
Unexpected surprise

The handsome Damasco brothers had all their attention on the girls, watching them in amazement.

“My God, I’ve never seen such a collection of perfect bodies!' David gasped, collapsing heavily onto one of the wicker loungers. 'Are you sure they’re completely human?”

“Of course they’re human, you fool,' Daniel growled, leaning back and taking a long drink from his shaker. 'But we must admit that these women are not like the others. I could bet there’s more than just simple genetics behind those sculptural bodies.”

“Oh, come on,” Vanessa reclined gracefully on the edge of the pool and gave them a mischievous smile. Then she turned to her cousins. “Not that we’re modest, girls, but of course we’re pure Sanders genetics, one hundred percent natural.”

Katrina snorted and shook her blonde mane disdainfully.

“Speak for yourself, Vane. Some of us had to resort to a little… extra help to achieve perfection,” she boasted, caressing her prominent bust with feigned disdain.