
The beginning

[The Salvation Church will visit The Cape of Hope High School, according to the information that we got, The Salvation Church has received revelation from The Salvation God about The God's Child]

Television noise got my attention, I was watching the news about my school. The Salvation Church and the Gold's Child were too far from my life, I didn't think the one whom they sought was me. I tidied my uniform. Once again, I checked my stuff in the bag.

"I guess there is nothing that I left behind," I said softly.

I opened the door slowly. The Sun Light was bathing my body. Its warmth made my mind suddenly bright. The fresh air made me forget about the problem that haunted me for several days.

"Good morning, Kevin."

"Good morning, Mrs. Ellen."

Mrs. Ellen was my neighbor, although we didn't have a family relationship, but she was very kind to me. Moreover, after that bastard lost his control. Cih! Thinking about it made me sick. I was breathing deeply. I did not want this bright morning to be wasted by a bad mood.

The Cape of Hope High School was the best high school in this city. I felt lucky to become a student here.

"Hei Kevin! Why you didn't reply to my message last night?" a girl's voice echoed toward me. I saw her put her hand on the waist. She looked at me with an angry expression. So Beautiful~, I shook my head and dumped out any useless mind.

"I'm sorry, I turned off my phone last night," I said.

If there was something that could make me smile even if I go to the hell, maybe it was her. Stephanie Emilion, my childhood friend and also my classmate. I had a crush on her. She had long red hair with a couple of emerald eyes that emitted charm.

"Whatever, have you accomplished the homework that Mrs. Jean gave to us?" asked Stephanie.

I nodded, "I will show you my homework at the class."


It was my third year at The Cape of Hope High School. I didn't have an impression of this school. My teacher had told me, that if I focused on my study, I will gain better results. But, focusing on my study was not the thing that I could enjoy. Amassed debt, hospital bills, and maintenance forced me to get some money.

The cringing bell brought back my consciousness. My geography teacher, Mr. James was looking at his wristwatch. After seeing school time had been finished, he ends the class for this day. Soon, the students were running out of the class. They were not patient to go home and took a break after very hard studying at school.

I put back my book one by one in the bag. After that, I was carrying the bag on my back. I walked to the outside of my class. There was Stephanie who was waiting for me. She was looking at me and said, "Why are you so long? Come on! Go home together."

"Uhm, I think not for this day. I will visit my dad, so you could go home first." Stephanie always asked me to go home together in her car. At the first, I was rejecting that, but now, I occasionally went home together with her.

"Is that real? Or you just say that because my brother said something to you again?" Stephanie was looking at me suspiciously. Her brother was hating me, and he always told me to go away from Stephanie. she scolds her brother whenever she knows what he said to me.

"Yes, that real. I want to meet my dad in the hospital, so you could go home first."

Hear that, she was expanding her cheeks. Soon, she was breathing and looking at me," Ok, then, I will go home. Be careful and see you tomorrow." Stephanie was waving her hand while walking away from me. Her figure was blurring by the afternoon shine.

There was a long-distance between us, but I didn't feel any pressure. Whatever our relationship will end, I was happy ever to know her.


My mom died when I was still a kid. I didn't have many memories of her. But I know she was a soft person. Her touch and hug were very warm. My good memories as a kid didn't last long, after my mom died, my father turned out to be a bastard. He started to drink every night, spent all night outside the home, and left me starving and lonely at home.

Three months ago, I found that my dad, not only exhausted his monthly salary but also finished the money that my mom had save for me in the bank. He was sinking in the gamble. He mortgaged our home and all valuables thing and ended up with a huge debt. Now, I must work hard to settle up his debt.

He was frequently going home with unstable emotion; I became his sand bag. He punched me, injured me, threw me and etc. He unleashed his emotion toward me. That made me underwent day by day like a hell. Stephanie was the only reason that made me withstood and continuing my life.

The Hospital location was far enough from the school. It was need 15th minute with a train to go there. After arrived, I bought a basket of fruit from supermarket before go to the Hospital.

"Ah! It's you again, wanna visit your dad?" The receptionist had known about me. It was normal considering I was visiting my dad every week.

"How about my dad condition?"

"His disease relapsed again last night, fortunately, the condition was stable now. You can visit him."

"Thank you."

After that, I was walking to room number 21. After I seeing the number, I opened the door. I saw my dad sat on his bed and looking at the outside. I approached him, put the basket on the table. After that, I greeted him, "Hello dad."

He twisted his head and looked at me. After a second, He noticed the basket of fruit that I bought. He bent his brows and said, "That's again? Are you deaf? Give me whisky, vodka or something better! I won't full with fruit, give me beef or ham."

"Doctor already told to take care your food. Moreover, I didn't have money to buy that kind of food." I held my emotion that about to explode. Even with this condition, He still make me disgusting.

Dad glared at me and barked, "This is what you give to me after I raised you?! If you didn't have money, then work! If that was not enough, just asked to your little girlfriend, what her name … Ah, Steph- "

"Enough! Don't you dare to say that name with your filthy mouth!" I can't hold it again, I just wanna kill him! It was disgusting, why I need to take care him? Moment later, I realized that my dad was cramping, his eyes was white, and his veins was bulging.

Am I need to call Doctor? For some clear reason, I think it better to him die here.

At the end, I chose to call doctor. There was a moral that I couldn't pass. If I kill him, I didn't have a brave to meet Stephanie again.

I was using a train to go home. The night was covering the sky, but the city was never tranquil. I could see many young couple who were hugging in the sidewalk. There was also streetwalker who look for the client.

After put attention on my surroundings. I didn't notice someone was on the front. I felt face was hit something soft. Although this thing was so comfortable, but quickly, I dragged my head to the back. After that, I saw someone who I hit.

"I am sorry madam," I bowed to her. Someone who I hit was a woman, she was tall and had a short hair. She had a cold expression and yellow eyes that gazed at me.

"Be careful, pay attention to your path."

"Yes, I am really sorry for that."

When I about to walk, she was grabbed my shoulder and stopped me.

"Wait, whatever path you chose, you couldn't deny who you are."

After said that, she was walking away composedly. I looked at her confusedly, in a glance, I could see some inverted triangle tattoo that surrounding by a circle. I breathed hardly and think about what her said. What that mean? Is she said a bullshit to make me confused? I decided to throw that mind away.

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