
The Canceler

In a world where 80% of the population have superpowers, the yakuza clans have lost all their power. There was no many yakuza clans that are still in activity but there are some. One of these yakuza clans is the Jiyuu, that clan was one that was associate with the heroes, that clan was known as a clan that help the neighborhood. That clan's leader was a great man respected by the members everyone that knew him his city, and above all his quirk was quite strong. The son of the leader was a strange boy, he was smart and had a good quirk, everyone thought that he could become a hero but he wasn't interest. What did he wanted to do. This his the story of the man that help the heroes from the shadow. I don't own My hero Academia and its characters, but I've introduced my OC (The main and many others) I own only the story itself. This is my first fanfic so please go easy on me.

atarashiku · Anime und Comics
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22 Chs

New members

Three men were standing in front of Ryuu's house gate. One of them was holding a piece of paper in his hand. He was around twenty, he had blue eyes and blond hairs . The one behind him was a little older than him and was taller than him, he had brown hairs and black eyes. The last one was the youngest of the three, he looked to be only nineteen, he had black hairs and eyes.

As they were approaching the gate, four men in black suites appeared out of nowhere.

One of them advanced, it was a tall man, the one that welcomed Ryuu when he brought Hitoshi for training.

"What could we do for you ?" the tall man asked politely.

The blond one took out the piece of paper and showed it to the tall man.

"Someone told us to come here and talk with a certain Ryuuji Jiyuu !" the man said a little intimidated by the tall man in front of him.

The man looked at the paper and recognized the handwriting.

"Wait a moment !" he said politely as he headed at the main building.

In his room, Ryuu was deeply sleeping when someone knocked at his door.

He forced himself to stand up, he was tired after the last night event, being chased by Eraserhead was far from fun, it was tiring.

He then opened the door to reveal tall black haired man.

"Hum ? Hakai ? What's wrong ?" he asked before yawning.

"Well, there are some people oustide that are searching you, young boss !" the tall man replied.

"Hum ?"

Ryuu wasn't expecting someone to come, so he was wondering who could be searching him. It was then that he remembered what happened just before he was chased by the underground hero.

"Go tell them that I am coming ! I'll prepare myself !" Ryuu ordered.

"Yes, right away ?" Hakai replied before heading at the gate.

Ryuu then got dressed and went at the gate.

Once there, he saw the three men he was expecting to see.

It was the three thugs that he took down.

"Good, the three of you, come with me !" Ryuu said when he was at the gate.

The three men do as he said and followed him in the main building.

Ryuu led them at the first floor, there was room that he usually used to draw when he was kid.

Once in the room he made the three men sit and they begin to talk.

"So first, tell me your names !" Ryuu said at the three.

"I am Ken Densha !" the blond guy introduced himself.

"Me I am Kurushii Tsume !" the older one stated.

"Karui Mizu !" the youngest simply said.

"Good, now he can get at the main topic !" Ryuu stated.

"The GUY you saw last night have already explained the situation, but I need you to explain me your reasons to become criminals !" Ryuu stated.

The three men looked at each over and the blond one was the first to talk.

"My son was caught in a fight between a villain and heroes and was severely injured, I need money for the surgery !" the man stated. "My job isn't enough to obtain the amount I need in time !" the man added with a sad face.

"I see !" Ryuu simply replied, after all he had already heard the story of the man the night before.

"And for you ?" Ryuu asked as he turned toward the youngest of the three.

"My quirk is weak, and in the actual society, the quirk is was define what you are !" the young man began. "I was bullied for several years and noone came to help me, I tried to stay strong even after all that but at last I chose to earn some respect by becoming someone that others would fear !"

"To earn respect huh ?" Ryuu mumbled under his breath.

"And you ?" Ryuu asked the last one.

