
The Cultivator with Over Hundred Magical Beasts

This book is about a young girl that has died from a unfortunate event. All she wanted in life was to have a pet because it was the last thing that she could do with her parents. Now she has reincarnate as another Yang Fen and now has the power and ability that could rival almost any cultivators or even trample over different sects if she choose too. Since I reach 1,000 views on my book, which was a personal milestone for me, I decided to change it to every two chapters per day Monday through Friday but on Fridays, if another personal milestone of mine is reach, I’ll publish additional chapter. Next personal milestone is 2.5k. And this is my first story that I’ve written so I would love y’all’s feedback in the comments.

comicsans_1500 · Fantasie
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23 Chs

- Zhang Yun

The explosion took them both by surprise.

Yang Fen was blasted away from the door, but lucky enough, Little Frost was close enough to where she wrapped me with her wings to protect me from the blast.

"Frost, are you alright?", because her wings blocked my vision, I couldn't see the damages that happened.

"I'm perfectly fine, but I wouldn't say too much about the condition to the doors."

As she slowly reeled in her wings, I saw that the interior of the door was charred here and there, most of the damaged was absorbed by Little Frost.

"Wow I got really lucky with being her as my companion, I should spoil her more often." as she came to that conclusion, a dude in black and brown robs went to the doors of the library and was covered by some black material.

I already had a hunch who this person is, "Zhang Yun?"

As I said that, he realized that was there and tried to clean himself a bit so he can be more noticeable.

"Is that you Yang Fen? Sorry for the explosion, I was close to making a good treasure until I ran out of magical beast blood and without it keeping the formation the item stable, it quickly blew into my face."

"I already guessed that since one of the ways to becoming a rank sliver formation master is to make a treasure equal to the treasures, they displayed but must be unique."

"And I'm guessing you heard this from your mother?"

"Naturally, you know she loves to gossip given the chance to."

We both laughed at one of the few flaws my mother has, and it was a big one.

After we were done laughing, Zhang Yun noticed the blue phoenix and immediately went straight towards it to inspect if it was real or not.

"Out of all the people in the world, it was Yang Lu's daughter that managed to tame such a heavenly creature. I would never doubt this for a second if someone was joking about. Mostly because, I knew of all the incredible and impossible things she managed to do in the past." as he thought of this while looking at the phoenix.

"So, are we ready to start our lesson for today, Yang Fen?"


"Then follow me"

As I tried to follow Zhang Yun, I keep avoiding any debris that came from the door,

As we entered that library, I was treated by the familiar atmosphere that came with the library, a calming yet pure energy.

I kept following him until I saw a desk and chair, a chalkboard, and a big pile of stone tablets.

"I understand the desk and chalkboard but what the heck's up with the stone tablets?"

"Oh, you'll see I'm today's lesson, now take a seat."

I went to the chair in front of the desk, I reluctantly didn't sit in the chair because I was tiny bit afraid of it blowing up. After quickly checking that it's just a normal chair.

I noticed that Zhang Yun was staring at be with his face saying "Font mind me, I'm just enjoying the show" kind of face.

Yun noticed that I was ready and started the lesson.

"Alrighty, today we are going over the basic of carving a formation. When you make formations, using the form maker, you cover the tip of it with the blood of magical beast and infuse your Qi in it so it stays at a constant level so it can keep the formation stable while in the process of making it. For now, we are going to practice infusing our Qi in the form maker so it can leave a mark but here's a warning, don't put in too much Qi, you'll notice if you do but seeing if there's any cracks that forms around the area that you carve."

He went to grab a stone tablet and went to me and handed me a few stone tablets then said, "Try and write your name on the tablet without making it crack, we can start on the other part of today's lesson."

The first try was a obvious failure, and it kept happening to the other tablets.

Zhang Yun noticed what's the problem and saying, "Focus Fen, a calm mind helps you to focus as well so disperse any thoughts except writing you name on it."

I nod and look at the stone tablet, putting all of my focus on the table, I was finally able to get a small amount of my name get no cracks, which was progress.

I kept on doing this until I can finally do this, but sadly it took a large amount of my energy to do this.

"Good, this is very good. Know what I'm going to show you is a formation that helps with them gather Qi. What I want you to do is to practice doing this rune until the end of this month, at the end of this month I will test you if you can make this formation on the floor here and make it functional."

I was surprised, not only do I get the knowledge for free but have some resources to make this formation, but this kind sounds like it will be difficult to make.

"This formation seems hard to make, what do I get in return on acing this test?"

"Then I'll teacher you everything you need to know on how you can use ingredients to make formations because what a formation really is just a language long forgotten by the Gods but rediscovered that the language could be used to make formations. So really, a formation is basically a sentence that commands something, well that's what I think about it."

I agreed and was dismissed early to head back to my room.

"Let's start cultivating once we're in your room so we can have some privacy."

Little Frost really didn't do much in the lecture but sleep. Guessing that phoenix's have a different way to make formations.

"Sure, I've been waiting for you to recover."

As I said this, we headed to my room.