
The Lowly slave.

A slave that is serving a Queen is made to kill anyone she orders. He never talks. His Queen Elizabeth, he never questions her orders. He believed one thing. Follow what the Queen says.

"Ow my dear slave, come to me." Said Elizabeth. As she sits on her bed.

The slave does nothing but go over to her. He kneels too her. Waiting for his order. She tells him that is not necessary. He gets back up. He looks at her face. He always loved the face. A Hispanic face, that shined brighter than a sun.

"My Slave, I feel guilty. I really feel guilty, for making you kill. Yet, I need you to do it one more time." Said Elizabeth. Sitting down her slave.

"I need you to kill a king, he is a threat to my nation. He wants to marry and try to control my nation. If not he will just take it. His nation is larger than mine. He is setting out tomorrow." Queen Elizabeth said. As begins to hug her slave. She Squeezes him a little. Trying to make any pain he has feels better.

"You don't even have a name, do you?" She asked. As she starts to stare into his eyes. The slave shakes his head.

"From right now, you are known as, Deetta.'' Said Elizabeth. Standing up. She took the slave out with her. And sent him off to prepare.

" Your Highness, you sure you want to let him go? he's been a valuable asset to your kingdom." Said a made. Standing next to her.

"I would die for the kingdom of, Twilights Rift, but that boy has been scard. I can't heal him." Said Queen Elizabeth. She Walks to her throne room to make arrangements there.

The next day, Deetta went on his mission as expected by the Queen. The King of Avalon finally headed out. Deetta waited until the moment was right to come out of the forest to kill everyone on the road.

Three hours pass, the king of Avalon is in his carriage. "How much longer?" Asked the king Crossing his arms. "Just Seven more hours my lord," Said one of his soldiers.

"Hahaha, can't wait to touch Queen Elizabeth's giant ass." The King said grinning.

After the King said that, one of his soldiers die. He saw the body, it was an arrow through the head. The King shook in fear. He saw another soldier get killed with an arrow.

"Show yourself, you cowards!" Yelled the king. Much to his surprise, Deetta does. Using his three-foot sword to cut three soldiers in half. Everyone else ran towards Deetta to kill him. Deetta begins to slaughter all the soldiers. Bodies are getting cut in half. Heads are severed. Deetta's sword was sharp. qW

Deetta's cuts we're getting through with ease. The king of Avalon was terrified. He froze as he watched Deetta Slash through his men. Until he got done killing the soldiers. Deetta walks towards the carriage wear the King of Avalon is located. He sees him.

"Wait!" Said the king of Avalon. Desperate to live.

"You can be my..." He couldn't finish his sentence. Deetta killed the king. No questions asked.

Deetta Searched the King's body. And found a scroll. It had a symbol on it. A triangle with a star in the middle. Deetta Searched the rest of the Bodies then went back to Twilight Rift.

Back at the Twilight Rift, Queen Elizabeth is trying to make Deetta a scroll. That gives grants people freedom. She was answering questions to a Judge. He and his crew decide how people are punished in Twilight Rift.


Jean:(The judge)"Name?"

Elizabeth: "Deetta"

Jean: "Last name?"

Elizabeth: "Marley."

Jean: "age?"

Elizabeth: "Six-teen."

Jean: "Date of Birth?"

Elizabeth: "12/13/2019"

Jean: "Where was he born?"

Elizabeth: " Twilight Rift."

Jean: "Alright, I will get to the four other four kingdoms convince them to classify him as a citizen of Twilight Rift."

Elizabeth: "I hope so, they are very strict when it comes to slaves."

Jean: "Well why do you want to grant this one freedom?"

Elizabeth: "He's the only slaves we have."

Jean: *gets* *up* *from* *his* *chair* "You know, Slaves are one of the reasons why Kingdoms do well"

Elizabeth: "That is not how Twilight has prospered."

Jean: "Ok, whatever you say." *Leaves* *the* *room*


Deetta finally returns to Twilight Rift, takes what he found from the King of Avalon and shows Queen Elizabeth in her bedroom.

"We're you followed?" Asked Queen Elizabeth. A show if worry on her face appeared. Deetta shakes his head.

"How did you get a hold of this, did the king you killed have this?" The Queen asked. Deetta Nods his head.

"The King was planning to use this on me wasn't he? Alright, Deetta I know I said I wanted you to kill one more time, but I need you most likely for another task." Said Queen Elizabeth. While paising back in forth. The Queen was nervous.

