
The Cold CEO Woman

Anita Baker, doesn't expect for the Cold CEO Liam Jackson to fall in love with her and choose her over her best friend Temisa Patrick She submitted a proposal for a job with them but was offered a job as his assistant secretary. She never expected Liam to fall in love with her, but Love happened. What will Anita do when her best friend is supposed to marry him and his fiancee?. Run away for her best friend sake, even though she knows she loves Liam and has slept with him in his office, or stay and accept his marriage proposal to her?. Read to find out?.

GoodnessChiamaka · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter 3

<p>Mr John Patrick smiled at Mr Taiye, then replied, "Oh, she studied Business Administration at the University of Nigeria."<br/><br/>"That's great. Have her submit her CV to us once she's home. I'm sure we have more vacancies for new employees like her. I'll be waiting for her response," Mr Taiye said.<br/><br/>"Father!" Liam quickly interrupted his father as his frown deepened.<br/><br/>"You can't just offer me to her like that," Liam said. His father smiled at him and replied, "I understand, son. I'm just trying to show appreciation to Mr John Patrick for his loyalty and hard work over the past twenty years."<br/><br/>Mr John smiled faintly at Liam, bowed slightly to leave, and said, "I'll be taking my leave now, boss. Thank you, and congratulations again, Master Liam."<br/><br/>Liam nodded as he heard Mr John's last words. He walked with his father back to the front of the meeting hall, standing near the exit door, and said, "I don't agree with what you did, father. There are better ways to show appreciation to Mr John without affecting me."<br/><br/>"What do you mean, son? Mr John has been a dedicated employee. I know you're new here and may not understand everything, but it's okay. Besides, he said it's up to his daughter to decide. She might not even accept the job offer, so there's no need for you to worry," Mr Taiye replied as he turned to leave the meeting hall. Liam responded, "I hope she doesn't. Women are not my focus right now."<br/><br/>"Liam!.." Mr Taiye paused, looking back at his son with a shake of his head.<br/>"You shouldn't talk like that in front of your mother, Liam. One day you'll find a good wife. But for now, let's focus on business and forget what just happened," his father advised.<br/>"Okay father," Liam sighed as he watched his father leave the meeting hall. His personal assistant, Brown, approached him as soon as his father left.<br/>"What should I do next, boss?" Brown asked, standing in front of Liam.<br/>"Get the car ready, I'm heading home for today. Official duties start tomorrow," Liam instructed.<br/>"Sure boss," Brown left the meeting hall on the second floor to inform Liam's personal driver to prepare the car.<br/>"Israel, get the car ready. The boss is leaving," Brown told Israel on the ground floor, and Israel nodded.<br/><br/>The Benson group is a large multi-million dollar company with five floors and many employees. Liam exited the elevator and walked to the car park. Some workers were standing around, chatting near their cars since it was a free day, and not much work needed to be done. They had been given a break by Liam's father to witness him becoming the new CEO.<br/><br/>Liam sat in the back seat as Israel started the car and drove him home to the Benson residential villa. Upon arrival, Liam got out of the car and went straight to the living room downstairs. His mother was not there as she was in the kitchen cooking, despite having many maids and servants working in their home. Mrs. Juliet Jackson preferred cooking herself, especially their local dishes. A maid welcomed Liam as she heard the car arrive, bowing and greeting him politely, "Welcome back Master Liam."<br/><br/>"Thank you," Liam replied, heading towards the kitchen to find his mother. The aroma of the Egusi soup she was preparing filled the living room. Mrs. Jackson was cooking the popular dish with beef and fresh fish, her specialty.<br/><br/>"Good afternoon, Mom," Liam greeted his mother as he walked into the kitchen. The two maids assisting his mother immediately lowered their heads when they saw him. "Welcome back, Master Liam." Liam nodded at them while his mom washed her hands in the kitchen sink, dried them with a kitchen towel, and walked up to give him a warm hug.