
The Continental in Marvel

"The Continental in Marvel" is a fascinating story of an ordinary young man, Michel, who overnight finds himself the owner of a luxurious hotel in New York, which is much more than just a hotel establishment. Surrounded by mystery, luxury and danger, Michel must navigate an unknown world filled with criminals, mercenaries and assassins, while he maintains the balance and neutrality of this safe haven in the underworld. With each new revelation, he becomes more immersed in the plot and in his role as keeper of peace in the chaos. Will Michel, a common man, be able to handle this world of shadows and secrets? Find out in "The Continental in marvel". I clarify that I do not own the universe of marvel nor that of john wick.

Blackstarbor · Filme
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Chapter 2: "Recruitment"

The atmosphere in the Continental's boardroom was dense and full of possibilities. Michel sat in a tall leather chair at the head of the mahogany conference table, with Laura, his assistant, next to him. The walls were adorned with intricate ornamentation, and low lighting added an air of mystery to the room.

"First we need to define what kind of security personnel we need for El Continental," Michel began, sliding the tip of his pen over a notepad.

"Completely agree, Mr. Michel," Laura said with a nod. "We must select the most capable and loyal individuals. Having staff that can handle extreme situations with professionalism and discretion is crucial."

"So what do you suggest, Laura?" Michel asked, crossing his arms and turning her chair to face her.

"Well," Laura began, sliding two files over to Michel. "I have found two profiles that stand out from the rest. One belongs to a certain Marcus and the other to John Wick."

Michel couldn't help but blink in surprise. "John Wick? The one from the movies?"

Laura smiled and nodded, "The same, Mr. Michel."

Michel raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "And how do you know all this, Laura?" he asked him.

"As an assistant at El Continental, it is my duty to be well informed. I have to know all aspects of our world and the people who inhabit it, even those who have left significant traces," explained Laura.

After a moment's reflection, Michel nodded. "Well then, go ahead," she stated.

Laura spent the next few hours breaking down the story of Marcus and John Wick. Marcus, an elite assassin and former friend of John Wick, had decided to retire to live a quieter life. He had always been a man of honor and loyalty, and these qualities remained despite his retirement.

John Wick, on the other hand, had found love and withdrew from the murderous world to live in peace with his wife. But after his death, he found himself alone, distant from the world he once belonged to.

After explaining their stories, Laura placed two small medallions on the table. "These are Marcus and John Wick's pledge medallions. You will need to give them to them as a token of good faith when you recruit them."

Michel looked at the medallions, then at Laura. "So this is what I have to do, isn't it?" she asked. "Recruiting two retired assassins to protect a hotel full of assassins..."

"Yes, Mr. Michel. That's right," Laura said with a smile.

"I suppose we need to do what is necessary, even if it seems crazy," Michel admitted, taking the two medallions and studying them with a mixture of apprehension and resolution. "Where do I find them?"

Laura handed Michel two small folders. "Here are the last known locations of Marcus and John Wick," she explained. "Please be careful, Mr. Michel. Although they have retired, do not underestimate their abilities."

"I'm familiar with the stories, Laura. I'm not worried about their abilities, I'm worried about how they're going to react," Michel said, opening the first folder and quickly scanning the information.

Laura nodded, understanding Michel's concern. "If you handle it with the right finesse, Mr. Michel, I'm sure they'll understand the importance of your proposal."

Michel thought for a moment before closing the first folder and opening the second. "I'm going to need a good strategy to approach them," he admitted, "Each of them will have their own insecurities and doubts. It won't be enough to just hand them the medallions and hope they accept."

"You are right, Mr. Michel. Each one will require a unique approach. I suggest that you take the time to understand and plan each approach," Laura advised, before discreetly leaving the room, leaving Michel alone with his thoughts.

The rest of the day was a whirlwind of preparation. Michel spent hours studying the stories of Marcus and John Wick, trying to understand their motivations and personalities. He also investigated the areas they were in to get a better understanding of their current environment.

The process was meticulous and exhausting, but Michel was determined to get it right. The future of El Continental depended on it. And maybe your own too.

At the end of the day, Michel was exhausted but he felt more prepared. He had a plan in mind for each of them. He just hoped it would work.

