
Chapter 12

Claudia entered the liquor store, a front for Spectre's Headquarter in Hialeah District built underneath the store, accessible through an elevator hidden behind the store's office. Today, the store was mostly empty, as it usually is most days, not being very popular and providing little variety when it came to liquor brands. Ideal if you wanted to hide the base of operation of a rebel organization.

"Ma'am." Bob, a non-User, yet an integral member of Spectre, greeted Claudia with a slight bow. He was in charge of running the store, being a cautious man that did not fear the Royals, he was the perfect pick for the job. Royals had come in the past, to investigate the store for any suspicious activity. Bob had been there to greet them with his calm demeanor, showing little to no fear to any Royals, even the bullies. Bob had received a few beatings during past inspections, yet remained silent, loyal to Spectre and to Claudia. She respected him for it.

"Hey Bob," Claudia waved, looking around the store, making certain no one was around before heading to back of the counter, towards the office. Today was going to be a very special day, the day when she would finally meet the person who's been secretly aiding Spectre for quite some time now. She had called and they'd arrange a meeting, which Claudia made sure to prepare, taking every caution possible and making sure only her most trusted, loyal, people would be present.

"Listen, Bob." Claudia said to the older man. "We're expecting a visit from a special guest today, you can trust them, the passcode is Yellow Flower. You know what to do."

"Yes ma,am." Bob said, nodding.

Claudia returned the gesture, thanking him in the process, then walked around the counter, heading towards the back of the store. She went through a door and into the back office. Her cellphone started ringing, vibrating in her pockets, as she typed some numbers into a keypad glued unto the wall, the wall splitting to reveal a hidden door which led to an elevator. The elevator led downward, to a secrete base, Spectre's H.Q.

"Hello." Claudia answered her cellphone, holding it into her ear.

"Hey sis." It was William, her brother. Last time they spoke was a few days, she had warned him about doing anything stupid, like fighting Royals. They already knew of his existence, at least the important ones, of the power of his ability. Claudia wanted to keep William hidden, he was Spectre's trump card in Operation Overthrow, but most importantly, she wanted him safe, away from the conflict until his strength was absolutely necessary. If the Lord Ruler were to take an interest in William's ability, she doubted her brother would stand much of a chance.

"Will, hey. What's up?" She said, getting in the elevator, then pressing the down button, the elevator doors closing.

"You're not gonna believe this." William said, he sounded excited. "Don't ask me how, but I found out who the Guardian is, some guy named Obex, friend of Jill's, lives in High Tier. They came by the Calming Clam yesterday. I asked Jill for his info, I'll send you his number and the address of his workplace, apparently he's a waiter at Golden Corral." Claudia knew the restaurant, a popular one in High Tier. William continued. "He works tomorrow, gets out in the afternoon, was thinking we can pay him a visit, you and I."

"Will, that's great news." It truly was. Claudia had been trying to find the guy for days now, getting nowhere she was beginning to worry, Hendrick calling her to try a different method in getting Arlong into Imperium. That would require changes, changes that could potentially jeopardize Operation Overthrow. But now, William had just saved her from a lot of trouble and headaches. 

"Yeah send me the details through text," She said through her cellphone. "I'll contact him and arrange a meeting. Pick you up tomorrow, say at noon?"

"Noon sounds good." William said.

"Noon it is." Claudia said, the elevator stopping, the doors opening. "Hey listen, I have to go. Call you later again tonight."

"Please do." He said, then, click. He hung up.

Claudia put her cellphone away, feeling it vibrate, no doubt from the text William said he'd send. She walked out of the elevator, and into the main room of her H.Q. Klaus was there, sitting with legs up on the table, smiling while flipping a coin between his fingers which keeps changing into a pencil, then a lighter, then back into a coin. 

Jake and Maya were there as well, Jake sitting by the computer, his usual spot during meetings, with Maya standing next to him, they were having a conversation about something. Claudia heard the words 'not safe' as she approached them.

"Anything wrong?" Claudia asked, walking up to Jake and Maya.

