
The book of seas and mountains

Martial arts the path of defying the heavens themselves to seek immortality and to realize the dao but how many can truly walk this path? The law of the jungle the strong devour the weak, from birth everything is decided all with the martial spirit. Innate talent is closely tied to one's martial spirit upon being born ones the whole path of cultivation can be laid out. There are numerous types of spirts some simple like fire or water and others quite odd spirits that manipulate blood or even enslave people's minds. The martial spirit is a martial artist's greatest weapon always sticking with them growing stronger as they do.

The city of Jiazhou, withing the Ji family manor Ji Feng opened his eyes a similar ceiling greeted his eyes, he gave a bitter smile.

" To think I would have a life once more." Ji Feng gave a quiet laugh in his heart. Taking in the rest of the room a hint of a smile broke his lips.

Ji Feng once stood at the peak of the lower heavens, he started as nothing more than an orphan boy picked up by a wandering immortal. Not long after his master taught him the basics he was killed by an old enemy, Ji Feng was alone without backing. Ji Feng felt depressed thinking about his past he had put in all his effort to get out of poverty and become one of the strong to avenge his master. The first years where ruff but Ji Feng slowly worked his way higher even killing his master's killer.

Ji Feng was never seen as some heaven-sent genius but just another face in the crowd through hard work and years of practice Ji Feng had reached the peak he finally stood tall at the top.

After he found a dangerous legacy site he informed his friends so that they could gather the treasures together, but fate had other plans. Ji Feng was attacked by a cloaked figure wearing a mask, all his hard work and effort was put to waste someone wanted him dead and so it was done. Without a true backing who would fear to kill him even if he held massive power, there were no repercussions to ending his life through underhanded methods. What stung the most was only those he considered close knew where he was, he had been betrayed by the very people he trusted his life to.

Ji Feng slowly stood up he felt like he knew this room quite well, the body he woke up in was a young master of the Ji clan wh happened to hold the same name as him. The young man was considered trash by others having only reached the fifth level of Qi gathering. Bullied by his cousin Ji Dou, he was left half dead after a sparring match that Ji Dou tricked him into. Walking out of his room Ji Feng left towards the manor's practice area, he and his father lived alone giving him plenty of privacy and space.

" I have been given another chance, I will reach the top and avenge my former self!" Ji Feng said whilst clenching his fists, he had another chance and would not give it up. To the young master's soul that war reluctant to completely disperse, Ji Feng said " Don't worry you will have your revenge for you are me, and I am you. I will no longer be bullied."

A calmness spread of Ji Feng before he entered the practice area he knew to get anything he needed strength beyond what he had last time, to gain anything be it influence or power you first need personal strength. Only those who held power would be respected, to walk the martial path one must not only have talent but they must have the will to move forward to reach greater heights. The former young master had been weak he lacked talent but how would Ji Feng let that stop him he had done the impossible before and he would do it again. Ji Feng had been through countless years of suffering and hardship, unlike some posh young master Ji Feng had experienced the world and those in it. Standing before a wooden pole Ji Feng sat and crossed his legs searching within himself for his martial spirit, a slow throbbing came from within and his conscious was drawn into a mysterious space.

A vast sea appeared before Ji Feng, the mighty waves crashed against the beach Ji Feng found himself standing atop a mountain viewing the vast and mighty sea. Next to him was the body's original Martial spirit a small snake sat coiled on the mountain it looked simple and unremarkable but Ji Feng felt something about this mysterious snake. After observing the weird space Ji Feng found himself gaining an understanding of the martial arts that once troubled the previous young master.

" Could it be I have a twin spirit?"

Ignoring the snake spirit Ji Feng sat stunned he only knew of one other person to have twin spirits an old friend of his who was taken away by a powerful sect back when they were both young. Withdrawing his conscious Ji Feng saw a strange book floating gently near him on its cover was a picture of tall mountains and mighty seas.

"It was a twin spirit!"

Grabbing hold of the book Ji Feng opened it, written upon the first page was a name The book of seas and Mountains. Underneath that was a simple sentence " The tallest mountain will eventually succumb to the seas." Ji Feng slowly meditated while repeating the line over and over in his heart he felt the Qi around him enter his body and circulate strangely some time's quick and other time slow. The Qi in his body acted like a raging river one second and a gentle stream another, the constant switch between violent Qi to gentle Qi created a cycle of damaging and repairing his meridians. Soon Ji Feng found himself once more in the world of mountains and seas yet his state of enlightenment was too deep to even notice such a change, but because of his deep meditation, Ji Feng missed the sight of the snake spirit slowly growing larger. When Ji Feng finally awoke from his state of enlightenment night had already come but Ji Feng felt full of energy, when he checked his cultivation he gasped in surprise. " Seventh level of Qi gathering! I've broken through two whole levels! This spirit of mine holds many wonders to it I wonder what else it can do?"

Calling out the book spirit Ji Feng attempted to open the second page but the book remained firmly shut. " It seems I am not ready to see the next page It should open after I get stronger."

Standing up Ji Feng faced one of the wooden posts and thrust his palm out as he did so his Qi surged forth.


The wooden post had a palm-shaped dent a few inches deep, with just raw strength had dented ironwood something most Eighth level Qi gathering disciples could not do. Ji Feng smiled " Time to get some payback."