
The Broken Sword

The worthless swordsman or the broken sword. that was what people called me. my name long since forgotten by everyone but me. despite the fact that I was one of the best swordsman that could be bought. no these unusual nicknames came from the fact that I never had so much as a copper on me. my equipment was all old and worn. some of it being repair. the most valuable thing I owned was my horse. the reason behind my poverty was simple. I never took coin as payment. only rations, repair, room and board. there was a reason I never took coin as payment, but that was my secret. a secret I never intended to let anyone find.

Angelina_Bennett · Fantasie
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39 Chs


I sat in the tavern for a few more hours. Dozing against the wall by the window. I'd pulled my hood up to cover the upper half of my face. I was a light sleeper so when someone would walk close to the table I would come back to full awareness to watch them walk by. The chair was starting to dig into my back. I wouldn't get comfortable sleep here.

I looked out the window one more time. I didn't see the two men that had bothered me earlier, but that didn't mean they weren't around. I stood up slowly. Allowing the blood to flow back where it belonged throughout my body. My ass in particular was slightly angry at how little blood flow it had gotten since I'd sat down a few hours ago.

I adjusted my sword, and made my way to the door. The tavern owner who had been watching me cautiously seemed to be relieved I was leaving now that the tavern was emptying out. He may have good standing with the local swords, but by now the tavern was almost empty, and I was someone who had attracted known troublesome types. I whistled for my horse as soon as I crossed through the door. I could hear her running my way after a few seconds.

I rubbed her neck down quickly, and pulled myself into the saddle quickly. We set off at a trot. Running a horse through town with all the drunks heading home was asking for trouble. I picked a road at random, and headed out of the small town. I didn't have a place to call home or a specific destination in mind so it didn't really matter where I went.

My poor equipment meant I was usually written off as nobody. Few actually recognized me for who I was at a glance. Poor folks were a common sight everywhere so why pay any mind to one more. I don't know how long I rode before I found a clear spot I liked for camp. The lights of the town had long since faded from my sight so it must have been at least a good while.

It was then that I heard it. The sound of another horse's hoof beats. I stopped my horse, and listened for a moment. It was just one horse so it probably wasn't the men that had confronted me before, and I could just make out the shape of the rider as someone smaller in stature. A woman or child perhaps?