
The Cons

One hundred years after superpowers have become commonplace, generations have seemingly adopted and lived in a chaotic superhuman society run by heroes and villains. In said society, countless heroes strive to climb to rise to old legends, but this isn't their story. Instead, we are here to shine a light on the literal worst of the worst, a team of criminals, outcasts, and misfits that struggle to survive in this mad world. After all, when you're already at the bottom, it makes sense to focus only on The Cons.

Donniedrako15_ · sci-fi
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101 Chs


I hope you enjoyed my first couple of ideas! The Cons was an idea I've had back in the summer of the year that shouldn't be named when I thought it would be funny if there were a bunch of protagonist-like villains that we would follow in a rather messed up world.

Then a couple of months later, I finally had the time to reevaluate the idea through this competition entirely. The rest, as you say, is history. So this chapter is here to say thank you for the reads, and I hope you share all your honest opinions and feedback for this one.

Winner or not, I want to use this to become a better writer and make this story the best it can be! But in the meantime, get ready because there's more madness to come.