<br/><br/>"Welcome home, son. How was your day at the office today?" Mrs. Juliet asked.<br/><br/>"Fine, mother. Hasn't father arrived home yet?" Liam asked. She replied, "No, son. Probably he's with his friends. You know he's happy you finally returned and are now the new CEO."<br/><br/>"I know that, Mom," Liam smiled faintly as he stepped out of the kitchen. Mrs. Juliet instructed the cook on what to do as her meal was almost done. "Just keep an eye on it so it won't get burnt. Once it's ready, serve it right away," Mrs. Juliet told a maid.<br/><br/>"Okay, Ma'am," Nora responded, heading to the maids and servants in their home. Mrs. Juliet finally walked out to meet her son as he sat on the couch stretching his legs. She was dressed in her usual long brown gown and removed her kitchen apron, handing it to a maid who followed her out.<br/><br/>"Here, take this to the laundry room and wash it."<br/><br/>"Okay, Ma'am," the maid said, taking the apron and leaving. Mrs. Juliet sat on the opposite couch across from Liam.<br/><br/>"Mom, why are you cooking when you have maids and cooks to do it for you?" Liam asked.<br/><br/>"I know, son. But cooking is a form of exercise, and I enjoy it. I can't leave all the work to the maids and cooks, or I might become lazy and sick. I retired from the nursing home this year before you returned," Mrs. Juliet explained.<br/><br/>"Okay, so long as you're not stressed about it, I'm okay with that," Liam replied.<br/><br/><br/>"Did the event go well, son?" Mrs. Juliet inquired.<br/><br/>"It was fine, mother. Just a simple meeting with the new staff, but I didn't like how some of the young female staff dressed," Liam replied, his face showing irritation.<br/><br/>"What do you mean? Were they not dressed appropriately?" Mrs. Juliet asked, looking confused.<br/><br/>"Decently, mother. They should dress decently for work, not trying to attract attention," Liam explained.<br/><br/>"Oh, Liam," Mrs. Juliet said with a faint smile.<br/>"They are young and maybe looking for someone. They shouldn't have to dress like married women, but they also shouldn't be trying to get your attention," Mrs. Juliet continued.<br/>"No, mother. I will set a new dress code for Brown and the female staff tomorrow. Those who can't follow it will have to leave," Liam declared.<br/>"Liam, you can't be so strict. You just started as the CEO. You can't treat your employees this way," Mrs. Juliet frowned.<br/>"I'm sorry, mom. But that's how I want things to be. I will make sure they follow the new dress code starting tomorrow," Liam insisted, standing up.<br/>"Liam!" Mrs. Juliet called out, stopping him.<br/>"I'm sorry, mom. But I need to do this to keep my focus at work. I don't want any distractions," Liam said.<br/>"Okay, son. I just hope this doesn't cause any issues at the company," Mrs. Juliet sighed.<br/>"No, Mom. I'll go freshen up now. The smell of the soup is inviting. I'll be back for dinner," Liam said.<br/>"Alright, I'll be waiting," Mrs. Juliet replied.<br/><br/>Mrs. Juliet watches as her son climbs the stairs in the living room and makes his way up to the second floor of their standard duplex. Even though her husband could afford a multimillion dollar mansion, she still prefers to stay in Benson Villa because it holds many of her cherished memories.<br/><br/>She lets out a sigh as she stands up to set the dining table with the maids. Just then, her husband returns home with his friend, Mr. Tunji Martin, and she greets them as they enter the living room and find her heading towards the dining room.<br/><br/>"Welcome, Honey!" Mrs. Juliet walks over to greet her husband. Even though he is 68 years old, she never forgets to call him honey.<br/><br/>"Wow, the smell of the soup is so inviting," Mr. Taiye says to his wife, who smiles back at him.<br/><br/>"Where's Liam? Hasn't he returned yet?" Mr. Taiye asks.<br/><br/>"He's back, he just went upstairs to freshen up," Mrs. Juliet replies.<br/><br/>"Okay, this is my friend Tunji. We were going to discuss some business, but dinner can wait, Tunji will be joining us," Mr. Taiye says.<br/><br/>"Okay, Honey," Mrs. Juliet smiles at Mr. Tunji and he greets her, "Well done, ma."<br/><br/>"Welcome," she responds.</p>