

The writer become the writing. Simple concept that pull this author out of a normal world into a higher dimension where he himself must construct and maintain the structure of this higher world. What will be the product which born from this idea is the think that drive the world forward.

Aros_Tier · Fantasie
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6 Chs

More Dice Rolling

"These are the truth beyond the dark...

...A threat is yet to come too fast...

...A dread is left for the fainted heart...

...Stick to left and thing shall pass."

Just as I am thinking of you, you decide to do a poet huh? It seems like he spoke randomly from time to time I have yet to see the pattern of when the poet will come.

Ha, so no obvious threat for the time being is it. Walking in the dark underground with a small light source that shines unevenly and see a lot of shadow by the natural structure of the tunnel. It causes the effect to look like the dark shadow is dancing or wiggling as we walk forward.

"Is underground exploring giving this kind of atmosphere all the time Ms.Berdet the shadow from the lantern light gives me quite a sight, vague and feel out of this world." Though I sometimes have a chance to explore a cave, I never did so with an oil lantern that sheds shadow through a flickering flame. How mysterious and fascinating a sight to behold ah feel shit spoiling my early experience with a heavy flashlight while exploring as this is more to my taste.

"That is the charm of it. Although the sight is not good for those who fear shadows and closed spaces like one of my associates and also most of my co-workers seem to didn't have any opinion regarding the light, I for one love the sight that gives the urge to explore what it has to show. And also funny how you phrase your word there. Feel out of this world? You can never be more inside of the world than this" A small light-hearted chat while walking in the tunnel. She waved her lantern a little to entertain the dancing dark. Her voice seem a bit regretful as she talk about her associate, I didn't see her facial expression though as she is ahead and just speaks back without looking back.

The other noise that is present here with us is only the sound of my and Ms.Berdet footstep and suddenly the rhythm of her step seem slower as she slow down her pace.

"What is it?" I ask while also looking ahead try to see what cause her to slow down.

She didn't speak back as she still approaches forward silently and slowly and as we slowly moved closer I finally see the reason for Ms.Berdet change of pacing.

The poet the first one I heard comes to mine, As the mention of something died comes to form. Ahead as a lantern light shed the skeleton of human still wearing cloth lying around at what seems to be the fork of this tunnel. The path seems to split here between walking forward or to the left.

'71' '56' Eh what is this?

As we walk closer to the skeleton I begin to see more of the remain. And as I walk and is on my thought what I see before my eye is two set of number a magical glyph number just like the dice produced when it is rolled appearing in front of me.

"The sanity of both Arostier and Berdetta have been tested as both of you unexpectedly see the corpse." The Keeper's voice rang into my head. Unexpect my ass you are the one spoiling it beforehand.

I feel a shiver and my hair stands as a cold bead of sweat slid down my back. A feeling of unnerve and fear suddenly flood my head and stop my movement. While Ms.Berdet still walking inching toward the dead slowly without realizing that my footstep sound is stopping to follow.

"Arostier Fail Sanity and Berdet Sucess Sanity. Arostier caught off guard by the sight of dozen of the skeleton that is ahead freezing in fear as the scene nibbles a little bit of his Sanity. While Ms.Berdet on the other hand although scared she still able to stay calm and able to approach and investigate." As the voice came and gave more explanation the skeleton that remain ahead suddenly look much frightful than before, As if I could hear their screaming of the deceit soul. And the picture of these dead brands into my head.

Excuse me, this doesn't feel right... This dreadful feeling is not mine as I have seen a corpse before and still didn't feel as scared as of right now. This must be the feeling of this body failing the Dice ability check. Well, at least now I know that The Keeper can force a roll without mention.

I wish to walk toward Ms.Berdet and speak with her to break the dreadful silence but it is like The Keeper said my body didn't move as it is freezing in place not following my will.

Now Berdet is already standing beside one of the skeletons before the branching path as she bent down her knee and look closely at the remain.

'90' Again with dice rolling itself? What is it this time?

"Fail History. Berdet tries as her might to estimate the age of this remain through clothing but her knowledge of the history of attire is not well versed enough to find out the time period as she can only tell that it is old. And as she inspected the cloth she found that it have a trace of bloodstain and tears around them." The function of the dice now became more unclear. Why did it roll by itself now? What about when I am smashing that wall I am clearly using strength and if it rolled automatically for action why didn't I seem to notice it roll back then?

Also, when can I move damn it! stop freezing from fear my spineless coward body.

"Arostier you are seeing this right? Are you scared to the point of trembling in fear right when you see it?" Berdet voice call to me as I am in thought and my body now is free for me to move... I've been freezing for like about a minute and just so happen to regain control now? Maybe I am fearful and is freezing in thought and require some shake to come back I presume.

"Are you not scare Ms.Berdet?..... There are like... ten corpses over there." My voice tremble a little. Calm down my body your mind is as cold as ice ten or twenty of these can't scare you.

"Of cause I am scared but what we differ is that I keep my composure. Think of it this skeleton is bare bone it must be left here for more than a decade so what is important is what happens." A way to think out of the situation huh?

By the way, can I also roll the dice with just a thought now that I find out the dice can roll itself?

'Keeper, I want to also check the time period of these corpse clothing can you do me a history check?'