"I wanted to become a hero once ago, but I couldn't, I then chose to work as normal people but I one day I saw someone being assaulted, so I used my quirk to help the person but I was sent to jail for illegal use of quirk and for assault ! From that day everyone treated me like a criminal even if I just wanted to help !" the tall man related with a little anger on his face. "So I thought that it was no use to do the right thing if everyone is acusing you of being the bad guy without even knowing !"

"Another victim of the society then !" Ryuu mumbled under his breath.

"Good, I have one question left !" Ryuu stated.

"If you were give the chance to change your fate, would you accept ?" Ryuu asked them with a serious face.

"I would do anything to save my son !" the blond one stated.

"If I accept will I be treated better that before ?" the youngest asked.

"I just want a place were I would belong and where would be treated like a normal person !" the last one stated.

Ryuu smiled and stood up.

"Follow me !".he ordered as he headed downstairs.

The three men followed him.

Ryuu entered in the living room where the leader of the clan was seated while writing something that looked to be important.

The middle aged man raised his head to see whi was there.

"What do you need Ryuu ?" He asked his son.

"Sorry to disturb you father but I wanted your permission to integrate these people into the clan !" Ryuu stated as he made the three men enter in the room.

"Hum ? It's new, I've never seen you wanting to make someone enter in the clan !" the father said. He then turned to face the three men and stood up. The three men were intimidate by the man that was in front of them.

"Listen you three !" the clan leader began. "If you integrate the clan, you must follow all the rules of the clan !" he continued with a serious face.

The three men were more intimidate than before after seeing that serious face.

"There are five main rules that must be respected !" the clan leader stated as he raised his hand and raised five with his fingers.

"First : you must be loyal to the clan and do everything you can to protect the clan !

Second : you must help those that need help if you have a way to help them !

Third : you can't never do something that could be considered as a crime !

Fourth : The clan is a family, the family of a member is under the protection of the clan !

Fifth : If a member of the clan have a problem, the whole clan must help him !" the leader stated the rules.

The three men were surprised, to thought that a yakuza clan wouldn't be in illegal stuff was surprising.

"So are you ready to join the clan ?" the leader asked.

The blond man was the first to answer.

"I'll join sir !" he replied as he stepped forward toward the leader.

Ryuu smiled has he heard that.

"I'll join too !" the older one said as he stepped forward as well.

The last one was lost in his thought.

After some minutes of thinking, he decided to join to.

"I'll join !" he said with a face full of determination.

The middle aged man looked at his son with a smile.

"Now that it's done, you'll take care of the rest !" he stated. "It's you that took them in, so they are under your responsibility !"

"Huh ? What do you mean ?" Ryuu asked.

"Well, they are YOUR men now !" the father replied. "You need to begin to learn how to be a leader, you are the one that will be the next clan leader after all !"

"Don't talk like an old man ! It won't before a long time !" Ryuu said with a smile.

"Fine, it's done then !" Ryuu said as he headed toward the door.

"Oh ! I almost forgot !" Ryuu said as he remembered something. "I'll need and little building and some funds !"

"Hum ? We'll talk about that later !" his father replied.

Ryuu grined before leaving the room.

"Come with me you three !" he said at the three new members.

They bowed at the leader before following him.

They were back in the room where they talked earlier.

"So apparently you are my subordinates now !" Ryuu stated. "I hope that will work well !" he added with a smile.

"What should we do now ?" the blond man asked.

"Well for now you'll go home !" Ryuu replied. "Come tomorrow morning at 6:00 !"

"Oh and request for a transfer for you son, to the Jiyuu hospital !" he added while looking at the blond man.

"Huh ?" the man was surprised.

"The clan was founded to protect people, so we aren't in illegal stuff but we have some influence and we own an hospital !"

"Are you telling me that you'll treat my son in that hospital ?" the man asked.

"Yes, fifth rule !" Ryuu replied. "Welcome in the Jiyuu clan !".

After that the three men left and went home.

"The next stage of the C-project will take place eariler than planned !" Ryuu mumbled as he typed the names of the three new members in the square allies.

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