Exhausted but satisfied with his preparation, Michel retired to his suite at the Continental. His mind was still spinning with the day's planning and the profiles of the two men he was trying to recruit. But he knew that he needed to rest. Tomorrow would be a crucial day.

Waking up at dawn, Michel prepared himself for the day and headed downstairs to the boardroom. Laura was already there, waiting for him with a cup of coffee.

"Good morning, Mr. Michel," Laura greeted, extending the coffee cup towards him. Michel nodded gratefully and took a sip of the hot coffee.

"Good morning, Laura. I hope you slept well," Michel replied. "I want to share with you the plans I have made for Marcus and John."

Laura nodded and leaned forward, listening intently as Michel detailed her strategy. He planned to tackle Marcus first. She intended to appeal to Marcus's sense of honor and loyalty, reminding him of his connection to the world from which he had withdrawn. To John, on the other hand, Michel planned to offer him a purpose, a reason to return to the world he had left behind.

"Sounds like a good plan, Mr. Michel," Laura said after he finished. "I trust your judgement."

Michel nodded, pleased with Laura's validation. "One last question before we go. Do we have vehicles available at the Continental?" Michael asked.

Laura smiled and nodded. "Yes, Mr. Michel. We have a collection of vehicles in our underground parking garage. I'll show you."

Laura guided Michel to a hidden elevator that took them to the underground parking garage. It was a vast space filled with a variety of high-end vehicles. Michel was impressed by the selection and marveled at how every detail on the Continental was so meticulously planned and executed.

"This place never ceases to amaze me," Michel commented, looking at the cars.

"The Continental always strives to exceed expectations, Mr. Michel," Laura replied, a proud smile on her face.

After selecting an understated but elegant sedan, Michel headed out to find Marcus. With his plan in mind and the hope in his heart, he was ready to start recruiting. He just hoped that Marcus was open to the proposal. However, as in any negotiation, he hoped for the best but prepared for the worst.

After a drive through the bustling streets of New York, Michel finally arrived at a redbrick row house in Brooklyn. He parked his sedan a few houses away and approached on foot, his heart pounding with eagerness.

He knocked on the door and waited, mentally going over his speech. The door opened and a burly looking man with a penetrating gaze leaned out.

"Can I help you?" the man asked, with a questioning expression.

"Are you Marcus?" Michel asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

The man looked at him for a moment before nodding. "It's me. Who are you and what do you want?"

Michel took a deep breath. "My name is Michel. I'm the manager of the Continental in New York," he said, studying Marcus's face to see if he recognized the name. Nothing.

"The Continental is a specialized hotel...for people with unique professions, shall we say," Michel continued, watching as Marcus's brow furrowed in confusion. "Actually, you used to be a client of ours."

Marcus looked puzzled. "What are you talking about? I've never been to a place called 'Continental'."

Without saying a word, Michel reached into his coat pocket and pulled out the medallion, handing it to Marcus. When Marcus took it, his expression changed. His eyes widened and his breathing caught for a moment. It was as if he had remembered something that he had forgotten.

"This medallion...," Marcus said, looking at it carefully. "I... I admit it."

"It's yours, Marcus," Michel said. "The Continental is real, and you've been a respected customer. But something happened, something that changed the world as we knew it. Our memories seem to have been altered. I'm here to ask you to come back to work with us, but this time to protect the hotel."

Marcus looked at Michel, then back at the medallion. Michel's words seemed to resonate with him, awakening old and dormant memories. Marcus nodded slowly, his face filled with a mixture of confusion and understanding.

"I'll remember. And I'll give you my answer," Marcus said. With that, he said goodbye to Michel and closed the door, leaving Michel out in the cold New York afternoon.

Michel walked away, feeling that the first part of his mission had been successful. It only remained to wait for Marcus to fully remember his past and make his decision.

With a sense of duty accomplished, Michel walked over to the sedan and started the engine. He looked in the rearview mirror at Marcus's house slowly fading as he drove away and wondered what the future would hold for both of them.

As he crossed the streets of New York, something on the horizon caught his eye. A familiar but unexpected silhouette emerged from among the skyscrapers: the Stark Industries Tower.