'72' The number floats through my pocket where I keep the dice and float up right in front of my face. So it can be done after all?

"Fail history. From afar and to your knowledge it looks to be the cloth of something like Pirate of the Caribbean clothing timeframe and so you know it is a colonial time that is what I can explain for your poor history stat and roll" It clearly use the stat that refer to my actual memory so why in the hell did body fear trump my mind also there is no need for you to backhand slap me like this.

"That magical glyph again why did it show up now even though you didn't roll the dice?" Ah shit it is still witnessable by others what will happen when I do something like stealing in darkness? I mean these numbers are a literal magical glowing number. Might as well shine a spotlight on me if that's how these dice work so far.

"Maybe these dice really come from down hear Ms.Berdet it seems to act up on it own." I find some excuse try to push any situation where I need to explain everything away.

'86' '30' more numbers floating in front of my face. Aw Briet what is it this time I am finding excuses and now you are working up?

"Arostier fail persuade against Berdeta fail psychology. Arostier try to find some excuse for his unknown origin dice by reason it to act up which is a reasonable excuse for something that is unknown although have a lot of hole in his reason Berdet didn't seem to suspect anything and fail to notice anything wrong so she believes in him." Now it start to dawn on me that this dice and The Keeper can be work as somewhat a situation reader since I didn't actually try to look whether she buy the excuse or not. Yet the Keeper still narrates Berdet's thoughts.

"Is that so... well that might be it. We didn't know anything about it yet anyway so let focus on why are all these corpses is here first... Actually, why did they did down here is more important." Now I am also standing aside one of the corpses and as I observe all of them I find that three of them are wearing a manacle which restrain them why those who wear a colonial cloth are all other.

"They must get attacked by something in the tunnel as they are traveling through. Three of these wore manacles so this is probably a slave transfer route if we are thinking back toward the rumors." See? I can speak normally and I actually didn't fear the dead bod... Never mind those dead bodies actually start to look scary now is this some kind of body trauma playing tricks with my mind?

"I also find it annoying to roll it myself every time you seem to be in a situation where the result is unknown so from now on when there is a prompt for that to happen I will ask you instead." The Keeper voice rang... So you are the one rolling them yourself? "You thought of whether your mind being affected by the body is considered The Creationist roll want to proceed?" That stat is custom huh? I see no harm in rolling them so sure why not.

'Sure roll them up'

'42' Number appears again

"Fail The Creationist. Never mind you gain nothing better luck next time." Oi, your characteristic is all over the place even your way of speak is different what is this?

"The number appears by itself again!" Berdet speak with a confuse expression stamp all over her face.

"Just ignore it we can't figure anything about it here anyway. So what do you think killing them? The tear look big so maybe a bear? like got attack by a bear living in the cave"

"A bear mauling 10 people? probably not that. Let's look around more maybe we might find something."

"Ain't we going back? I mean is the dead not scary enough so we should call for more people to help explore this place?" I do have some reason of finish the session to keep on going but why do you insist on going further without calling for help from outside are you out of your mind Ms.Berdet?

She seems to shift her eye around as if she is troublesome thinking of something is she finding any excuse?

"She is about to fast talk you out wanna do the check?" The Keeper voice sounded in my head

... a brief moment of silent

Did the keeper just tell me that she is going to lie to my face? Well then that is enough to know, seems like she got her reason not to call outside help so this is a plus for me who need to do the session.

'Roll it I wanna know my psychology stat'

'25' '23' The number appears in front of my face again.

"She fails her fast talk against your success in psychology a tick for later improvement for you. Berdet didn't wish to say to Aros tier that she got her own reason so she decide to change the topic abruptly. However, Arostier seems to notice this abrupt change and realizes that Ms.Berdet got something to hide but he didn't know what secret she has in mind." Cool at least now I know that I got some point in psychology.

"Come on! we have just been down here for not even half an hour to be precise from the cellar to here only took us a minute's walk if something appears we just need to run are you scared?" Oi that look more like a Intimidate check than fast talk isn't it? Well, whatever let her cook I guess since she will soon change the topic.

"Let's explore for a little more let go down this path." No wonder my psychology pass, Berdet's fast talk is horrible

She points her lantern toward the left passage that seems to slope down a little.

"Prety sure that whatever thing that maul this guy dead is beyond that way so maybe go straight first?" I didn't want to go left yet since according to the poem that seems to be the main quest route so let's check out the other path a little first.

"Eh? Didn't you want to go find help?" Berdet seems confused by my reaction. Maybe she thinks I got some screw loose for not backing away from finding authority help.

"Though I also want to go down there I have a feeling that going that way I will not get the chance to see this path so at least check it first Ms.Berdet second exit might await us there who knows?" Random excuse this is how you do fast talk watch and learn Ms.Berdet.

"... okay then let go that way first" She agree and we begin to walk forward not to the path to the left.

If some didn't notice. This story is the definition of GM go writing a book instead of running a game.

Why not go and write your book? Here it is... don't know if it is to anyone's taste though since I as the author probably have the most fun seeing the interaction.

As for anyone that has come this far, I thank you and promise that although seem random this story actually has a structure so keep following and share your thought if possible.

Aros_Tiercreators' thoughts