot. would highly appreciated if you all review it and comment it.

Serena_Adrian · Fantasie
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80 Chs

The Robbery

When I opened my room door. I was shocked like hell.

"Dammmm" I screamed.

Everything in my room was literally all the place, Everything was shattered, throw again as if there was some robbery.

"What the heck?" I said as I walked around my super messy room. My clothes were out of My cupboards, my books were on the floor and my bed. The room was an extreme mess.

"MOM.... MOM come here fast." I screamed

"What happened Baby?" I moving asked coming towards my room followed by Dad

"Serena, What happened? Why are you screaming?" Dad.

"Who did this to my room?" I asked pointing out to all the mess in the room. My parents eyes were wide open. They glanced at one another and looked at me.

"Did you let any kid enter my room?" I asked totally being totally mad at them.

My grandparents and Tom too came in my room.

"Jezz, What's going here?" Tom said.

"Damn we didn't even open up your room dear." Mom Saif, "Did anyone?" She asked looking at everyone.

"No, I didn't" Grandma said

"Neither me." Dad added.

"This mess looks like someone had tried to sneak into your room and find something." Grandpa thought and said.

"Can it be a thief?" Dad asked

"Can be" Mom nodded.

"Go check the entire house if anything else is a mess or anything is missing. I and Serena will check her room." Grandma ordered.

I and Grandma searched everything for next half and hour. Everything was there, literally nothing had dissappear, literally not a single thing. Cash, jewelery, my laptop and other expensive electronic were all in place.

"So you are saying there is absolutely nothing that went out of room or this house.... hmmm" Grandpa said.

"Yeah exactly." Grandma replied.

"So strange but I guess we should still call the cops." Dad Saif

"I feel the same." Grandpa said supporting his child.

"Okay" Dad said

And for next one hour, the cops came in and did the whole checking up and searching process and few formalities and then left.

"I just want some sleep" I said to Tom, But Tom looked preety disturbed in his thoughts.

"Tom" I called him out, he didn't heat so I called him again, "Tom, What are you thinking?" I asked.

I heard were finally heard by Tom, "Ahh" He said coming out of his zone.

"Seri listen, The Curse Book, they had come for the Curse book."

"Huh" I asked in surprise.

"Yes, Someone knew that the Curse Book Chapter A is with us, as we were outside, someone tried to steal it from us."

My eyes widened as I shaken with fear. By connecting a Dot by Dot, Whatever Tom said clearly made sense.

"Seri, Where is the Curse Book Chapter A?" He asked.

I didn't answer anything

"Serena, Where is the Curse Book Chapter A? We had a breakthrough in our house, didn't you check the Curse Book?" Tom Screamed in Panic.

I didn't have time to think about stuff, I ran in my room which my mom and the maid was cleaning, I ran through the books and started searching up things like a mad women.

"It's..... It's not there....." I screamed

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