Michel gasped at the sight, his hands clenching involuntarily on the wheel. That tower was a shining beacon in a universe he knew only from movies and comics, a universe that was far removed from his reality, or so he believed. But there he was, in all his glory, in the same world where The Continental, John Wick, Marcus, and himself existed.

His mind began to spin in circles, trying to understand the implications. Would he be in a universe where both elite assassins and superheroes coexist? What would that mean for him and for El Continental? How would this change the rules of the game?

Fear gripped him, fear of the unknown, of the possible dangers he might encounter in a world populated by beings with abilities beyond what was humanly possible. But at the same time, he also felt a strange sense of hope. If Marvel's heroes and villains coexisted in his world, then perhaps there was an opportunity to do things differently, to find new solutions to old problems.

He decided not to be overwhelmed by his fears and to go ahead with his mission. After all, he had a job to do. He needed to talk to John Wick.

After a long hour of driving through the bustling streets of New York, Michel finally stopped in front of an imposing house. The home of John Wick, the Legend.

With a racing pulse and a mind plagued with doubt, Michel found himself standing at the sturdy wooden door of John Wick's house. The mere thought of coming face to face with the very personification of death sent shivers down his spine. He swallowed, his shaking hand reaching for the knocker and knocking on the door three times.

A moment of absolute silence preceded the opening of the door, and there he was: John Wick himself, whose fierce and enigmatic aspect surpassed any cinematic characterization.

"Yeah?" Wick said, his deep voice sending a chill down Michel's spine.

"Mr. Wick," Michel began, trying to keep his voice steady. "He doesn't know me, but I have something that belongs to him." From his pocket, he withdrew the locket, the twilight light dancing on the ancient surface of it.

Wick's eyes narrowed, studying both the man in front of him and the object he held. "I don't remember losing it."

Michel swallowed, "It's not something you lost, Mr. Wick, it's something he forgot."

Next, he handed her the medallion, his hand barely brushing the deadly assassin's, but it was enough to send a shiver of terror through him. His entire being screamed that he was in danger, that every second he spent in Wick's presence brought his death closer. However, he remembered Laura's words: 'You have to. It is the only way'. And he stayed there, waiting.

Wick stared at the medallion in silence, then his eyes met Michel's. For what seemed like an eternity, Michel held his breath, paralyzed by fear.

Finally, Wick broke the silence: "Now what?"

That question, and the uncertainty of what would follow, plagued Michel. He was on unfamiliar ground, facing a man whose memory had just been revived and whose reaction could be unpredictable. He could only wait and prepare for what would come next.

Trying to keep the fear from him, Michel spoke, "Mr. Wick, we need his help."

Wick's eyes narrowed, his face expressionless. "Need?"

"Yes," Michel clenched his fists, his anxiety growing as he revealed more information. "The Continental. He has been operating at half capacity since memories of him were erased. Lord Wick, the world of the Continental needs his presence again. It needs his skill, his influence."

Wick stared at him for what seemed like an eternity, his expression always unchanging. Finally, he turned to the medallion in his hand, studying it closely.

After what seemed like an eternity, John Wick, feared and revered assassin, finally broke the silence, his voice calm but charged with a disconcerting intensity.

"I suppose there is no escape for some fates," he murmured, placing the medallion in his pocket. "When do we start?"

Michel's relief was so great that he nearly collapsed. He hadn't expected such a quick acceptance, he was prepared for rejection, for threats, even for violence. But not for this. He took a deep breath, feeling the tension leave his body.

"As soon as possible, Mr. Wick," he said, his voice sounding stronger now. "And thank you, your help means more than you can imagine."

A nod was all the response he received, but for Michel, that was enough. With a final goodbye, he walked away from the house, leaving behind John Wick, the killer, the man.

As he walked, he couldn't help but look back one last time, towards the house that housed a legend. He didn't know what the future would bring, but at least he knew that, with Wick by his side, they had a chance.

New York City shimmered in the distance, the skyscrapers, Stark Tower, all a reminder of the incredible adventure he was on. Now more than ever, he felt part of something much bigger than himself, part of a world of heroes and assassins, geniuses and myths.

I know, some will have their doubts about the chapter, me too. Most likely I will rewrite it later.

Many will observe that the protagonist acts strangely. I can only say that who wouldn't do the same in front of fucking john wick.

Leave me your suggestions in the comments.

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