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Lesen Sie den Roman THE CASTLE OF OTRANTO des Autors Yuvraj_Rathod_2859, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel....


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Eva Collins was your everyday average elementary school teacher, she was beautiful, kind and had her way with children. She works a full shift at a prestigious elementary school for the rich and has her life easy until that one day. Eva has the chance to acquaint herself with the sibling of one of her pupils but this encounter forever changes her once simple but plain life. "God...when are they coming for little Avry....the caretaker who usually comes for her has taken far too long now" Eva wonders as she looks at the six year old little girl beside her. The little girl yawns from tiredness. Eva sighed heavily and looked at the little girl beside her with a light smile. "Hey Avry.....can I ask you something" Eva asks gently. Avry nods her head softly as her big adorable eyes stare at her teacher. "Do you wanna come home with me....it's getting pretty late and I can't leave you here" Avry's eyes sparkled from excitement. "Yes Miss Eva....I wanna come with you" Eva smiles brightly but she can't help but scowl inside "What kind of people forget about a little girl at school to such hours" Eva checked her watch and saw that it was eight thirty pm and the school had practically closed. 'Huhhhh...' ...................... But little did Eva know that this little action of care and responsibility had already changed her life. Eva sat quietly in her living room and checked her watch. It was nine twenty and no one had called about Avry Walker from the school yet. She had informed the school that she would take Avry home to atleast have something to eat and rest. They had allowed her since she stayed quite close to the school and had a respectable personality. Suddenly Eva heard a knock on her door and glanced at Avry who was watching cartoons slightly. She got up and walked towards the door. She peeked through the peep hole of her apartment door and saw a man. He was completely shrouded in darkness and beside him stood another man. Eva couldn't make out their faces at all since it was dark outside. Eva picked up the baseball bat next to the door and slowly opened the door. A chilling gush of cold wind immediately brushed against her skin. Eva didn't know whether it was because of the cold rain outside or that indifferent cold stare that the man with the black investigator hat gave her. And still Eva couldn't make out his face since he held his head low. Eva glanced at the other man who stood their calmly like a faithful assistant. He was quite good looking. "Who are you" Eva asked as her grip on the bat tightened. The assistant like man smiled calmly but didn't answer her question "We're here for Miss Avry" Eva looked at them suspiciously but suddenly Avry's soft but tired voice came from behind. "Big brother.....you're here" Eva glanced at the man whom the words had been directed to and she saw the man who had been holding his head low lift it up. Since the light from the living room could now fall on his face, Eva saw him clearly. Eva immediately froze in amazement and her heart had slowed but it beat hard as she looked at that ethereal face. .............. From that day, Eva had a feeling that nothing in her life would remain the same. Join Eva as she unlocks dark and dangerous secrets about this mysterious man. But her curiosity to know this man brings her deeper into a world she knows nothing about. She is soon faced with something even more dangerous and she can nolonger turn back. She wants to run but her emotions and heart have already been captured by him and she is faced with a dilemma. Their love was forbidden and she was in danger from things she had once thought were fairy tales.

writerxs · Fantasie
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7 Chs


SekaiTech: A story about fantasy and advanced technology. Notice: This Story isn't finished yet, once it's finished the chapter will be rewrite to create much better chapter. Notice: This Novel is still under development, as you saw this, you're now part of the BetaReader. Must: Help me with my story by commenting your suggestions, opinions, and reactions. Read as you'll notice the difference, plots from the vol. 1 will be 'overused' as the whole novel is still underdeveloment. . . . . . . . . thank you for understanding. Synopsis: Siah was an ordinary college student who loved technology and gadgets. One day, he was suddenly transported to a fantasy world where magic and monsters existed. He soon discovered that he had a unique system that allowed him to summon advanced technology from his original world, such as smartphones, drones, robots, and more. He also learned that his system had a shop feature that could let him buy anything he wanted, as long as he had enough points. He could buy skills, items, weapons, and even people with his system. With his system, Siah decided to explore the new world and have fun. He met many friends and foes along the way, and he used his technology to help or hinder them. He also encountered many mysteries and secrets about the world and his system, and he tried to uncover them. He realized that he was not the only one who had a system, and that there were others who had different systems and goals. He had to face many challenges and dangers, but he also enjoyed many adventures and pleasures. However, his life changed when a God appeared before him and told him a shocking truth. The world he was in was divided into 28 continents, each guarded by a God. But one of the Gods, who ruled over the largest continent, had turned into an Evil God and was planning to destroy the other continents and Gods. The 27 Gods had no choice but to pick a soul from another world to stop the Evil God, and they chose Siah. Now, Siah had to use his system and technology to fight against the Evil God and his minions, who also had systems and powers of their own. He had to ally with the other Gods and their chosen ones, and travel to the different continents to find a way to defeat the Evil God. He also had to deal with the consequences of his actions, and the fate of the world and his system. IsekaiTech is a novel that combines science fiction and fantasy, and follows the journey of Siah, a young man who has the power to acquire anything he desires. It is a story of adventure, comedy, romance, and action, set in a world where technology and magic coexist, and where a battle between Gods and Evil is about to begin. updates starts at 0:00, I'll try to make it everyday. Also, I'll rewrite the story if it's done to make it more detailed and undertable. be part of the BetaReaders now!

KLUX · Fantasie
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30 Chs


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