


Jason Stokes

I slept in the room that was next to Lexi's room that night and had Maxwell's voice through the wall

Hunger woke me up the next morning and I left my room in order to get some breakfast

A beautiful young lady that I sighted some seconds ago ran into me and instead of saying sorry, she had run to her bag that had fell off her hand.

/"Are you okay?/" I asked her and she turned pale upon hearing my voice

/"I'm sorry/" she pleaded tremblingly when she looked at my face

/"About you bumping into me? It's okay. Let me help you with this/" I said. I was trying to act like a gentleman but she kept staring at me /"is something on my face?/" I asked her

/"No/" she replied with a shake of her head /"I just can't believe that you're the one standing in front of me. Thanks but I think that I can do it myself/"