
Chapter 2

"I can't and even if I can, I won't believe it." Pablo said, his features showing vlear disbelive. A disbelieve so much you can feel and touch it. He is not to be blamed. No one would belive such thing is possible. At least in the 23rd century. Science have estimated it at least two more centuries away.

"I know you are a genius, but mark me, just that. You are not a god. Even if you started the research from your mother's womb, it is still not possible to achieve this, unless you are a god. Which I know you are not." Pablo continued.

All the while Dr. Parker sat looking at him, a stupoid grin on his face. He knew how disbelieving Pablo can be, but he also knew that no one would have believed him.

"How about I am a god, and I did it?" Dr. Parker said, still grinning.

"Prove it if you are." Pablo's disbelieve is breaking down. Afterall he grew up with this guy and had seen him do a lot of impossible things. Like when he put his consciuosness into a network, as if he is an AI. It just might be possible he had practicalized time travel.

"Let's see it then."

Dr. Parker motioned for Pablo to follow him and started working towards his lab. They took a while to get there, going down stairs after stairs and taking corners. When they enyered a tunnel Pablo couldn't hold asking.

"Hey! What happened to your basement lab?"

"That's the lab I show the my funders and sponsors. But there is another one where I do the real work and research."

"You mean the illegal works and research?" Pablo asked.

"Yes. Like that network one."

Dr. Parker didnt in the least feel perturbed when saying it. He knew Pablo won't betray him. They had committed a lot of crimes together, in the quest for power and fame. Both of which he hoped this current breakthrough will bring him.

At last they came in front of a huge metallic door which opened as they came close. Pablo wondered if his friend is not letting his guard down. But he knew that the door is most probably made to open only to Dr. Parker. Beyond the door was a big hall with a hallway at the end. It looked like a lounge area makind Pablo wonder if Parker was planning on bringing visitors here sometime.

They walked to the hallway and started walking down it. Pablo noticed the drastic change in the layout of the place from casual to more like a lab. Vials and bottles with strange liquids lined the counters and strange apparatus could be seen. They passed the section an took a turn.

"Welcome to the birthplace of the the world greatest achievement. The cradle of a revolutionary achievement." Dr. Parker said, spreading his hands with his back to a metallic door. Pride could b heard in his voice.

"As well as the place where the greatest crimes among humans have been perpetrated." Pablo added, making Dr. Parker grin.

"Crimes for their own good, Pablo, for their own good."

They walked in, Pablo's curousity threathening to burst. He craned his neck and eyes, looking to get any machine that might seem worthy of being a time machine. None met his expectations. At last they came in front of a thick curtain and his patience wore off.

"Where is the time machine?" Pablo asked impatiently. Has this man just brought him for sigtseeing in his lab?

"Here!" Dr. Parker said, swiping open the curtain. Pablo almosy tripped in his haste to get in. He looked around the room. The only thing in it is a man whose arm was connected to a weird looking container containing some liquid. The man's eyes was glazed over but open. Pablo burst out laughing.

"Don't tell me this man can travel back in time. Unless he is The Flash."

The Flash is a 21st century movie character who travels back in time by moving very fast throuh space. He became so popular that scientist took up the theory of his time travel. However, the soon found it impossible due to lack of sufficient fuel to make any human go that fast. However, the started experimenting with machines. But the machines would wear off before attaining the desired speed due to friction. All alloys produced since then could withstand the friction. Scientists however proposed that with the right material or metal with a toughness able to withstand such speed, time travel might be possibe, but the production of such material is at least two centuries away.

So it is understandable why Pablo started laughing. If the toughest metals can't do it, then a human can't do it.

"Hey! Don't laugh. The Flash theory is incorrect anyway." Dr. Parker said with indignation." The Photon synchronization is the real secret to time travelling. To make it easy for a lay man like you, the photon is a fundamenental part of electromagnetic particles. Contrary to opinions, the Causality theory, the Quantum theory and the....." Dr. Parker droned on and on while Pablo whistled impatiently. One can't expect someone like him to understand the junk Dr. Parker is spouting. He only understands the language of riches and wealth creation.

"Don't be all talk." Pablo snapped at last. "Show me"

"Very well."

The scientist gave an order to the man who seemed to be under some influence. They went into an adjoining room and immediately came into a large open space like an amphitheatre. The allusion between an amphitheatre and what is to occur made Pablo shiver. But is curiousity got the better of him. Dr. Parker pressed a button and a thick glass cylinder enclosed the man.

"Start!" Dr. Parker commanded.

The man pressed a button on the container and his body started convulsing. It got faster and the man changed colours. From red to blue to yellow and then purple. The man shone a thick purple and became invisible, with his outline faintly showing. And then he became completely invisible.

"Wow!" Pablo screamed silently. Now this is what he understands - Wealth creation.


Pablo woke up smiling.

"Yes. Wealth creation." Ever since that event, he have been having dream about it.

And today, he is finally going to know just how much wealth time travel is going to get him.