
The brave Princess

One day there have 10 Princess who live in the kingdom of Titans. One of them will be the Queen👑 of Titans.each of them had a talent of a warrior. The last Princess is Janice 👸. Janice is the forgotten Princess. But she is smart,brave,and beautiful Princess. The other Princess👸name is Alex,Aurora, casandra, ruby, rose, Tina, Jenny, cresstine,Alexa

Alex go to the forest finding a witch to make a poison to kill Janice. Alex planning to kill Janice because of jealous. Alex find a witch and she purchase a poison to kill Janice. Alex go back in the kingdom bring poison.

The Princesses👸 finding Alex they can't find Alex. Alex go to the back of the kitchen and she go inside and the Princesses find her. Aurora ask her "where have you been alex" and Alex said "I'm in the kitchen eating"

And Alex go to her room and hide the poison under the pillow. And casandra went to the room of Alex and she see that Alex putting a little jar under her pillow. Casandra ask her "what is that"

Alex said "nothing just a water"

And casandra go inside her room and sleep 😴

That night Alex planning to kill Janice

By putting a poison in the drinking water of Janice. Alex go to the room of Janice and put a poison in the drinking water of Janice and hide under the bed and Janice go to her room fast and pretending that he doesn't know that Alex go to her room and pretend that he drink the water. And she sleep 😴. Alex go outside the room and run to her room and sleep 😴.

All the Princesses are sleeping

At the morning 🌄 Alex was shocked. She see Janice he thought she was killed but he failed.

That morning Tina and Janice went to the dragons🐉🐲 Tina ride a dragon and fall asleep and he fell down and Janice saved Tina and Tina wake up and she see Janice lying on his arm Tina said "thank you Janice"

Janice said "for what?"

Tina "for saving my life"

Janice "your welcome"

After that Tina pronounced to the people that "Janice is the last Princess 👸and she saved my life"

People are happy to know that Janice is the last Princess.

The king pronounced to the people who is the new Queen of Titan.

The people said "Janice!! Janice!!! Janice!!"

The king said "the new Queen of Titan is"

The people said "Janice.

.....!!! "

King "the 👑Queen of Titan is Janice

All people are happy

Janice is not longer a forgotten Princess . She is the Queen of Titans.

The kingdom of Titans live happily with there new Queen.


jamesbornasal0creators' thoughts