
The road to forever

The stillness within and without was the first thing Cainan took notice of as he regained consciousness and soon after, his lashes lifted and he beheld a blurry shadow pacing around not so far away.

What a very weird dream he had had, being chased around with Jasmin and then shot and stabbed.

He made out the white painted walls, ceiling and blue curtains hanging on the window through his dimmed vision and his head did a mental recall of the event that might have led to this, but came up short.

The clearer his vision became, the harder his head ached, and he shut his eyes as the pain in his head grew worse.

"Shit!" he cussed and groaned loudly.

How the hell did he end up here?

"Cainan," he heard Ada’s voice snapping him out of his thoughts, and a moment later she took his hand in hers. "Oh, thank goodness you’re finally awake." She breathed in relief and took her seat beside him.