"Ah, boss, you're here. Good." Jake said. "Yes, look at this." He turned on his chair, then typed something on the keyboard and a video recording was displayed on the computer screen. It was a recording of Beodulf, he was currently pacing back and forth in his new cell, having been moved there after their first interrogation with the man. The cell had metal walls on all sides, a single metallic door with an tiny barred window. Beodulf had the one bed, and a toilet to keep him company. Claudia almost felt bad treating the man like this, but what choice did she have, if it wasn't for Ambassador Jiang's serum, Beodulf would have burned the entire base down.

On the video recording, Beodulf was grimacing and wincing in pain, trying to use his fire ability despite having the serum cursing through his veins, sending electrical shocks through his body every time he tried. Claudia still couldn't believe it, either he was the most determined man alive, or the most insane.

"This was from last night." Jake explained. "I was going over the recordings, bored as I was, then I noticed this." He zooming in on Beodulf's hand. It was small, and was just for a second, but the fact that it happened at all was enough cause for concern. A spark of flame burst to life in Beodulf's hand, before immediately going poof, like a candle being snuffed.

Claudia's initial concern after the first day of watching Beodulf weather the electrical shocks were now becoming a reality. If what she had just seen was real, then it meant it wont be long before Beodulf somehow overpowers the serum's effect. 

"How is that even possible?" She asked. "Even if he can withstand the pain, his focus shouldn't allow him to activate his ability."

Jake shrugged. "Maybe the serum's potency wanes after consecutives uses, or its effect diminishes. Either way, we gotta do something about it, and soon. If he's able to fully activate his ability..."

Claudia didn't need to hear the rest of Jake's last sentence. They needed to get to phase three of Operation Overthrow soon, and get Beodulf out of their base. Luckily, after her brother's call, it meant that'll be a lot sooner now.

"How many doses of the serum we have left?" Claudia asked Jake. 

"Seven, last I checked." Maya answered.

"Then we'll have to start using double doses." Claudia said. "We can't risk him escaping."

"If we do that, then we'll barely have a week before we run out." Jake said. "We still havent even found the Guardian yet."

Claudia smiled, pulling out her cellphone. "Yes, we have, or rather my brother did." She opened up William's text, and just like he said, there was the phone number, and name of Obex's workplace. "Can you bring up the employee list of Golden Corral?"

"What, the restaurant?" Jake said, already typing down on the keyboard.

"In High Tier, yes." Claudia added. "Should be a guy named... Obex."

After a few minutes of clicking, and pages after pages of information opening and closing on the screen, a list of names appeared, a picture corresponding picture next to them. The list of employees currently working as waitresses at High Tier's Golden Corral. And just as she expected, the name Obex Lissan was among them, next to a picture of a serious looking man with brown hair.

"That him?" Jake asked.

She smiled, then nodded. "That's our Guardian angel, yes." She said, remembering how the Guardian's barrier had saved Spectre from Beodulf's fireball attack at Imperial Square. "Send a message to Hendrick tonight: I found the Guardian, and will be meeting him tomorrow."

"Well, I'll be damned," Klaus said from his chair, smiling. "The girl actually did it."

"What?" Claudia looked at him. "What girl?"

Klaus shrugged. "Can't say, sorry. Just wait a little longer, all will be revealed in a few moments anyways, I don't want to spoil the surprise. But I'm sure you know who's behind it all?"

Claudia sighed in frustration, she was getting tired of it. Klaus tended to do things like that all time, refuse to elaborate. Still, she knew who he had meant, it was the guest she had been waiting to meet today. 


Claudia was finally going to put a face to the title. Hopefully Lady will provide all the answers to Claudia's many questions. 


The woman that walked out of the elevator looked old, yet wise and powerful. She walked with regal authority, yet her steps were careful and calculated, her long white hair loose behind her back. She wore white tuxedo, a contrast to the typical Royal black. A golden pin resembling a sword and shield was embedded her tux's upper right shoulder, matching the golden bracelet every Royal is forced to wear.

Unless they were a spy, like Klaus, who was all smiles.

