
The 1 month challenge

As Lagura and I entered the Guild Association, Lagura immediately paused me before I entered this dungeon.

'What?' I asked.

'You do know the 1 month challenge right?' Lagura said.

'The 1 month challenge?' I replied askingly.

Lagura said 'The 1 month challenge is basically a challenge where you have to go into the dungeon, and for 1 month or 31 days as the system counts, you have to level up as much as possible. You can go in as a solo player, a team of 2 or a team of 5, people who leveled up the most will be given a high ranking reward. Provided no one really helped you farm. Also, during the period, despite our name not being appeared even if we surpass a top 50, our names only be shown at '1 month challenge progress', we can set the cost of viewing our progress or set it to private.'

'So basically we can earn money if we level up fast enough? And if we surpass the top 1 ranking we get huge rewards?' I asked.

'Yeah, people can actually contribute money to it so the top 1 will get more rewards, so as to motivate people to strive for the 1 month challenge.' Lagura smiled knowingly of our powers. 'Also, whatever we put for our cost of viewing 50% will be taxed to the Guild Association, I suggest we put 1 silver, each of us 50% of profits.'

'1 Silver?! Isn't that expensive?' I asked shocked, by the price.

'Not at all, those rich people might seem like they are losing money, but there's even a betting squad for this, so they might bet money after seeing our progress, the Guild Association abused this by literally resetting progress to ??? every hour, meaning we have potential to earn lots of silvers per hour.'

I nodded, so why don't people do this for a living? I asked.

'You can only do the challenge once per six months. And only 1 month challenge exists so far. Unless you took a top 1 or 2 on the leaderboard, you can't retry for 6 months.' Lagura replied.

After I understood, we got the quest ready and started to enter the dungeon.

Those days crossed fast, we had to glanced at our watch to realise how much time was going as we farmed further and further. We slept at every break level, if we're not at break level, we took naps 2 hours each before waking up and using choice vision to check if monsters will come. And we won't do that if our choice vision go all the way to a full sleep. After many days and hours, the top 1 ranking had actually changed from 80 levels per month to 90, which shocked many people.

Lagura and I were at our final day, we had been farming for so long together, we pratically know what to do. Lagura hadn't used her choice vision alot except sleeping to guard, I however had used quite frequently, which actually didn't helped me at all. My choice vision was already at Max Lvl to begin with. After fighting the final Minatour, we levellled up. and this time, seeing we left 3 hours, I asked Lagura if she wanted to rush the boss at level 25(The moment we were are level 100). I needed her opinon if we should use our power for level, she nodded.

I stepped onto the boss room after 1 hour at level 25. The boss was The Thunder Guardian. Lagura had supported with much assits to stop the Guardian from attacking while I attack on his blind spots. In the end we defeated him, with 8 more level ups!

Congratulations to fairly slaying a monster in whom is 25 levels higher than you, with 2 people or lesser, thus granting you the Ruby Title 'Courage Of The Powerless'(Reference to Only I level up)

By this time Lagura and I already had Gold so we pratically skipped Platinum. After slaying much more monsters, and pushing at literally the last second, we levelled up to 112. What was amazing is that we hadn't used a single attribute points till then. Thus earning another title 'The Path Of The Powerless'. Which wasn't kind of a shock, as we got it after gaining 20 levels without using attributes, we gotten a title then. And we founded out that the title can be combined with 'Courage Of The Powerless' and thus, the bloodied fought of no attribute increasement.

This 'The Path Of The Powerless' is also ruby ranked, and within seconds after gaining it, the status card had appeared, 'It seems you can mix the Ruby Title 'Courage Of The Powerless' and 'The Path Of The Powerless', would you like to do so?. Lagura and I clicked yes.

Ok you might be wondering how good is 'The Path Of The Powerless'? it is exactly the same as the 'Courage Of The Powerless', it boost attributes by 100%, by combining I get a boost of 200%, with literally means our attributes get 3x of what it should have been.

But combing titles have a devastating effect, it means that for 3 months I won't be unable to unequipped it, even if I combined another title, unless its a combination of the 2 same title, but higher ranked. So as to let the title mix well to not harm the body, the higher rank the longer.

'Title combined successfully!, you have received 'The Courageous Path Of The Powerless', and has been automatically equipped. System Warning: You've been warned to not unequipped this title for 3 months, unless a higher combination of the same title has been made. Or else your body with suffer heavy withdrawal effects.

Lagura and I glanced at each and clicked 'The Courageous Path Of The Powerless' information.


The Courageous Path Of The Powerless(Mixed Ruby Title) - With this title equipped, you'll increase your attributes by 200%, or 3x of your total normal attributes.

And I viewed our status immediately.


Name: Hirish Kamikage

Race: Human

Class: Swordsman

Title: The Courageous Path Of The Powerless(Mixed Ruby)

Level: 112

Hp: 3630/3630

Strength - 124+(248)+(5)   (Damage)

Defense - 121+(242)+(5)  (Damage taken will be lesser)

Intelligence - 121+(242) (Increase Magic Damage)

Agility - 124+(248)  (Increase movement speed)

Vitality - 121+(242)  (Increase Hp/Stamina)

Wisdom - 121+(242)   (Increase Mana regen)

Basic Points - 105 (To increase basic attributes)


*The Choice Seer - Able to see 3 choices regarding to the future* (* means it is unable to be seen by any observation skill etc, only able to be seen by owner, its a personal unique skill) (Max Lvl.)

Skill Points - 111 (To increase skill attributes)


Name: Lagura Harune

Race: Human

Class: Ranger

Title: The Courageous Path Of The Powerless(Mixed Ruby)

Level: 112

Hp: 3690/3690

Strength - 124+(248)+(5) (Damage)

Defense - 123+(246)  (Damage taken will be lesser)

Intelligence - 121+(242) (Increase Magic Damage)

Agility - 124 +(248)+(5)  (Increase movement speed)

Vitality - 123+(246)   (Increase Hp/Stamina)

Wisdom - 121(+242)   (Increase Mana regen)

Basic Points - 101 (To increase basic attributes)


Skill Points - 111 (To increase skill attributes)

I smiled as I realised how hard it is for other 2 people to do what we have done, as we used the teleport gate after the boss room to teleport back to the Guild Association teleport room.

I've changed the way I type during conversations, I personally think is clearer that way, don't worry, I don't change my minimum words per chapter.

You might also be wandering, why doesn't ranger and swordsman have different stats. Well, their change truely happens when they register for the Silver Badge... Just check next chapter...

Monkeysgtcreators' thoughts