
Rue's registration

As I was looking at Jenna and her mother hugging each other I couldn't help but remember my own family, which resulted in a tear flowing down from my right eye,

I had left them so suddenly, that I couldn't even see them once properly for the last time. And I guess I won't have the chance to see them again in my life.

That fucking god, it's all his fault. If it wasn't for him I would still be on earth with my family.

"Heh, I'm gonna fucking make him pay for it," I said from inside me and clenched my fists.

"Daichi, are you okay? Were you crying?" Rue said with a concerned tone.

I wiped my eyes with my hand and said, "I'm fine, follow me outside."

We got outside the house, at a distance that neither Jenna nor her mother could hear us.

"What is it? I'm missing this emotional scene because of you."

"Shut the fuck up and listen to me for once. The disease Jenna's mother had isn't that simple. It takes at least 9th-tier healing magic to slow it down and In order to completely cure it you need to be an 11th- tier mage or above." Although I just made a spell for healing it as I never thought it existed here in the first place,

"What mage tier are you?"

"Above 11th, will you listen to me? As I was saying, if we don't cure this disease it will spread like crazy all over the world. And if there isn't anyone capable of casting 11th tier healing magic then a lot of people will die."

"If it's an ordinary disease can't any healing magic cure it completely?"

"Sigh, that's what I'm trying to explain to you. It isn't an ordinary disease. As you know, healing magic converts your magic particles into special photons which enhance your cells' healing capabilities by 10%, that's for 1rst tier magic. For the 2nd tier is 20%, for the 3rd is 30% and you can understand the rest."

"I didn't know that."

Of course, you don't know about that. I'm the one who thought of this when I was building the world.

"Well, now you do. Let's go back to the disease. This disease mutates your cells and makes them absorb those photons which result in the virus spreading to the whole body faster than it should. And not only that, but it also weakens your immune system to the point that you can die from any pathogenic microorganism."

"Wait, wait, that's too much information for my brain to comprehend." She held her head with both of her hands,

"Okay, let me explain it to you simpler. If someone uses tier 8 or less healing magic the person who has the virus will die."

"But why does this happen?"

After that question, I just stood there and was staring at her.


"Are fucking kidding me? I just explained to you."

"Well, do it again." She said with a simple questioning look which made it more irritating that it already was and I did what was best for the situation,

I gave her a sweet smile and started walking towards the house.

"Hey, don't ignore me." She was yelling from behind me.

When I got inside I saw Jenna and her mother still hugging each other. Truly an emotional scene.

"Jenna, I have to do something now so I'll go for a while. If something happens you can contact me via this amulet." I said and handed over to her an amulet with a red quartz.

She took it and nodded positively.

At that time Rye also came inside the house, but I was already ready to leave.

"Why did you come here? Get out, we got work to do."

"Aah, what exactly?"

"I told you that I didn't take you with me to slack off, we will run some quests for the guild," I said and activated the teleport spell.

"Wait, I didn't say goodbye to Jenna."

"Too late now."

And with that, we found ourselves outside the city's guild.

"You bastard, why are you in a hurry?"

"Hey, watch your language, there are kids here."

"I don't see any."

"I'm talking about you."

"You-fucking-piece-of-shit." She said while softly hitting my chest.

"Heh, anyway, let's go inside."

Rue stopped hitting me and followed me inside.

I went straight to the reception and asked for two quests.

I wanted one for me and one for Rue to get more money from both quests, but it seems that one person can only take one quest per day for some reason.

Thus I proceeded to plan B and told Rue to sign as an adventurer.

And to my great surprise, she didn't say anything for the first time and just followed what I told her.

I sat at a table to wait for her and ordered a beer.

Somehow I have outrank this bastard god who kidnapped me from my world. But that would be impossible as I am now. He is stronger than me for sure, and I don't even know if I can raise my power. But there is a piece of hope if he is using the same God seed grown core I have which has now turned into World tree core after this many years,

If he is using the same core for his power the goal is simple and that is to evolve my core stage further and further until I am above him,

I took some deep breaths and tried to calm myself as I thought,

Well, at least my parents had a good time with their fake son. But I didn't, that's it I'll take my revenge on that fucking bastard someday and make him run for his money.

He may have said that they were impressed by my building skills or whatever they said but that's not a reason to kidnap someone and fool his family by a shit drone of their child I don't even know if they are alive anymore it was eons before.

And I didn't even manage to find a girlfriend, I didn't manage to fall in love, and most importantly I'm still a virgin after this many eons and seeing many heroes having sex filled life I am still a virgin,

Damn, my life sucks.

After I finished thinking of how miserable I am I saw Rue coming toward me.

"Did you sign yourself?"

"Yep, I'm a certified assassin now." She showed me her guild card turned it towards me, and I just spoke,

"Lucky they don't print chest size….." before I could even finish she kneed right in my belly which is not supposed to work but it did because for the taste of it I try limiting myself to a normal human level so I can know her actual power better than my Omni-Insight but damn that was such a masochistic choice I am never doing it again,

'Master did you have such interest!? Is it why you made succubus even without a demon race… in the first place' Pod spoke in my head and I replied irritated,

'Don't shout the scheme you stupid bot!!!' and looked finally in face of Rue who was having a satisfied gaze and spoke,

"what were you saying? I didn't heart" she looked smug, and should I give a divine judgment on her she is lucky I am a humble God I thought as I spoke,

"I was just saying, Good job, now let's take some quests."

We walked in front of the board with the commissions and I picked two quests, one for me and one for Rue.

"You will do this one," I said and handed over the paper to her.

"I have to kill ten goblins huh? Pretty easy." She looked confident,

"And I have to kill ten dire wolves. How about we make a bet?" I looked deep into her eyes with a smirk,

"What kind of bet?" she looked a bit suspicious,

"Let's see who will finish faster. If you win you will keep the money you earned for yourself and if I win your rewards will be mine. Deal?" I smirked knowing she had no way of winning,

"Why it isn't fair!? I will take yours too if I win?" Rue looked at me with a competitive gaze

"Because I have to pay for the inn and the food." I shrugged, at this greedy idiot.

"But you can stay there for free."

"Nope, I'm not that kind of person. I'm not exploiting others." I replied simply If I exploit others after being God what is even the benefit of being almighty and stuff,

"Except me, it seems."

"Indeed, except you." I just gave her a wink and she blushed a bit then slapped both her cheeks once she shouted,

"Ah, fuck it. I'm in."

"Good, let the best one win." Which is obviously me, well I should give a handicap and not use magic this time,

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