Lady was followed by a handsome looking man, black hair with angular features, and to Lady's white, his suit was black. Claudia didn't recognize him, believing Lady would be accompanied by one of the Royals Time Witch had encountered the night she was attacked during her first meeting with the Guardian. Those two Royals, though they worked for Lady, had jeopardized Claudia's recruitment of the superhero, nearly ruining the operation.

"Boss lady, Lady." Klaus said, standing up and, for some reason deciding to do the introductions, gesturing from Claudia to Lady, then the other way around. "Lady, boss lady."

"I expected more of you to be present." Lady said, looking around the room, her voice strong and orated. She resembled a queen, a powerful woman with enough authority to rival the Lord Ruler. A strange aura to exude from such an old woman. She looked to be well beyond her fifties.

Claudia took a moment to compose herself, feeling a bit nervous, before responding. "They are the ones I trust most amongst my team," She said, introducing her most loyal friends, not including Zale who Claudia had to remind herself, was still at Imperium, capture by Lady.

Claudia realized how unnecessary introductions were since Lady already knew all there was to know about Spectre, thanks to Klaus. Still, for formalities' sake, Claudia gave their names. "Jake and Maya." 

They both gave a nervous wave.

"What about me?" Klaus said, frowning.

Claudia shot him a glare. "What about you?"

He smiled, then shrugged. "Fair."

"I supposed introductions are in order then," Lady said, her smile showing no deception. "You already met three of my Royal Knights, Klaus, Wren, and Elek." She then gestured at the Royal standing behind her. "He is my fourth, and most recent addition to my circle of trust, Johnathan. I trust these men with my life, and secrets. As for me, my name is Ada Doe."

Doe? Claudia had heard that surname somewhere, but she couldn't remember where exactly. 

"Claudia Dia." Claudia said. "Though I assume you already knew that."

"I did." Ada nodded. 

"Well, now that introductions are over," Klaus interjected, then regarding the group. He looked to Claudia first. "I think it's time I should tell you, boss lady. Hendrick plans behind your back. He aims to betray you."

"What?" Maya said, shock and concern in their faces.

Claudia herself had had her suspicious, though she had no proof. As far as she knew, the only suspicious thing Hendrick had done had been secretly interrogating Beodulf behind Spectre's back, then deleting the videos. The only reason Claudia learned of this, was through Jake. Through his ability, Jake was able to recover the deleted footage and shown Claudia. They had kept it between them, Claudia telling Jake to tell no one until she talked to Hendrick.

"Tell me, has Arlong sided with him too?" Claudia asked Klaus, she hopes Arlong would remain neutral, he was her only means to destroy the dome from inside Imperium. If Arlong turns out working for Hendrick, it meant that she'll have to find someone else. She didn't trust Hendrick wanting to destroy the dome.

"Most likely." Klaus said, then raised an eyebrow. "You don't seemed too surprised.

"I had my suspicions." Claudia said. "I plan on talking to him about it at a later time, for two reasons. One, we need him for our next phase. Two, there's not much we can do about it now."

"This Hendrick," Ada said, her hazel eyes looking at Claudia. "Will be pose a problem?"

"No." Claudia said. "Our goals might differ, but our methods remain the same."

"What does he want?" Ada asked.

"It's what he doesn't want that's really the problem." Claudia said. "The Lord Ruler's dome. I want it destroyed, he doesn't. Which leads me to ask, Lady Ada. Why are you helping us? You benefit most from the dome's effect." It was a question which kept popping up in Claudia's mind over and over, everytime she tried to understand Lady's motivation, she couldn't make it make sense. No Royal, hell, now User, would want their abilities taken from them, and that is what will happen once the dome is destroyed.

"Very well." Ada nodded, deciding to sit down on a chair that Klaus had pulled up for her, crossing her legs and resting her hands on the table. "I supposed explanations are in order if we hope to solidify our alliance. Tell me, Miss Dia, do you love your brother?"

What a stupid question, Claudia thought. "Of course I do."

Again, Ada nodded. "Am I also right in assuming that you're willing to do anything for him, to help him in anyway you can even if that help is not the one he would prefer?"

Claudia's eyes narrowed, feeling her Aura ignite within her, a mixture of confusion, worry, and anger building. "Where are you getting at?"