Deetta stands confused. He just looks at the Queen waiting for his next order. "Deetta, you will investigate this matter, the king is dead. I will sketch this scroll on to another sheet. You will have some aid when you need it." Said Queen Elizabeth. Giving Deetta another hug.

"Alright, Deetta prepare yourself, you set out tomorrow." Queen Elizabeth added. She then kisses him on the cheek. Deetta bows and leaves the room. The Queen watches as he leaves. She then went to gather some nights going to her throne room.

The next day, Deetta set out. Before he could leave he was called from the distance. "You leaving without a horse?!" Someone shouted from the distance. Deetta turns around, there was five of them. Two female, and five males.

"So your Deetta that the Queen was mentioning yes?" Asked the night getting off his horse. Deetta nods.

"I'm sir. Davis! At your serves!" Said the night. Shaking Deettas hand.

"These are my companions! meet them, they are fine people." Said Sir. Davis. Being Charismatic.

"Dude do you hear yourself talk?" Said a female soldier. Getting off her horse.

"I'm Hai, the slut of the group." Said Hai. Shaking Deetta's hand.

"Yeah she pretty much kisses anything she's attracted to, I'm Justin." Said Justin. Soluting too Deetta.

"Jessica here." Said another female. She waves. Deetta waves back.

" I am Henry, the smart one in the group! I'm smarter then all of you." Said Henry. Getting off his horse too shake Deetta's hand.

"Well now introductions are out of the way, let's get you a horse Deetta. Plus i got a surprise for you. My wife made it myself, it can wait until dark." Said Sir Davis. Taking Deetta to get a horse.

After they set out. Deetta was ridding with the nights. His first time riding a horse. Everyone knew when he got on. He got the hang of it after a few hours of ridding. Still need practise. Later it went too night fall. Deetta and the nights set up a camp too rest.

"Hay Deetta, I'll change you out of those rigged clothes into the surprise that Davis wanted to see you." Said Hai. Taking Deetta's hand and pulling him into the back of the woods.

"No funny business with the boy Hai you slut!" Said Justin. Joking around along with the other nights.

"Go back to kissing my ass!" Said Hai. Flipping him off. Everyone laughs and pokes fun at each other. Hai starts dressing Deetta.

"Deetta, we l wear red, This may not fit but you will look more pleasing to the eye, look at me, I'm a slut and i look like royalty compared to you!' Said Hai. Nudging Deetta.

When Hai takes off Deetta's shirt. She sees scars all over his chest and back. Caught by surprise she stops what she is doing for a moment. " Wow, never seen scars this bad before." Said Hai. As she feels the body of Deetta. She looks into his eyes and notices are black. Deetta is dumbfounded on what she is doing.

"Sorry, let's continue." Said Hai. Getting her thoughts back together.

After a few moments of dressing. Deetta is dressed like a night. His hair back, red wear just like everyone else. The nights compliment on how Deetta looks. Happy and stoned by his appearance.

"Now just get him to a proper groom he will be perfect." Said Jessica. Clapping her hands while food in her mouth.

"Alright, guys rest up. We are going to the orcs tomorrow." Said Davis. Setting up his tent.

" Why the orcs?" Asked Henry.

"They know about the Scroll. They had it first, until the king stole it. So we go there and get answers that we need to make the scroll work for us." Said Sir. Davis. laying down in his tent.

"Ok, how do you know this exactly?" Asked Henry.

"i am good friends with the orc. His name is Basters. I wouldn't lie about this." Said Sir Davis.

Everybody went to sleep. The next day, Sir Davis took Everyone to a cave. Saying this is where the Orcs are. They go inside the cave and see a basic civilization. Living normal lives. Sir Davis finally meets up with his friend Basters. They have a few laughs and a few roasts at each other. until they both decided to cut to the chase.

"Alright, do know anything about this?" Said Sir. Davis. Placing a copy of the scroll on the table in front of Basters.

"Well this one is fake, Do you have the real one?" Asked Basters.

"No" Answers Davis.

"Well, I know that scroll can do many things actually. It basically was made by a which. This is a dangerous tool to play with Davis if you are not careful. You will become a slave too it." Said Basters. Sounding nervous while his legs shake.

"Can you tell me more?" Asked Davis.

"Absolutely!" Said Basters.

"Believe it or not, which gave that to me. She said you can use this to revive the dead." Said Basters.

"Hmm thank you Basters." Said Davis. They all walked out of the room. They saw a man with a giant sword cutting down Orcs like it was nothing. Everyone looked horrified and shocked. Deetta. Blood was all over the place. Organs were being crushed and Children were dying.

The man looks towards Deettas group.

"Humans here? makes no difference to me."