
Her Scent

<p>Dark, cold, and alone, with nothing but snow billowing around his shoulder length hair and trees as far as an immortal eye could see surrounding him. There, for no particular reason, merely wanting a walk, Lawrence walks the mountain side as he has done for many years. His home, at the bottom and edge of Mount Oma was at the northernmost point of his home country of Vascose. Every now and again he fancies a walk and goes up the mountain for peace. The moon nearly full, lightting the ground before him. There, he notices an unfamiliar scent on the air. The scent is blood.<br/> Blood may not be an unordinary additional scent to the surrounding living area, animals may have been fighting or killed, Especially, heading back to his country side home for the day, he wouldn't have thought much of it, but this particular blood on the air was no animal. In fact, Lawrence Lumière, being how old he is and seeing everything he's seen, was frightened for whatever poor creature the blood had come from, for he had never smelled such blood in his 1000+ year life.<br/> He looked toward the wind, attempting to see what little he could in the falling, windswept snow and trees for the source. Nothing. From the scent alone, he could confirm the creature was not mortally wounded, but merely enough blood to drip and spread to be caught on the howling wind. What type of creature it was, he could not tell. The blood seemed to come from many creatures and one at the same time, but he new something must be clouding his judgement. <br/> Leaving home behind him, Lawrence cautiously walked toward the scent that confused him so. Stepping with care on yesterday's snow as to reduce noise, pinpointing the questionable creature, another scent caught his notice. A rogue vampire was near.</p>

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