Ada smiled, leaning back in her chair, calm and relaxed, her posture exuding control. As if every piece in the chessboard moved by her will, which to be fair, they already were. If Claudia's assumption of Lady were true, then it wasn't a coincidence Obex happened to show up at the Calming Clam, the bar William worked at.

"You and I are the same in that regard." Ada said. "We're both sisters, and we'll do anything to help our brothers. That's all I want, to have my brother back. He's... changed, and I... have tried to stop him myself, to help him, but he's refused all attempts. I have run out of options, except one. Aiding your rebellion. I believe that the dome's destruction will bring him back to his senses, make him see the damage he's doing to this city."

When Ada was done, the room fell silent. Claudia contemplated on Ada's words, of their implications. It couldn't be... could it? Claudia had been wanting to understand why such a powerful Royal would want to aid in their own downfall. Now... Ada's motivation were starting to make a little sense.

"You..." Maya was the first to break the silence, she was just as surprised and shocked as Claudia currently was. "you mean to say the Lord Ruler is..."

"Yes. He is my twin brother." Ada nodded. "I know you all see him as a tyrant, an apathetic ruler." She looked to Maya, who was standing next to Jake, looking a bit terrified. "I have heard the Commoners call him a common bully. Do you?"

"I..." Maya staggered her words, fear in her eyes. "No- no. I do-"

"Relax, child." Ada told her. "I do not mean to frighten you. My aim is to help my brother, no promote his cruelty."

"And you believe that destroying the dome will do that?" Claudia said. "Will help him... become a better person." She didn't want to antagonize Ada, but she found it hard to believe that taking away what made the Lord Ruler the dictator that he is, will help him in any way, if anything it was likely to anger him beyond reason. It was mostly through fear that the he stays in power.

"It will upset him, certainly." Ada acknowledged, though Claudia found the word 'upset' kind of funny. "Believe it or not," Ada continued. "we created the dome to help build a utopian city for those who wanted to keep their abilities past their due date would have a place to live, to form a community, and work on changing the world as whole. We wanted everyone to be a Royal, guided by our own rules and laws. But as you already know, the side effects of the dome were... not what we expected."

The side effects being the inability for abilities to minifest for those born inside the dome. In Claudia's opinion, the dome did more harm than good, but at least, she understood where Ada was coming from. Her cause were admirable.

"So you just want Spectre to succeed in destroying the dome while leaving the Lord Ruler alone." Claudia sumrised, understanding what Ada was asking of Spectre. "Hard to do when he'll no doubt stand in our way." She added.

Though it was true that the Lord Ruler didn't factor into Claudia's plan to remove the Royals from power, she also wasn't stupid enough to know that the Lord Ruler wont sit back and not try to stop them.

"That's why I'm helping you," Ada nodded. "and will continue to do so, so long as you promise to not harm him. Our goals are shared, Miss Claudia, we both want the dome gone, not the Lord Ruler killed, or am I wrong?"

Claudia shook her head. "You're not wrong, no." Truthfully, she didn't care what happened to the Lord Ruler, and if she could have the option of not dealing with him at all when it came time to topple his Hierarchy System, to bring an end to Royal rule, she would take it in a heartbeat. It will make things much much easier.

"Then something must be done about Hendrick." Klaus interjected. "Boss lady," He looked to Claudia. "If you suspect what I do, and if our minds think alike, then you know what he really wants."

"I know." Claudia agreed, though she didn't have proof, just an educated guess. "He probably wants to become the new Lord Ruler." Which meant, the current Lord Ruler needed to die. It wasn't hard to guess, and in some level it made sense. Putting someone else in power, if done right, could potentially change the system. But that would take too long, changing people's nature is not an easy thing to do.

"I'll deal with him," Claudia added. "but not now. We've got to focus of moving our operation forward. I doubt he'll impede our progress until the last moment."

Ada stood, extending a hand towards Claudia. "So we are in agreement then? Our goals are aligned."

Claudia nodded, taking Ada's hand and shaking, Ada's grip far stronger than what she'd expected. Claudia supposed it made sense, being the Lord Ruler's sister meant you were at least as powerful.