
The Crimson Champion

Brutus Crescent was a normal young man in his village, where he eagerly awaited his coming of age ceremony, a special ceremony that would tell him what he was meant to do in life. He believed it would be the most eventful day of his life. And it was. Just not in the way he'd hoped... Follow Brutus on his journey to destroy the mentor that betrayed him and took away everything he ever loved.

Lavak · Fantasie
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25 Chs

Akai's Bio

Name: Akai Flameweaver

Title: The Wandering Ronin

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Height: 6"4

Appearance: Akai has brownish-red hair pulled back into a ponytail and piercing yellow eyes. He has slightly tanned skin and a scar over his right eye. He has a slim build and he's very fast.

Outfit: Enchanted reddish-orange and black cloth armor given to him by Flamma that he added to with pieces of metal he stole over time, with a yellow and white cord belt and gray boots.

Weapon: The Blaze Shuriken. A weapon gifted to him by Flamma, it is a massive four-pointed orange shuriken. Akai can use it as both a weapon and as a shield due to its size, and if he throws it, it will come back to him like a boomerang.

Abilities: Along with a champion's usual enhancements (such as strength and endurance), Akai has fire magic that Flamma bestowed upon him. He can throw fireballs and blast fire from his hands. He can also send waves of fire out of his shuriken and set it ablaze. Due to being Flamma's champion, he is immune to all kinds of fire attacks.

Backstory: Akai Virkel grew up in the village of Virkom with Brutus and Lorelei. Right before his birthday ceremony for his 16th birthday, he arrogantly challenged Brutus to a fight, wanting to prove his superiority. Brutus accidentally cut Akai's right eye, making him unable to see out of it. As punishment for letting an outsider do that to him, Akai's father, Virkom's mayor, disowned him and banished him from the village. Akai was able to make it down the mountains and he went around stealing from people to survive. He hated Brutus for ruining his life, so he began to worship Flamma, the goddess of fire and rage. Because of his devoted worship, she made Akai her champion and gifted him with sight in his right eye again, fire magic, a weapon, and armor. Akai added to the armor with pieces of metal he stole from people. He continues to steal from people around the world under the name Akai Flameweaver, hoping to one day find and defeat Brutus once and for all.

Other: Most likely because he is the champion of Flamma, goddess of flame, Akai smells like charcoal and smoke, so if there is no fire nearby, he is most likely hiding somewhere nearby, waiting to strike.